Trump Wants To Use U.S. Nuclear Submarines To Threaten Russia

You may well be right about the Trident but I know that Polaris missile were launched from the surface

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Description: USS Henry Clay (SSBN-625) launches a Polaris A-2 missile from the surface of the Atlantic Ocean off Cape Kennedy, FL. The objects flying through the air around the missile are launch adapters designed to detach themselves automatically once the missile has left the tube. The sub's slight port list is a standard part of surface launch procedures. The tall mast is a temporary telemetry antenna installed for operations at the Cape only. This was the first demonstration that Polaris subs can launch missiles from the surface as well as from beneath the surface. 30 minutes earlier the Clay successfully launched an A-2 missile submerged.[/i] … emphasis added

That's a modified demonstration. Ever since 1960, all Polaris FBM's were outfitted for submerged launching.

The first Polaris missiles were ground launched at Cape Canaveral.

The former president recommended sending American nuclear weapons into Russian waters on Monday after recently claiming he wants to avoid a world war.

Former President Donald Trump suggested Monday that the U.S. threaten Russian President Vladimir Putin with American nuclear submarine patrols, which would likely dramatically escalate global tensions amid Russia’s ongoing assault on Ukraine.

“You should say: ‘Look, you mention that word one more time and we’re gonna send [submarines] over and we’ll be coasting back and forth, up and down your coast,’” Trump said in an appearance on Fox Business, continuing a tour of media appearances to downplay his questionable record on Russia and Ukraine.

Earlier in the interview, the former president bizarrely described nuclear weaponry as “the n-word… the nuclear word.”

Trump’s suggestion would be dangerous. If Washington sent nuclear submarines into Russian waters, Putin would likely see that as an intolerable provocation. He would almost certainly react with a greater threat or even an attack on U.S. assets, sparking a domino effect that could lead to war between two of the world’s strongest militaries.

Because of his preference for military showboating and his deep-rooted desire to project strength, Putin is extremely unlikely to see a move like the one Trump suggested as a reason to behave less aggressively.

I'm sure President Biden has plenty of nuclear power on standby. What do you think?

He couldn't threaten North Korea, how would he threaten Russia?

The former president recommended sending American nuclear weapons into Russian waters on Monday after recently claiming he wants to avoid a world war.

Former President Donald Trump suggested Monday that the U.S. threaten Russian President Vladimir Putin with American nuclear submarine patrols, which would likely dramatically escalate global tensions amid Russia’s ongoing assault on Ukraine.

“You should say: ‘Look, you mention that word one more time and we’re gonna send [submarines] over and we’ll be coasting back and forth, up and down your coast,’” Trump said in an appearance on Fox Business, continuing a tour of media appearances to downplay his questionable record on Russia and Ukraine.

Earlier in the interview, the former president bizarrely described nuclear weaponry as “the n-word… the nuclear word.”

Trump’s suggestion would be dangerous. If Washington sent nuclear submarines into Russian waters, Putin would likely see that as an intolerable provocation. He would almost certainly react with a greater threat or even an attack on U.S. assets, sparking a domino effect that could lead to war between two of the world’s strongest militaries.

Because of his preference for military showboating and his deep-rooted desire to project strength, Putin is extremely unlikely to see a move like the one Trump suggested as a reason to behave less aggressively.

I'm sure President Biden has plenty of nuclear power on standby. What do you think?

You mean like every other President has? Do you not think nuclear subs have been parked off the coast of Russia before?

I have no idea what Xiden has or doesn't appears he has no clue anymore either. He's been the worst leader of my lifetime
Just getting back to the previous news flash. Are you genuinely unaware that President Trump hasn't had access to nuclear weapons for two years now?

I don't think they would allow Biden access to them ... they gave him this and told him it was the nuclear weapons control panel ...

View attachment 619372
Biden does not like nuclear weapons. He likely wold never launch even if we were attacked. Putin might take advantage of that fact.


Whatever scandal Hunter Biden’s emails reveal about alleged influence-peddling schemes with his father, it is nothing compared with the fact that Joe Biden as vice president routinely put the country at risk of being annihilated in a nuclear war.

As revealed in my book “The First Family Detail,” whenever Mr. Biden returned from Washington to his home in Wilmington, Delaware, the then-vice president would order that the military aide carrying the nuclear football remain at least a mile behind him when he traveled around Wilmington.

The nuclear football is a leather-covered titanium business case that weighs 40 pounds. Secured with a cipher lock, it contains a variety of secure phone capabilities and options for launching nuclear strikes that the president may authorize.

