FBI Director Nominee Signals Willingness To Investigate DNC/Ukrainian Collusion To Impede Trump

DNC's ties to Ukraine? What in the flying fuck world are we living in? Ukraine is barely a country! Russia took 10,000 square miles of their land, sabotaged our election.... and this Trump stooge wants to investigate.... UKRAINE?!

DNC's ties to Ukraine? What in the flying fuck world are we living in? Ukraine is barely a country! Russia took 10,000 square miles of their land, sabotaged our election.... and this Trump stooge wants to investigate.... UKRAINE?!


Stop your bullshit. Their oligarchs have been supporting the Clinton Foundation for years. The west backed the coup under Obama. Strategic importance to NATO.

BTW Victor Pinchuk is a mega player on the world stage fool.
This needs to be done as soon as he's confirmed. It's of the upmost national security importance to find out what Hillary had the DNC doing that was nefarious with Ukraine during the election trying to sabotage the Trump campaign.

BOOM! DNC Could Face Investigation Into Ukraine Ties if New FBI Director Confirmed

About time. Paul Manafort must be doing cartwheels. It was a real dirty those sons of bitches in Kiev pulled on that man to force him to resign. You have Chalupa actively working for the DNC to discredit Manafort and others using the Uk government and journalists.

It's a sign of the times and a indication of the MSM's power and ties to the democrat party that it's breaking news that a candidate for FBI director would be willing to investigate the freaking DNC.
DNC's ties to Ukraine? What in the flying fuck world are we living in? Ukraine is barely a country! Russia took 10,000 square miles of their land, sabotaged our election.... and this Trump stooge wants to investigate.... UKRAINE?!


Stop your bullshit. Their oligarchs have been supporting the Clinton Foundation for years. The west backed the coup under Obama. Strategic importance to NATO.

BTW Victor Pinchuk is a mega player on the world stage fool.

So is Bono :rofl:

Ukraine, a nation perpetually under siege by the communist overlords they share a border with, overlords who happen to want nothing more than a collapsed America..... but Ukraine is the bad guy?! :rofl:
It's a sign of the times and a indication of the MSM's power and ties to the democrat party that it's breaking news that a candidate for FBI director would be willing to investigate the freaking DNC.

I was actually amazed at the investigative piece Politico did on the Ukrainian connection. Because it goes farther than just co ordinating for dirt on Trump's people. The Ukrainians back the Atlantic Council.
Connecting the dots. The Atlantic Council is pro Uk and anti Russian. Giant Hillary donor Victor Pinchuk sits on it (he's the one she lifted Iran sanctions for so he could make quizzillions on a pipeline deal) AND the other key figure that is on the board.....

drum roll.....Dmitri from CrowdStrike who of course came up with "the Russians did it". All tied together. Pro Ukrainians all blaming Russia.
DNC's ties to Ukraine? What in the flying fuck world are we living in? Ukraine is barely a country! Russia took 10,000 square miles of their land, sabotaged our election.... and this Trump stooge wants to investigate.... UKRAINE?!


Stop your bullshit. Their oligarchs have been supporting the Clinton Foundation for years. The west backed the coup under Obama. Strategic importance to NATO.

BTW Victor Pinchuk is a mega player on the world stage fool.
Didn't Biden's son buy into a Ukrainian Oil company?
The OP is bullshit. Like comparing apples to oranges. To quote NaziCon snowflakes - it's a "nothing burger".

It’s important to remember that what’s ultimately concerning about Russiagate is the possibility that the Trump campaign—including staffers now employed in the White House by the president—worked with a hostile government whose leaders attempted to influence and disrupt the election with cyberattacks. The Chalupa story is about officials in an embassy passing along opposition research to a Democratic operative and reporters. The two episodes are not close to being the same, but that fact obviously won’t stop Trump’s supporters from deploying the story for yet another round of Clinton whataboutism.

