FBI: Shocking New Footage of January 6th Insurrection...America's Men in Uniform Attacked

The most shocking of the footage is a man walking overhead to flank a group of cops and innocents and dousing them with chemicals in an attempt to choke and kill our men and women in Blue. But that was not all! Insurrectionist footage was just released of men kicking a man in uniform as he lay on the ground struggling to fend off the attackers.

Federal prosecutors have also filed charges against Thomas Sibick, who allegedly participated in the brutal assault of DC Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone. Prosecutors said Sibick was seen on police body-camera footage assaulting Fanone while he lay on the ground outside the Capitol during the riot.

Rioters told a nearby group to "kill him with his own gun" as they attempted to pull his gun from his holster to execute him

That shocks you yet what occurred to men and women in uniform all summer and fall long, because some drug addict OD’ed resisting arrest, doesn’t also shock you? Really, so f-ing sad and hypocritical.

The most shocking of the footage is a man walking overhead to flank a group of cops and innocents and dousing them with chemicals in an attempt to choke and kill our men and women in Blue. But that was not all! Insurrectionist footage was just released of men kicking a man in uniform as he lay on the ground struggling to fend off the attackers.

Federal prosecutors have also filed charges against Thomas Sibick, who allegedly participated in the brutal assault of DC Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone. Prosecutors said Sibick was seen on police body-camera footage assaulting Fanone while he lay on the ground outside the Capitol during the riot.

Rioters told a nearby group to "kill him with his own gun" as they attempted to pull his gun from his holster to execute him

That shocks you yet what occurred to men and women in uniform all summer and fall long, because some drug addict OD’ed resisting arrest, doesn’t also shock you? Really, so f-ing sad and hypocritical.

You win the 'whataboutism' prize for the day!!!!
As usual, you are a LYING BAG OF SHIT!!!!

Now, I ain't gonna go that far......about the bag of scheisse.

But, poster Richard H. does suggest a reality that we see time and time again on this gossip-venue.

And that is, the proclivity of some posters to post up some link to an article that they've pulled from Tucker Carlson, or Alex Jones, or Epoch Times, or Gateway Pundit and then wave that as God's 'proof' that what they say is God's 'truth'.

But then, when those links are actually read..... we find out the reportage doesn't say that at all. It says something completely different. Hell, my own tired avatar recently asked a couple of posters ..."Do you even read what you post?"...following along the same puzzlement that Richard H. revealed.

And, forgive me, but as a neutral non-partisan observer here......most, oh hell, virtually all of that type of dunderheadedness seems to originate in the Fringie-Right side of our political spectrum.

Such dunderheadedness in making an argument seems to me, again forgive my avatar, but it reminds me of the same courtroom and case tactics employed by Rudy the Tucker, an KrakenPot Powell in their work in November and December to, in their words, 'Stop-the-Steal'.
taking out police isn't an overthrow attempt? strange you don't see that.

The ironic post of the day. As on January 6th, the first thing the insurrectionists did was take out the capitol hill police. Killing one, and injuring another 140. Before invading the chambers of congress to disrupt them from performing their constitutionally mandated duty.
And that is, the proclivity of some posters to post up some link to an article that they've pulled from Tucker Carlson, or Alex Jones, or Epoch Times, or Gateway Pundit and then wave that as God's 'proof' that what they say is God's 'truth'.

But then, when those links are actually read..... we find out the reportage doesn't say that at all. It says something completely different.

This is a common problem with such news sources. The "red meat" headlines are refuted in the actual body of the story, as if to gently ease the reader into reality.
Wow, I've never seen such horror. Did you see the way that guy was throwing a thin stick into a shield? How about the way that guy put his hand on a cop's face mask & "bashed" the cop's helmet into the frame you didn't see?

As far as the poster's revulsion of that bit of "horror" (his words, not mine).......well, I've seen worse. A long time ago.

And so poster WTH flutters his pearls over sticks & shields and bashing......that they really ain't so bad. Well, a suggestion for WTH's edification, and ours:
Do this, poster WTH......go hit a cop walking his beat with your stick. Bash his helmet.
Come back and tell us how your little experiment in action-fantasy worked out for you.

Not a weapon among them. This was set up, puppy.

Aha, now it gets curiouser and curiouser.

Whadahell does it mean, poster Irish, that something "was a set up."

WHAT.....was a set up?

Batter up, Irish.
Explain what you are talkin' about.

Did you know that a machine gun can fire several hundred rounds a minute? With all the police protection, Nat. Guard, Capitol police, why would Pelosi want manned machine guns?
Pelosi wanted a blood bath at the Capitol, but thankfully normal heads prevailed, and instead she was forced to make a mountain out of a molehill.

^ And yet no call for machine guns when the target was Trump.

If Pelosi was actually worried about her safety, she would not have been there. If she bans machine guns for us, does she still get to use them to her advantage? Apparently she thinks so.

Common sense hits a home run. The woman is sinister.
Wow, I've never seen such horror. Did you see the way that guy was throwing a thin stick into a shield? How about the way that guy put his hand on a cop's face mask & "bashed" the cop's helmet into the frame you didn't see?

As far as the poster's revulsion of that bit of "horror" (his words, not mine).......well, I've seen worse. A long time ago.

And so poster WTH flutters his pearls over sticks & shields and bashing......that they really ain't so bad. Well, a suggestion for WTH's edification, and ours:
Do this, poster WTH......go hit a cop walking his beat with your stick. Bash his helmet.
Come back and tell us how your little experiment in action-fantasy worked out for you.

Not a weapon among them. This was set up, puppy.

Aha, now it gets curiouser and curiouser.

