FBI Instructs Reporter Steve Baker to Turn Himself in on Friday – This Comes After He Questioned the Government’s Role in Protests on January 6

This is the written word....Say what you want, but own it when you're called on BS....
Again, sorry for assuming you had any background knowledge of a thread you’re participating in.

It won’t happen again.
"He had a right to go where the protest went, which was inside the Capital"

I didn't know that.
How do you?

My poor avatar was under the impression that "restricted official spaces" are restricted to all who do not have explicit approval or clearance to enter by the responsible 'official' authorities.

Yet, poster Mac-7 is alleging that John Sullivan and Steve Baker, and anyone else who claims to be a free-lance journalist with a cell-phone......can go wherever their inclination takes 'em.

As said....."We didn't know that"!

So, ....how does prolific poster Mac-7 know that?

Credible informed sources would help bolster the assertion, Mac7.

I didn't know that.
How do you?

My poor avatar was under the impression that "restricted official spaces" are restricted to all who do not have explicit approval or clearance to enter by the responsible 'official' authorities.

Yet, poster Mac-7 is alleging that John Sullivan and Steve Baker, and anyone else who claims to be a free-lance journalist with a cell-phone......can go wherever their inclination takes 'em.

As said....."We didn't know that"!

So, ....how does prolific poster Mac-7 know that?

Credible informed sources would help bolster the assertion, Mac7.
I dont have absolute knowledge

This is merely my opinion

The Deep State has done an impressive job of criminalizing free speech in America

The few journalists who are not conspiring with the government are being targeted for harassment leading to the threat of jail time

You can ignore that if you wish

And as long as you stay in the Deep States good graces why not?
  • "Deep State has done an impressive job of criminalizing free speech in America"
  • "The few journalists who are not conspiring with the government are being targeted for harassment leading to the threat of jail time"

  • You can ignore that if you wish

Poster Mac-7, I'll ignore the hyperventilating over "Deep State" and the Criminalization of Free Speech.....because.........well, because in my opinion it is QAnon Conspiracy Nutjobbery.

It smacks of the same vein of anti-government fear-mongering that crystallized in the Tea Party movement and was then recognized by Steve Bannon and Don Trump as a political 'hand-hold' that they morphed into the 'Alt-Right' which they exploited to become the prevailing zeitgeist of MAGA, QAnon, Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, 3-Percenters and any number of right-wing militia-thinkers.

I reject that jackassery completely. As do all informed and educated American citizens.
It is Fringie-think. It is Fear Porn.

Poster Mac-7, I'll ignore the hyperventilating over "Deep State" and the Criminalization of Free Speech.....because.........well, because in my opinion it is QAnon Conspiracy Nutjobbery.
You are entitled to your opinion

All I know about QAnon is what I hear from libs like you

So I’ll take your word for what a dangerous person I must be

As for journalists, even leftwing polls and studies show that they identify as democrats by around 90%
He entered knowing the doors were open because the rioters broke in.

Which is also illegal.

Real reporters aren’t stupid enough to break laws while doing their jobs. Usually.
Whats the penalty in lib la la land for trespassing and disturbing the peace?

For conservatives its practically a capital offense
Be interesting if he was waved in.

Just think, he does that article on USCP officers committing perjury...................

Garland: What do we have on him?
He might have been waved in by the rioters.

But not the police.

He knew that the Capitol was broken into and went in anyway.
"He didn't break in."
Yeah, he did.
He crossed purpose-built barriers to the Capitol grounds and entered doorways or windows compromised by violent attackers of our Representatives.


Whats the penalty in lib la la land for trespassing and disturbing the peace?
I personally, know nothing about a so-called "lib lala land". However, I would suggest that ernest poster Mac-7 should be aware that the seriousness of any trespass will be viewed through the filter of: "It depends."

Depends on the where, the when, the sensitivity of the space, and the purpose of that trespass.
Both life and law kinda work that way.

The so-called 'journalists' John Sullivan & Steve Baker knew they entered highly restricted official space at a highly sensitive time in the governance of our nation. Everybody knew this was an important Constitutional requirement for our Congress to meet at this place at this time.

Yet Sullivan and Baker broke into our Capitol at that time.

That's on them. And the piper must be paid.

Lock 'em both up as punishment to them individually, and as a prophylactic to other jackasses in the future.
But not the police.

Here's Baker's defense:

WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Wednesday found that a New Mexico man “reasonably believed” that police officers let him into the US Capitol during the Jan. 6 breach, finding defendant Matthew Martin not guilty of all charges.

Announcing his decision from the bench, US District Judge Trevor McFadden said that although prosecutors argued there were numerous instances when Martin would have been aware that he wasn’t allowed on Capitol grounds or inside the building — as he walked past fences with signs saying “AREA CLOSED” and recorded video of a broken window, blaring alarms, police in riot gear, and people who appeared to have encountered tear gas — those were outweighed by Martin’s “plausible” belief that he had permission because officers didn’t try to stop him from entering.

Shoe fits here. Now there's a precedent.
i really wish people would stop misusing the term precedent.

The “I’m too stupid to know it was a crime” shoe fits Baker? Okay. But I don’t think he’s quite that dumb.

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