FBI agents search Paula Broadwell's home Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserve

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
FBI agents search Paula Broadwell's home | CharlotteObserver.com

Three days after Paula Broadwell entered the center of national controversy, FBI agents Monday evening entered her family’s Dilworth home and appeared to be searching both floors.

The four or five agents brought cardboard boxes used for carrying papers and were on both floors of the home. About a dozen members of the local and national media gathered. It wasn’t immediately clear what the agents were focused on.

Read more here: FBI agents search Paula Broadwell's home | CharlotteObserver.com
I feel sorry for the husband and Holly Petraeus. BTW, the women who called the FBI on Paula Broadwell is hot (Jill Kelley).
Hypothetical at this moment, but within the realm of possibility. Classified documents found in Broadwell's possession, Petraeus charged, arrested, stands trial, convicted for violations of the espionage act. Petraeus silenced. Obama skates free of his perfidy.
Step back in time:
Hitler assumes Chancellorship January, 1933, Takes immediate dislike to General, Head of the General Staff. Party members find witnesses willing to testify they observed said general amusing himself busily bent over young men and boys in Berlin back allewyway. General tenders resignation after hearing testimony. Witnesses taken out into courtyard and shot immediately afterwards. Second General, successor, Head of the General Staff, divorces wife of many years, marries ravishing blonde, Hitler attends wedding as head of German State. Discovery rapidly made, Head of General staff had married Berlin prostitute in state ceremony. General resigns. Hitler extracts promise from new appointee, Head of General Staff, German Army will pledge allegiance to Adolph Hitler personally instead of to German State as before. Holocaust, WWII, deaths of fifty million people unavoidable at this point in time.
Barack Obama: history
First campaign for office. Has opponents ballot petitions signatures invalidated. Obama runs unopposed.
Second campaign. Has opponents dicorce proceedings unsealed. Essentially runs unopposed.
Third campaign. Runs for US Senate, Illinois. Has opponents divorce proceedings unsealed. Essentially runs unopposed
Runs for US president. Oil price rises mysteriously to $150/ barrell. Republicans gain traction vis a vis Democrats resistance to increased drilling, price drops immediately to $30/ barrell. Unknown consortium raids US banking system, precipitates banking panic and subsequent world wide depression. Early Obama supporter and financier well known for running these types of financial operations against various world governments in the past. McCain campaign throws in the towel late September and concedes election. Runs out clock.
Runs for re election. apparently running behind until, bizaare, extremely far out of season hurricane strikes East Coast causing mild to moderate damage. Makes appearance with conservative state governor, appears presidential for first time in four years, gains narrow re election.
Once is by chance. The second time is coincidence. The third time is "Holy sh!t!" The fourth time is "This can't be happening." The fifth time "is what the f#@k is going on"? Are we powerless to stop this piece of sh!t and why?" There's something going on that mere mortals don't have the slightest clue how to come to grips with.
I feel sorry for the husband and Holly Petraeus. BTW, the women who called the FBI on Paula Broadwell is hot (Jill Kelley).

Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Louisiana have filed preliminary petitions for secession from the Union directly as the result of the re election of barack Obama.

Digression and history:
The second Japanese General in the line of command on the island of Okinawa did not not follow his commanding officer, General Ushijima, in committing ritual suicide on the fall of the island to the Americans. Instead he tried to flee back to the home islands. Unable to find a suitable watercraft or other means of transportation to use for his flight, and finding the 300 miles of water between Okinawa and the Home Islands too heavily populated with sharks to swim, he sought refuge in the disguise of a simple gardener on one of the large Okinawan estates. He was apprehended by American forces in hot pursuit in July, 1945. After his release from prison and return to the Home Islands he was treated as a pariah by his fellow Japanese for his act of surrender to the enemy. From his account we learn that the Japanese officers were restricted to one rice ball and one tin of pineapple per day after the Americans landed. The enlisted men received less. He also regarded the American tactics used to assault the Japanese pillboxes and defensive positions , "Mounting the horse", (his words) as barbaric.
As the American Navy leap frogged its way from island to island across the Pacific in its goal of eventually assaulting and subduing the Japanese Home Islands and bringing WWII to its conclusion, it left inumerable Japanese garrisons on the isolated and now completely cut off from relief and resupply, islands, most notably the Japanese Island Fortress and Naval base at Rabaul, faced only with inevitable death by starvation as they waited helplessly for the war to reach its inevitable conclusion.

2012 Electoral map of the United States, county by county.

» The United States: All Town, No Country - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

The Democratic enclaves depicted here on the map sort of resemble little isolated islands of blue in a vast sea of red, don't they. If you were somehow able to cut off their resupply from the sea, they'd be just as isolated as the Japanese were in their island garrisons, 1944 to 1945, n'est ce pas?.
Biblical stories tell us that pregnant women in those ancient cities under siege for long periods of time by their adversaries failed to give birth at the end of their terms.
I feel sorry for the husband and Holly Petraeus. BTW, the women who called the FBI on Paula Broadwell is hot (Jill Kelley).

LOL. The only qualification you would need to date her would be to be horny and half blind. :lol:

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