The president authenticates his identity with codes found on a small plastic card he carries with him. In case the president is incapacitated or has died, an identical nuclear football is assigned to the vice president.

Since either leader would likely have 15 minutes or less to respond militarily to an impending attack from a country like China, Russia or North Korea before the United States could be wiped out by nuclear-tipped missiles, the military aides who carry the satchels are supposed to be in close proximity to the two leaders at all times.
It’s not The Ukraine, it’s Ukraine. Yes, it’s a big deal to use the right one, because one suggests a territory of a larger land and the other suggests a standalone independent nation.

Please respect Ukrainians by calling their homeland Ukraine.
It's The Ukraine if I want it to be. Stop telling people what to say and not to say. I hate that language policing stuff and never cooperate.

The Netherlands. The Crimea. The Transvaal.

And it's Ki----ev. Whatever lockstep pronunciation change the media suddenly decided to molest us all with.
That's a modified demonstration. Ever since 1960, all Polaris FBM's were outfitted for submerged launching.

The first Polaris missiles were ground launched at Cape Canaveral.
The article clearly states the demonstration was to prove a sub could launch a Polaris missile from the surface.

This was the first demonstration that Polaris subs can launch missiles from the surface as well as from beneath the surface. 30 minutes earlier the Clay successfully launched an A-2 missile submerged.

The Polaris also could be fired from ships.


Not surprisingly because of these internal fears, Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) proponents initially looked back at the U.S. Navy almost as much as they focused on the growing nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union in their statements about Polaris’ deployment and purpose. Although they were totally committed to submarine basing for Polaris, they tried to reassure others in the Navy that opportunities for them were not being totally closed off. Thus, the initial design of the FBM system included provisions to place Polaris launch tubes on surface ships - aircraft carriers and cruisers specifically - as well as submarines.12 This way, the major elements of the conventional navy could have a possible strategic role. Spreading Polaris missiles across the fleet might not be their best or most likely outcome, but such plans potentially could be used to justify the purchase of conventional forces in a policy environment that seemed certain to favor more strategic investments at the expense of conventional warfare investments.
It's The Ukraine if I want it to be. Stop telling people what to say and not to say. I hate that language policing stuff and never cooperate.

The Netherlands. The Crimea. The Transvaal.

And it's Ki----ev. Whatever lockstep pronunciation change the media suddenly decided to molest us all with.
It’s not media you idiot. It’s the Ukrainian people trying to get free of the yoke of Russian/Soviet domination of hundreds of years. Those spellings and forms are a huge issue to Ukrainians because they are of Russian language derivation instead of Ukrainian language derivation and they were imposed on the Ukrainian people by oppressors. The same opressors who are currently slaughtering them, women children and the elderly alike, by the thousands.
Refusing to use the Ukrainian forms and instead being an ass and declaring your freedom to suck Putin’s cock just reveals you as a fake ally the Ukrainians don’t need. It actually means something to shove imperialism down a people’s throat, in any form. Shame on you for being a Putin supporting piece of shit. And for being an ignorant closed minded knuckledragger.
The article clearly states the demonstration was to prove a sub could launch a Polaris missile from the surface.

This was the first demonstration that Polaris subs can launch missiles from the surface as well as from beneath the surface. 30 minutes earlier the Clay successfully launched an A-2 missile submerged.

The Polaris also could be fired from ships.


Not surprisingly because of these internal fears, Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) proponents initially looked back at the U.S. Navy almost as much as they focused on the growing nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union in their statements about Polaris’ deployment and purpose. Although they were totally committed to submarine basing for Polaris, they tried to reassure others in the Navy that opportunities for them were not being totally closed off. Thus, the initial design of the FBM system included provisions to place Polaris launch tubes on surface ships - aircraft carriers and cruisers specifically - as well as submarines.12 This way, the major elements of the conventional navy could have a possible strategic role. Spreading Polaris missiles across the fleet might not be their best or most likely outcome, but such plans potentially could be used to justify the purchase of conventional forces in a policy environment that seemed certain to favor more strategic investments at the expense of conventional warfare investments.

In the event of a missile emergency in port (or on the surface), all sub launched missiles had a procedure to eject the missile from the tube towards something less expensive to destroy. The idea was to list (angle) the boat and use the steam generator to pressurize the tube and eject the missile from the tube. The rocket motor wouldn't ignite, but the missile would go far enough away that the chemical explosion of the rocket (hopefully) wouldn't destroy the sub or damage the warheads enough for the release of radioactive materials.

This looks like they used that same procedure for a surface launch. As long as the missile is out of the tube when the rocket motors are ignited, the sub would be, relatively safe.