More: Did the Clinton Campaign Really Collude With Ukraine?
DNC's ties to Ukraine? What in the flying fuck world are we living in? Ukraine is barely a country! Russia took 10,000 square miles of their land, sabotaged our election.... and this Trump stooge wants to investigate.... UKRAINE?!

Goes to show demotards only know what CNN tells them...we ALL know they ain't spending no time on ACTUAL crimes like the DNC and Ukraine.
DNC's ties to Ukraine? What in the flying fuck world are we living in? Ukraine is barely a country! Russia took 10,000 square miles of their land, sabotaged our election.... and this Trump stooge wants to investigate.... UKRAINE?!


Stop your bullshit. Their oligarchs have been supporting the Clinton Foundation for years. The west backed the coup under Obama. Strategic importance to NATO.

BTW Victor Pinchuk is a mega player on the world stage fool.
Didn't Biden's son buy into a Ukrainian Oil company?

Sat on the board as well I beleive.
The OP is bullshit. Like comparing apples to oranges. To quote NaziCon snowflakes - it's a "nothing burger".

It’s important to remember that what’s ultimately concerning about Russiagate is the possibility that the Trump campaign—including staffers now employed in the White House by the president—worked with a hostile government whose leaders attempted to influence and disrupt the election with cyberattacks. The Chalupa story is about officials in an embassy passing along opposition research to a Democratic operative and reporters. The two episodes are not close to being the same, but that fact obviously won’t stop Trump’s supporters from deploying the story for yet another round of Clinton whataboutism.

More: Did the Clinton Campaign Really Collude With Ukraine?

The Ukrainians lied about Manafort causing him to resign as campaign manager. But the nazis in Kiev that Obama installed lie about everything.
DNC's ties to Ukraine? What in the flying fuck world are we living in? Ukraine is barely a country! Russia took 10,000 square miles of their land, sabotaged our election.... and this Trump stooge wants to investigate.... UKRAINE?!


Stop your bullshit. Their oligarchs have been supporting the Clinton Foundation for years. The west backed the coup under Obama. Strategic importance to NATO.

BTW Victor Pinchuk is a mega player on the world stage fool.
Didn't Biden's son buy into a Ukrainian Oil company?

Sat on the board as well I beleive.
Trump sheep making accusations of nepotism. Hilarious.
This needs to be done as soon as he's confirmed. It's of the upmost national security importance to find out what Hillary had the DNC doing that was nefarious with Ukraine during the election trying to sabotage the Trump campaign.

BOOM! DNC Could Face Investigation Into Ukraine Ties if New FBI Director Confirmed

You are a real looney tune. Russia hacked our elections. That apparently doesn't worry you so you come up with this crazy conspiracy theory. The Ukraine wants to be a free nation without interference from Russia. That apparently is a dirty word to Trump supporters. The fact is that Ukraine exposed the crooked schemes of Paul Manafort.
This needs to be done as soon as he's confirmed. It's of the upmost national security importance to find out what Hillary had the DNC doing that was nefarious with Ukraine during the election trying to sabotage the Trump campaign.

BOOM! DNC Could Face Investigation Into Ukraine Ties if New FBI Director Confirmed

You are a real looney tune. Russia hacked our elections. That apparently doesn't worry you so you come up with this crazy conspiracy theory. The Ukraine wants to be a free nation without interference from Russia. That apparently is a dirty word to Trump supporters. The fact is that Ukraine exposed the crooked schemes of Paul Manafort.
Liar! There's no evidence Russia hacked our election. No voting machines were altered.
Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team

A good article on the Russia stuff.....looks like a Obama setup

Loretta Lynch strikes again! Connecting the dots is just so bloody easy on this set up. Wow. Just wow. Thanks for the link.

I know you have a pea brain so you can't get it. If Democrats were behind this, they would have brought this out in October 2016 not July 2017. It doesn't change anything. As Charles Krauthammer pointed out, if you agree to receive stolen goods and the police get wind of it and get there, it doesn't matter whether it is a sting or not. You broke the law. Whether Trump Jr broke the law is unknown, but what he did was unethical at the least.

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