FBI Agent Strzok Failed Polygraph Test 2 Years Ago Yet No Action Taken


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
FBI Agent Peter Strzok failed his polygraph and his supervisors were notified on January 16th, 2016, his results were “out of scope“. Meaning he failed his polygraph test. Yet he was never removed from any responsibilities; and against dept policy, he did not have his clearance revoked until he could clear.

Paul Sperry on Twitter

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And the kicker being out of all the FBI agents out there, this guy gets the two biggest both involving the election.
Mueller is in on it and since Mueller failed to present more fake charges as of late, for tax evasion from 10 years that someone Trump was friends with whatever witch hunt bullshit his crooks can come up with, the Swamp/MSM will have to come up with another distraction before domestic terrorist FBI Agent Peter Strzok testifies on Tuesday.

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