San Francisco is giving taxpayer-funded shots of vodka to homeless alcoholics in $5m program.

Harm reduction has worked in places like the Netherlands. They say this is managed, and actually a slow weaning off drugs and alcohol would work better than placing them in 90 day detox centers where they go through violent withdrawals and the relapse once they get back out in society.
This is a program that I can support. I have long felt that the way to deal with drug abuse is to warehouse all the users. Give them all the free drugs they can handle until they die, peacefully. Glad to see them starting with the alcoholics.
This is a program that I can support. I have long felt that the way to deal with drug abuse is to warehouse all the users. Give them all the free drugs they can handle until they die, peacefully. Glad to see them starting with the alcoholics.
Then everyone will chose to live a life of drugs.
When government subsidizes anything, you always end up with more of it.

To the point that the feds end up holding the rest of us up at the barrel of a government gun to bail these localities out.

Pretty much.

If you give them shits of booze all that does is hold them over a little longer till they can beg or steal more.

You can't help someone with an addiction by saying "ok here is a little bit so you don't get too much" then just cut them loose in the wild. They will just go right out and look for more.

But most importantly, the person has to want to stop doing what it is they're doing. These guys don't want to stop boozing. They will likely just make laps around the free shot locations and hit them all up.

They won't actually solve the homeless dopehead/drunk problem because that takes a lot of work. Chiefly you have to foster a society that has responbility, strong wills, intelligence, morals, values and standards. Those kinds of people don't generally turn out to be homeless drunks.
Alcohol should be illegal like most other drugs are. But Big Booze pays huge bribes to our congressmen and that's that.

Thanks for posting. Every time I think the left can't get any more stupid, I get proven wrong. What could possibly go wrong with this strategy?

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