Trump Wants To Use U.S. Nuclear Submarines To Threaten Russia

I realize your purpose in whining about what happened two years ago is to deflect attention from the wreck in the Oval Office. Frankly, you just look goofy.

Nancy Pelosi visits San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage people amid fears of coronavirus

by: Charles Clifford
Posted: Feb 24, 2020 / 05:57 PM PST / Updated: Feb 24, 2020 / 05:57 PM PST

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in San Francisco on Monday spending several hours visiting Chinatown to encourage people to visit the shops and restaurants there amid fears of the coronavirus.

Business in Chinatown has really slowed down over the last month, mainly due to concerns about the coronavirus.
Pelosi did a walking tour of the area starting in the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Shop.

She also visited several other businesses and talked to people.

Neighbors, including the owner of the cookie shop, who says the last month has been difficult.

“Business is slow. People don’t want to come, they are scared,” Kevin Chan said.

Pelosi also took this opportunity to encourage people to come back to Chinatown.

“You should come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken by our city. We know there is concern about tourism throughout the world but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hopefully, others will come,” Pelosi said.

Nancy Pelosi visits San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage people amid fears of coronavirus


WATCH: NYC Mayor de Blasio Gets Nailed for Telling New Yorkers to Ignore the Wuhan Coronavirus
Beth Bauman
Posted: Mar 29, 2020 1:35 PM

On Sunday, CNN's Jake Tapper put New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) on blast for telling New Yorkers not to worry about the Wuhan coronavirus. Tapper played four separate clips of de Blasio encouraging New Yorkers to go about their daily lives, even as recently as March 13th, less than two weeks ago.

"In retrospect, is that message, at least in part, to blame for how rapidly the virus has spread across the city?" Tapper asked.

De Blasio instantly deflected.

"You know, Jake, we should not be focusing, in my view, on anything looking back, on any level of government right now," the mayor explained. "This is just about how we save lives going forward. We are all working – everybody – is working with the information we had and trying, of course, to avoid panic.


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus
No, I'm simply stating facts, mistakes were made.

We can't be better prepared for the next pandemic if we're not willing to be honest about what was done right, and what was done wrong to counter this one.

We can't afford to destroy our own economy every time someone catches a bad cold in Asia in the future, nor can we fail to react properly when the next serious epidemic emerges there.

China lie, the WHO lied, as I've sated repeatedly they purposely let this get out of hand but that doesn't change the fact we made mistakes in handling it.

Trump isn't perfect, he's not the 2nd Coming of Christ, nor the right hand of God and all men are flawed and all men make mistakes.
LOL. Describing a sub as a "defensive deterrent" is creative. Are you a lawyer?
That's the entire premise of 2nd Strike survivability.

If the enemy launches they know you will retaliate with them in defense, thus the deterrent.
Far from it. Anit Tank and Ainti Aircraft Systems are purely defensive in nature and present a deterrent to armor and aircraft attacks.
They defensive as a matter of deterrent. Thus any weapon from a rock to a nuclear missal can be described as such.
I hate to have to break it down to this level but oh well... .

I lead a column of tanks invading your country shooting, and rolling over everything I see.

Tank is an offensive lesson.

I roll over a hill and find a hundred tanks hidden in defilades, they blow my tanks off the planet and cook all my tankers.

Your tanks are being used as defensive weapons.
Trump needs to button his lip.

Brandon's best course of action is to abdicate the Office to Trump - then Trump can talk
First, Brandon has to blueprint out the DNC modus operandi for stealing the election from the American people. Brandon's owning his party's sins are in the negative percentiles, and his coming clean is not going to happen because he doesn't have the cajones to be honest for once. You can't fight omeurta with omeurta, imho.. It's a no-win situation, and that's exactly what the chaos-seekers of replacing the Constitution with socialistic communism of sorts are all about. The Democrats won't be satisfied until everyone takes the poison pill. They're like Jim Jones and his damned koolaide party. :cranky:
He is stupid an Ohio class stationed at the docks in North fork could nuke Moscow
He's also able to run his mouth because he has no power. Biden, OTOH, is tossing rhetoric Molotovs left and right and eventually Putin might decide to toss back.
It beats the hell out of using ground troops in a shooting war. What's Brandon's plan?
Why not just fire all the nukes and get it over with?

Well if Brandon is gonna do that ..........then fuck it I'm not going into work tomorrow.

Please let us KNOW WHAT YOU LUNATICS are going to do.


At what temp do you cook your eggs.?
From the OP:
But Trump actually praised Putin’s strategy before the invasion began.
Trump should shut the fuck up. He's deliberately undermining the President, and our nation, while we're on the brink of war.

But ... this criticism is just dumb. He merely said it was a smart strategy. He wasn't praising anyone, he wasn't saying Putin was doing the right thing. Just that it was a smart plan. Granted, he was making that comment to undermine Biden - implying, or outright saying, that Putin had outsmarted him. He's essentially doing what the KGB used to work so hard to accomplish - demoralizing the nation and weakening our unity and resolve. All this is far more dangerous and corrosive than "praising Putin's strategy". But, instead, Dems go full demagogue and pretend that the quote was Trump "siding" with Putin. :rolleyes:

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