Whadahell does it mean, poster Irish, that something "was a set up."

WHAT.....was a set up?

Batter up, Irish.
Explain what you are talkin' about.

Did you know that a machine gun can fire several hundred rounds a minute? With all the police protection, Nat. Guard, Capitol police, why would Pelosi want manned machine guns?
Pelosi wanted a blood bath at the Capitol, but thankfully normal heads prevailed, and instead she was forced to make a mountain out of a molehill.
View attachment 469807
^ And yet no call for machine guns when the target was Trump.

If Pelosi was actually worried about her safety, she would not have been there. If she bans machine guns for us, does she still get to use them to her advantage? Apparently she thinks so.

Common sense hits a home run. The woman is sinister.
That's some full on crazy.

Q much?
Did you know that a machine gun can fire several hundred rounds a minute?

That's a common error made by people with no actual machine gun experience. Machine guns more commonly fire only 50 to 100 rounds per minute sustained fire.
Did you know that a machine gun can fire several hundred rounds a minute?

That's a common error made by people with no actual machine gun experience. Machine guns more commonly fire only 50 to 100 rounds per minute sustained fire.
Hardly the point.

And I have a 12 guage pump that "tears shit up". Pull the tube plug out and hold that trigger down and pump and shit just disappears

The most shocking of the footage is a man walking overhead to flank a group of cops and innocents and dousing them with chemicals in an attempt to choke and kill our men and women in Blue.

OMG a fire extinguisher unleashed!

Insurrection! Insurrection!

Just like the men in uniform are in the Democratic shitholes all over the country. No one defends them, why is that?

well shit the BLM's walk up and shot cops in the head, and these demofks in here never say anything other than they deserved it. Can't make it up.

Yes, you can make it up and you often do.


There are plenty more where that came from.

There is absolutely NOTHING in that article that associates the shooter with BLM!

As usual, you are a LYING BAG OF SHIT!!!!

He was applying common sense is all. Perhaps he's wrong, but odds are great you are, cuz you're PROG.
As usual, you are a LYING BAG OF SHIT!!!!

Now, I ain't gonna go that far......about the bag of scheisse.

But, poster Richard H. does suggest a reality that we see time and time again on this gossip-venue.

And that is, the proclivity of some posters to post up some link to an article that they've pulled from Tucker Carlson, or Alex Jones, or Epoch Times, or Gateway Pundit and then wave that as God's 'proof' that what they say is God's 'truth'.

But then, when those links are actually read..... we find out the reportage doesn't say that at all. It says something completely different. Hell, my own tired avatar recently asked a couple of posters ..."Do you even read what you post?"...following along the same puzzlement that Richard H. revealed.

And, forgive me, but as a neutral non-partisan observer here......most, oh hell, virtually all of that type of dunderheadedness seems to originate in the Fringie-Right side of our political spectrum.

Such dunderheadedness in making an argument seems to me, again forgive my avatar, but it reminds me of the same courtroom and case tactics employed by Rudy the Tucker, an KrakenPot Powell in their work in November and December to, in their words, 'Stop-the-Steal'.
And sources like the NYT or the WP are truthful? They make up news, not report it.
If Pelosi was actually worried about her safety, she would not have been there.

OK, that is one suggestion, as offered by poster Irish.

Another plausible one, some may say, is that Pelosi was there......because she didn't know that this Trump Insurrection would erupt.

Yeah, I could see how some might say that.

You think so too, Irish?
Shocking New Footage of January 6th Insurrection..

NO THANK YOU. I'm still trying to get the images of your 9,000 bloody riots in 69 cities in 2020 injuring and killing up to 2000 police out of my mind. Over a street thug dead of a drug OD.

January 6 was a mostly peaceful protest where no one brought even a single gun, unlike the bloody riots of 2020.

Here are some photos of January 6 your FBI is NOT showing you:

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OH, the horror of it all . . .
And sources like the NYT or the WP are truthful? They make up news, not report it.

How long have you been reading WaPo an NYT, postr Lastamender?

Do you get the paper delivered or just digital?

You know, you might be able to sweeten your WaPo deal by running the billing through Amazon.
You do know that Jeff Bezos owns WaPo?

And the Times subscription ....is expensive straight on. But if you play their 'promotion' game you can get it fairly reasonable.

But, poster Lastamender, if you read neither....welll, what news sources would you recommend for the rest of us to read if we wish to stay current?
And sources like the NYT or the WP are truthful? They make up news, not report it.

How long have you been reading WaPo an NYT, postr Lastamender?

Do you get the paper delivered or just digital?

You know, you might be able to sweeten your WaPo deal by running the billing through Amazon.
You do know that Jeff Bezos owns WaPo?

And the Times subscription ....is expensive straight on. But if you play their 'promotion' game you can get it fairly reasonable.

But, poster Lastamender, if you read neither....welll, what news sources would you recommend for the rest of us to read if we wish to stay current?
I am not here for your entertainment. I do not need to answer one of those questions. I said the NYT and the WP are not credible on anything political.
Shocking New Footage of January 6th Insurrection..

NO THANK YOU. I'm still trying to get the images of your 9,000 bloody riots in 69 cities in 2020 injuring and killing up to 2000 police out of my mind. Over a street thug dead of a drug OD.

January 6 was a mostly peaceful protest where no one brought even a single gun, unlike the bloody riots of 2020.

Here are some photos of January 6 your FBI is NOT showing you:

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OH, the horror of it all . . .
So your point is that the MAGArats weren't rioting and beating cops 100% of the time? They treated it like an outing before they attacked the Capitol?

OK. And that helps your bullshit how?

We were storming the Capitol. It's a revolution.


They should be shooting BLM

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