I can see from that pic why they chose not to use that form of launch ever since the deployment of sub-launched ICBMs.
Those spellings and forms are a huge issue to Ukrainians because they are of Russian language derivation instead of Ukrainian language derivation and they were imposed on the Ukrainian people by oppressors

Actually, in Russian, it's spelled Киев.
It’s not media you idiot. It’s the Ukrainian people trying to get free of the yoke of Russian/Soviet domination of hundreds of years. Those spellings and forms are a huge issue to Ukrainians because they are of Russian language derivation instead of Ukrainian language derivation and they were imposed on the Ukrainian people by oppressors.
I figured it was that, Russian language stuff ---- it was obvious.

I so don't care. How much do I not care? I can't tell, but it's a whole lot.

As Douglas Adams said, it's SEP. Somebody Else's Problem.

I don't care about the language issues. Sad about the destructive war, of course. Not our problem, however.
News flash. President Trump hasn't been in office for two years. What he says, or doesn't say, really isn't germane to what is happening in The Ukraine right now.
It is freaking hilarious to watch the feeble efforts to pretend the election never happened and TRUMP! is still in charge. They are so bereft of confidence in Quid Pro that they can't even bring themselves to admit he's now responsible, and they STILL claim he's going to start WWIII, despite the Peace President starting no new hostilities while in office.
View attachment 619371
Two anti-nuclear activists dressed as then-President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin ride models of nuclear bombs in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on July 30, 2020.

Sadly, Trump acts like nuclear power is just a game. Putin knows it's not a game - but he may use it out of desperation.
TRUMP!'s not president, Quid Pro is and that could be far more dangerous.
Keep laughing Markle, we now know conclusively that the first cases had reached the US by mid January.

Trump is just a man, not a god and all men have flaws and make mistakes.

This was probably the worst mistake of his entire presidency.
The virus has been around a lot longer than they are admitting to-----

The former president recommended sending American nuclear weapons into Russian waters on Monday after recently claiming he wants to avoid a world war.

Former President Donald Trump suggested Monday that the U.S. threaten Russian President Vladimir Putin with American nuclear submarine patrols, which would likely dramatically escalate global tensions amid Russia’s ongoing assault on Ukraine.

“You should say: ‘Look, you mention that word one more time and we’re gonna send [submarines] over and we’ll be coasting back and forth, up and down your coast,’” Trump said in an appearance on Fox Business, continuing a tour of media appearances to downplay his questionable record on Russia and Ukraine.

Earlier in the interview, the former president bizarrely described nuclear weaponry as “the n-word… the nuclear word.”

Trump’s suggestion would be dangerous. If Washington sent nuclear submarines into Russian waters, Putin would likely see that as an intolerable provocation. He would almost certainly react with a greater threat or even an attack on U.S. assets, sparking a domino effect that could lead to war between two of the world’s strongest militaries.

Because of his preference for military showboating and his deep-rooted desire to project strength, Putin is extremely unlikely to see a move like the one Trump suggested as a reason to behave less aggressively.

I'm sure President Biden has plenty of nuclear power on standby. What do you think?

Your title should say that he wants to give Putin a heads up about what to defend against.

But--and I really hate to make it seem like I give that loser credit for anything--there's something to be said for the fact that you can't serve Putin waffles and expect him to sit down to the table. Liz Cheney is right that we need to stop telling Putin what we won't do and start telling him what we will do.
From the OP:

When he was president, Trump blocked nearly $400 million in military assistance to Ukraine while he attempted to extract a political favor from Zelenskyy. He also repeatedly criticized Ukraine while justifying Russian attempts to undermine it, including Putin’s takeover of the Crimea peninsula.

The Republican leader is now arguing that if he were still in office, Putin would not have launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. But Trump actually praised Putin’s strategy before the invasion began. Since then, he has offered a mishmash of attacks on Biden’s response to the crisis while claiming that he, too, wants “to end this tragedy without getting Americans snared into a gruesome and very bloody war.”

The idea of publicly threatening Russian sovereignty with American nuclear weapons would likely have the opposite effect.
I believe The Trump Administration has given Ukraine over $1Billion dollars during President Trump's term.
He also gave Ukraine javelin missiles while Obama gave them blankets. Furthermore Trump sent over 50 cruise missiles in to Syria to kill Russian military advisors and destroy Russian Fighter Jets.

Joe Biden by comparison colludes with Russia in a Nukes for Oil deal which allows Russia to launder money, oil and gas through Iran, and pay Russia $10 Billion for helping Iran create Nuclear Weapons.

Nice, try Comrade.

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