FBI Official: "Russia" Wants to See U.S. 'Tear Ourselves Apart'

What better way to accomplish that goal than helping elect the most divisive prez in history who thrives on pitting us against each other.

LOL...funny stuff. Stop being offended by everything and act like an adult. Maybe Russia knew Democrats are really THAT stupid.
And here comes the Putin love....
Putin is worth more love than a democrat. Any democrat.
Putin and tRump both love low information voters.
What better way to accomplish that goal than helping elect the most divisive prez in history who thrives on pitting us against each other.

LOL...funny stuff. Stop being offended by everything and act like an adult. Maybe Russia knew Democrats are really THAT stupid.
And here comes the Putin love....
Putin is worth more love than a democrat. Any democrat.
Putin is worth more love than a democrat. Any democrat.

you are a traitor

SA are no heroes here but they were trying to shore up oil prices (which would have helped American oil producers as well as themselves) and Russia KILLED that.

YOU are the waste of air my troll friend
The oil fight is between Russia and OPEC. We are just innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire
The US is never an innocent bystander, ever. Though it’s involvement may be unknown for the moment, you may rest assured that if it is a shitshow, the US gubbermint is deeply involved.
You seem to really hate your country...if the US is indeed your country

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