FBI Refuses To Answer Specific Questions On Their Role In Jan 6th During Senate Oversight Hearing


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Sen. Ted Cruz got to the point and asked the FBI what they had to do with Jan 6th riots.....and in every case...they refused to answer the question yes or no.

The only assumption a rational person can make is that every unanswered question is a yes. There's no dancing around this anymore.

Absolutely! If they had nothing to do with it they would be trumpeting that at every opportunity.
The only reason they don't just come out & flat deny it with more lies is they are afraid the truth will come out eventually.
This was a fedsurrection to provide cover for installing a dementia patient stooge in the WH.

This Jan dog & pony show is just more UNiparty Kabuki Theatre distractions while they systematically destroy the country from within
Absolutely! If they had nothing to do with it they would be trumpeting that at every opportunity.
The only reason they don't just come out & flat deny it with more lies is they are afraid the truth will come out eventually.
This was a fedsurrection to provide cover for installing a dementia patient stooge in the WH.

This Jan dog & pony show is just more UNiparty Kabuki Theatre distractions while they systematically destroy the country from within
This is the real cause of Jan 6th......and yet the Dems are pulling another Watergate.
Democrats were caught running a prostitution ring in the Watergate Hotel, but because Democrats ran Congress back in the 70s....they instead fingered Nixon for covering up the break-in that discovered it.
Sen. Ted Cruz got to the point and asked the FBI what they had to do with Jan 6th riots.....and in every case...they refused to answer the question yes or no.

The only assumption a rational person can make is that every unanswered question is a yes. There's no dancing around this anymore.

Ted Cruz was already told he and other Congress critters would get their answers in a closed session hearing with the FBI....he already knew she had to and would respond that way.

What you saw Ted Cruise just do, was just for show, and likely for a political ad....

Politics is 90% SHOWMANSHIP!
Sen. Ted Cruz got to the point and asked the FBI what they had to do with Jan 6th riots.....and in every case...they refused to answer the question yes or no.

The only assumption a rational person can make is that every unanswered question is a yes. There's no dancing around this anymore.

Given the whistle blowers that have now come forward this is very real and plausible... The Jan 6 shitt shows is collapsing...
Ted Cruz was already told he and other Congress critters would get their answers in a closed session hearing with the FBI....he already knew she had to and would respond that way.

What you saw Ted Cruise just do, was just for show, and likely for a political ad....

Politics is 90% SHOWMANSHIP!
NO ANSWER, in itself, is an answer. They did not deny so they indeed had people in the crowd. IF they were not inciting, the affirmative NO, WOULD HAVE DISPELLED THE QUESTION. Without that affirmative answer they are now suspect in a false flag operation to entrap.. Given Pelosi's lack of appropriate security posture and direct link to the FBI the whole need for these affirmative answers is clear. They did not so now the question becomes much more relevant.. Was Pelosi and the FBI colluding to create a false flag event to entrap Trump voters?
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Ted Cruz was already told he and other Congress critters would get their answers in a closed session hearing with the FBI....he already knew she had to and would respond that way.

What you saw Ted Cruise just do, was just for show, and likely for a political ad....

Politics is 90% SHOWMANSHIP!
Stop making excuses for them.
The fact is....if they were innocent.....the answer to all of those questions would be no.
If he's asking them these questions in the open....and he already knows the answer.....their refusal to answer is an admission of guilt.

I have to ask you....do you understand the role of Congress in the US Government?
Have you ever heard of the phrase "Congressional Oversight"?
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NO ANSWER, in itself, is an answer. They did not deny so they indeed had people in the crowd. IF they were not inciting, the affirmative NO, WOULD HAVE DISPELLED THE QUESTION. Without that affirmative answer they are now suspect in a false flag operation to entrap.. Given Pelosi's lack of appropriate security posture and direct link to the FBI the whole need for these affirmative answers is clear. They did not so now the question becomes much more relevant.. Was Pelosi and the FBI colluding to create a false flag event to entrap Trump voters?
True, saying I can't answer that, is the standard answer for I can't lawfully discuss any of this in public...whether true or not true.

I read yesterday an older article, which discussed the FBI and Secret Service sending or maybe embedding, their trained men in to the crowd prior to and during the rally, and walk to the Capitol because those agencies thought Capitol Police was not taking the threats coming in, seriously enough......Let me see if I can find the article, or maybe it was from one of the early hearings on 1/6.....

Anyway, it could be her being directed to say she can't discuss it, or I don't know, is to keep from giving away to the bad guys out there listening, FBI tactics that are confidential?

And the question on Epps, she could not answer due to protocol of not discussing cases in public of a person, who was found to not have committed a crime they were charging people with, at the Capitol?

Or as you guys claim to know as fact, when you don't know as fact, that he was an FBI informant, gone wild!
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True, saying I can't answer that, is the standard answer for I can't lawfully discuss any of this in public...whether true or not true.

I read yesterday an older article, which discussed the FBI and Secret Service sending or maybe embedding, their trained men in to the crowd prior to and during the rally, and walk to the Capitol because those agencies thought Capitol Police was not taking the threats coming in, seriously enough......Let me see I I can find the article, or maybe it was from one of the early hearings on 1/6.....

Anyway, it could be her being directed to say she can't discuss it, or I don't know, is to keep from giving away to the bad guys out there listening, FBI tactics that are confidential?

And the question on Epps, she could not answer due to protocol of not discussing cases in public of a person, who was found to not committing a crime they were charging people with, at the Capitol?

