FBI caught planting child porn evidence

There is actually a great difference depending on the circumstances of telling that lie. If a judge asked him "Is this the first time you've applied for this search warrant?" and being his third try for a warrant, lies and tells the judge "first time your honor".
This lie, while not under oath was still to an officer of the court, and could face judicial, but not criminal sanctions. If that lie was part of the application for a warrant, that might invalidate any warrant issued. As the judge knowing two other judges rejected it, would have scrutinized the application much closer.

But as a statement that wasn't part of the warrant, knowing or not knowing how many judges rejected the warrant, it itself wouldn't change the case at hand, since each application stands on its own.

He lied. He knowingly and admitted to it. They did fire him and it was upheld BUT he should have been criminally charged.
The courts must come down hard on the agents involved...10 plus years prison time and denial of any benefits accrued....
And this is why you kill happy fkn freaks need to STOP wanting to kill anybody right off the bat because CNN said they were a rapist, tha’ts how innocent ppl get killed

: some idiots yells “ he’s a pedo” destory the person and all the fkg idots come out of the wood work screaming kill, kill , kill them kill htem MY GAWD U FKRS NEED TO LEARN YOUR GREATEST ENEMY AND LIARS IS YOUR OWN GAWD DAM GOV. They are the ones who put ppl in prison for the same shit they do themselves.
This gov. Need broken down severely.

These pricks have been known to plant child porn on PEOPLE’s computer and you don’t have to be some famous freak,you can be jo blow on this site and as you see a leftist freak will go to any lenght to fk up a lets say a Trump supporter. These fkrs are mentally gone.

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