Trump Wants To Use U.S. Nuclear Submarines To Threaten Russia

Trump should shut the fuck up. He's deliberately undermining the President, and our nation, while we're on the brink of war.

But ... this criticism is just dumb. He merely said it was a smart strategy. He wasn't praising anyone, he wasn't saying Putin was doing the right thing. Just that it was a smart plan. Granted, he was making that comment to undermine Biden - implying, or outright saying, that Putin had outsmarted him. He's essentially doing what the KGB used to work so hard to accomplish - demoralizing the nation and weakening our unity and resolve. All this is far more dangerous and corrosive than "praising Putin's strategy". But, instead, Dems go full demagogue and pretend that the quote was Trump "siding" with Putin. :rolleyes:
After the TDS fuckers and Swamp were so nice to him..........As they undermined him his whole term.

They can fuck off.
After the TDS fuckers and Swamp were so nice to him..........As they undermined him his whole term.

They can fuck off.
What part of "on the brink of war" do you not get? Is it going to take mushroom clouds on the horizon to get your attention?

Or are you dimfucks going to "own the libs" at all costs? Even if it destroys the nation?
What part of "on the brink of war" do you not get? Is it going to take mushroom clouds on the horizon to get your attention?

Or are you dimfucks going to "own the libs" at all costs? Even if it destroys the nation?
More Fear Porn...........We've only heard this BS since we were kids..............

Putin used the N word......I heard him say it also............And saying WE HAVE NUKES FINE BY ME.............

When they threaten you remind them of the MAD PRINCIPLE...........Ever heard of it dingbat...........

Reagan joked about it long ago and sent the USSR on Nuclear


The former president recommended sending American nuclear weapons into Russian waters on Monday after recently claiming he wants to avoid a world war.

Former President Donald Trump suggested Monday that the U.S. threaten Russian President Vladimir Putin with American nuclear submarine patrols, which would likely dramatically escalate global tensions amid Russia’s ongoing assault on Ukraine.

“You should say: ‘Look, you mention that word one more time and we’re gonna send [submarines] over and we’ll be coasting back and forth, up and down your coast,’” Trump said in an appearance on Fox Business, continuing a tour of media appearances to downplay his questionable record on Russia and Ukraine.

Earlier in the interview, the former president bizarrely described nuclear weaponry as “the n-word… the nuclear word.”

Trump’s suggestion would be dangerous. If Washington sent nuclear submarines into Russian waters, Putin would likely see that as an intolerable provocation. He would almost certainly react with a greater threat or even an attack on U.S. assets, sparking a domino effect that could lead to war between two of the world’s strongest militaries.

Because of his preference for military showboating and his deep-rooted desire to project strength, Putin is extremely unlikely to see a move like the one Trump suggested as a reason to behave less aggressively.

I'm sure President Biden has plenty of nuclear power on standby. What do you think?

Beyond stupid, a Trident doesn't have to be anywhere near Russian waters to launch
I'll take that as "yes, it's going to take mushroom clouds on the horizon to get my attention."
Called you are a FEAR MONGERING IDIOT.............The MAD principle has been there since WWII.............Now you only notice when your TDS KICKS IN

Fuck Russia and their threats................That has been our stance forever..........ARE WE DEAD YET? TDS CLOWN.
Called you are a FEAR MONGERING IDIOT.............The MAD principle has been there since WWII.............Now you only notice when your TDS KICKS IN

Fuck Russia and their threats................That has been our stance forever..........ARE WE DEAD YET? TDS CLOWN.

Stop slobbering and listen: our country is so divided and lacking in resolve right now that we can't defend ourselves, much less our allies. If we don't figure out how to get over this "two-party" shit soon, we're done.
Stop slobbering and listen: our country is so divided and lacking in resolve right now that we can't defend ourselves, much less our allies. If we don't figure out how to get over this "two-party" shit soon, we're done.
We are already done............They have sunk us already...........the debt can't be paid...........and they will not leave office without a fight.......

Here you are trashing us in this thread over TDS ..........We have been saying the same thing to Russia since I was a kid.........

The WEF is going to reset us.........that is the plan............And they need to destroy us to do so..........They are doing a WONDERFUL JOB OF IT HUH...........
Here is some more bizarre word salad from Trump about Ukraine:

Here is some more bizarre word salad from Trump about Ukraine:
That was an INTERVIEW and there was actually context involved. He was referring to our military being able to deal with Russia if need be AND the fact that a No Fly Zone was unnecessary for Ukraine to defend themselves. To the extent that he seems to be threatening military action, I disagree with him AND with Biden's puppet masters on that issue.
These are our leaders. It would be funny were the consequences of such incompetence not so deadly.


The former president recommended sending American nuclear weapons into Russian waters on Monday after recently claiming he wants to avoid a world war.

Former President Donald Trump suggested Monday that the U.S. threaten Russian President Vladimir Putin with American nuclear submarine patrols, which would likely dramatically escalate global tensions amid Russia’s ongoing assault on Ukraine.

“You should say: ‘Look, you mention that word one more time and we’re gonna send [submarines] over and we’ll be coasting back and forth, up and down your coast,’” Trump said in an appearance on Fox Business, continuing a tour of media appearances to downplay his questionable record on Russia and Ukraine.

Earlier in the interview, the former president bizarrely described nuclear weaponry as “the n-word… the nuclear word.”

Trump’s suggestion would be dangerous. If Washington sent nuclear submarines into Russian waters, Putin would likely see that as an intolerable provocation. He would almost certainly react with a greater threat or even an attack on U.S. assets, sparking a domino effect that could lead to war between two of the world’s strongest militaries.

Because of his preference for military showboating and his deep-rooted desire to project strength, Putin is extremely unlikely to see a move like the one Trump suggested as a reason to behave less aggressively.

I'm sure President Biden has plenty of nuclear power on standby. What do you think?

I remember when Jo threaten a larger portion of American citizens with nuclear weapons.
For a while, the Democrats defending the many gaffs by President Biden was amusing.

They have long since gone from amusing, past troubling, and are now, downright dangerous.

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