Or as you guys claim to know as fact, when you don't know as fact, that he was an FBI informant, gone wild!
You just answered your own question, now lets discus the failure in the Whitmer entrapment attempt by the FBI. They have a history of this kind of crap.. The FBI link through Perkins-Coie that directly links the DNC, Pelosi, Schumer, and others to the FBI is now front and center.. It is now known that the FBI and the DNC were working together in the Whitmer case. Jan 6 is now suspect that this collusion was ongoing.
True, saying I can't answer that, is the standard answer for I can't lawfully discuss any of this in public...whether true or not true.

I read yesterday an older article, which discussed the FBI and Secret Service sending or maybe embedding, their trained men in to the crowd prior to and during the rally, and walk to the Capitol because those agencies thought Capitol Police was not taking the threats coming in, seriously enough......Let me see if I can find the article, or maybe it was from one of the early hearings on 1/6.....

Anyway, it could be her being directed to say she can't discuss it, or I don't know, is to keep from giving away to the bad guys out there listening, FBI tactics that are confidential?

And the question on Epps, she could not answer due to protocol of not discussing cases in public of a person, who was found to not have committed a crime they were charging people with, at the Capitol?

Or as you guys claim to know as fact, when you don't know as fact, that he was an FBI informant, gone wild!
No....she has to answer the question.
If she refuses that's an automatic admission of guilt.
The fact that the operation is over means she has no reason to hide the truth anymore. The crowd has long been dispersed and it is history.
The point of her being in front of congress is to answer questions so they can provide oversight according to the constitution. Her refusal means there is truth to the belief that government agents instigated the violence. The 1/666 committee refuses to ask these questions because they don't want to hear the answer. It totally blows their case against Trump out of the water and blows it all to Hell.
Ted Cruz was already told he and other Congress critters would get their answers in a closed session hearing with the FBI....he already knew she had to and would respond that way.

What you saw Ted Cruise just do, was just for show, and likely for a political ad....

Politics is 90% SHOWMANSHIP!
Yep.....you Democrats refuse to talk about this because it totally blows your Jan 6th claims all to Hell....and it also points out that everything you see in the news is possibly being orchestrated by the DOJ.
Even mass-shootings in schools.
Yep.....you Democrats refuse to talk about this because it totally blows your Jan 6th claims all to Hell....and it also points out that everything you see in the news is possibly being orchestrated by the DOJ.
Even mass-shootings in schools.
I don't think it blows anything, even if Epps was some kind of informant for the FBI or home land security or whatever.... That went rogue.

I expect the FBI and other law enforcement, when the President or Vice President are present, to have special teams embedded or in the crowds of people in big ass contentious events like this.....it would be a dereliction of duty, if they werent.
Here it is....
Read More!

Rosen made a unilateral decision to take the preparatory steps to deploy Justice Department and so-called "national" forces. There was no formal request from the U.S. Capitol Police, the Secret Service, or the Metropolitan Police Department—in fact, no external request from any agency. The leadership in Justice and the FBI anticipated the worst and decided to act independently, the special operations forces lurking behind the scenes.

"I believe that DOJ [Department of Justice] reasonably prepared for contingencies ahead of January 6, understanding that there was considerable uncertainty as to how many people would arrive, who those people would be, and precisely what purposes they would pursue," Rosen later told Congress. He stressed that his department "no frontline role with respect to crowd control," that they were focused on "high-risk" operations.

The contingency units meeting on January 3 included the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team, the FBI's national "Render Safe" team, an FBI SWAT team from the Baltimore Field Office, Special Response Teams from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the U.S. Marshals Service Special Operations Group.
I don't think it blows anything, even if Epps was some kind of informant for the FBI or home land security or whatever.... That went rogue.

I expect the FBI and other law enforcement, when the President or Vice President are present, to have special teams embedded or in the crowds of people in big ass contentious events like this.....it would be a dereliction of duty, if they werent.
Yeah......Epps went rogue....LOL

If he went rogue....they would have arrested him.

We expect them to have people in the crowd to spot troublemakers.....but they instead were acting as instigators.
The cops let these people inside....and then Epps and crew started some shit outside.....that way they could say that Trump Supporters broke into the Capital.
We all know from video evidence they are let in and even let them do selfies with them.

Hate to break this to you....but I was trained to do this sort of thing in foreign countries. It was one of my mission possibilities.
The deal seems to be that these assholes are doing this stuff in our own country....not overseas.
Yeah......Epps went rogue....LOL

If he went rogue....they would have arrested him.

We expect them to have people in the crowd to spot troublemakers.....but they instead were acting as instigators.
The cops let these people inside....and then Epps and crew started some shit outside.....that way they could say that Trump Supporters broke into the Capital.
We all know from video evidence they are let in and even let them do selfies with them.

Hate to break this to you....but I was trained to do this sort of thing in foreign countries. It was one of my mission possibilities.
The deal seems to be that these assholes are doing this stuff in our own country....not overseas.
There is no "they" Mud, it's one person, of which someone on the right, created a conspiracy about....so to try to put the whole Capitol Riot on to this one man, instead of where it belongs, with the rioters, and with the person who is suppose to be, where the buck stops!
There is no "they" Mud, it's one person, of which someone on the right, created a conspiracy about....so to try to put the whole Capitol Riot on to this one man, instead of where it belongs, with the rioters, and with the person who is suppose to be, where the buck stops!
Well if that's the case then the blame firmly rests with Nancy Pelosi because she's responsible for the Capital.
Trump's responsible for the White House.
There is no "they" Mud, it's one person, of which someone on the right, created a conspiracy about....so to try to put the whole Capitol Riot on to this one man, instead of where it belongs, with the rioters, and with the person who is suppose to be, where the buck stops!

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