FBI Violated Strict "Woods Procedures"

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Woods Procedures forbid the FBI from submitting even a single unverified fact to the FISA court.

So why did Comey sign three of the four submissions to the FISA court when he knew and stated the Steele dossier was full of unverified accusations?

It's all coming out, lieberals. You can't stop it. Heads will roll when the IG report comes out showing how corrupt the Obama Justice Department was.

Which idiot libtardo will step up to be made a fool and claim everything in the dossier is 100% a verified fact?

"Even more problematic, the FBI may have violated strict rules — Woods Procedures — that forbid it from presenting even a single unverified fact to the special court, let alone a lengthy dossier full of them."

Senate documents show FBI trying to suppress release of new Trump dossier info
They have procedures and shit like Ethics and Such there?

Fuck, I didn't know the Western Office of The KGB even had any rules or policies.
Woods Procedures forbid the FBI from submitting even a single unverified fact to the FISA court.

So why did Comey sign three of the four submissions to the FISA court when he knew and stated the Steele dossier was full of unverified accusations?

It's all coming out, lieberals. You can't stop it. Heads will roll when the IG report comes out showing how corrupt the Obama Justice Department was.

Which idiot libtardo will step up to be made a fool and claim everything in the dossier is 100% a verified fact?

"Even more problematic, the FBI may have violated strict rules — Woods Procedures — that forbid it from presenting even a single unverified fact to the special court, let alone a lengthy dossier full of them."

Senate documents show FBI trying to suppress release of new Trump dossier info

Why do you people offer Opinion pages up as factual findings…

Woods Procedures forbid the FBI from submitting even a single unverified fact to the FISA court.

So why did Comey sign three of the four submissions to the FISA court when he knew and stated the Steele dossier was full of unverified accusations?

It's all coming out, lieberals. You can't stop it. Heads will roll when the IG report comes out showing how corrupt the Obama Justice Department was.

Which idiot libtardo will step up to be made a fool and claim everything in the dossier is 100% a verified fact?

"Even more problematic, the FBI may have violated strict rules — Woods Procedures — that forbid it from presenting even a single unverified fact to the special court, let alone a lengthy dossier full of them."

Senate documents show FBI trying to suppress release of new Trump dossier info

Why do you people offer Opinion pages up as factual findings…


Tell me, petunia, were all the claims in the dossier 100% verified facts? Please say yes so we can laugh at your libtarded ass.
Never guess who started that...

Woods Procedures forbid the FBI from submitting even a single unverified fact to the FISA court.

So why did Comey sign three of the four submissions to the FISA court when he knew and stated the Steele dossier was full of unverified accusations?

It's all coming out, lieberals. You can't stop it. Heads will roll when the IG report comes out showing how corrupt the Obama Justice Department was.

Which idiot libtardo will step up to be made a fool and claim everything in the dossier is 100% a verified fact?

"Even more problematic, the FBI may have violated strict rules — Woods Procedures — that forbid it from presenting even a single unverified fact to the special court, let alone a lengthy dossier full of them."

Senate documents show FBI trying to suppress release of new Trump dossier info

Why do you people offer Opinion pages up as factual findings…


because if they presented facts, they wouldn't be able to spew their insane lunacy.
Best part of this is Mueller was the FBI Director who implemented the Woods Procedure. Ruh roh.
Woods Procedures forbid the FBI from submitting even a single unverified fact to the FISA court.

So why did Comey sign three of the four submissions to the FISA court when he knew and stated the Steele dossier was full of unverified accusations?

It's all coming out, lieberals. You can't stop it. Heads will roll when the IG report comes out showing how corrupt the Obama Justice Department was.

Which idiot libtardo will step up to be made a fool and claim everything in the dossier is 100% a verified fact?

"Even more problematic, the FBI may have violated strict rules — Woods Procedures — that forbid it from presenting even a single unverified fact to the special court, let alone a lengthy dossier full of them."

Senate documents show FBI trying to suppress release of new Trump dossier info

Why do you people offer Opinion pages up as factual findings…


because if they presented facts, they wouldn't be able to spew their insane lunacy.

The Woods Procedure are rules the FBI must follow. Google is your friend.
bla bla bla

everyone keeps SAYING how guilty our intelligence agencies are - BUT NOBODY IS FUCKING PROVING IT.


wake me when you do

Woods Procedures forbid the FBI from submitting even a single unverified fact to the FISA court.

So why did Comey sign three of the four submissions to the FISA court when he knew and stated the Steele dossier was full of unverified accusations?

It's all coming out, lieberals. You can't stop it. Heads will roll when the IG report comes out showing how corrupt the Obama Justice Department was.

Which idiot libtardo will step up to be made a fool and claim everything in the dossier is 100% a verified fact?

"Even more problematic, the FBI may have violated strict rules — Woods Procedures — that forbid it from presenting even a single unverified fact to the special court, let alone a lengthy dossier full of them."

Senate documents show FBI trying to suppress release of new Trump dossier info
The FISA Court, Woods Procedures And Carter Page.

“How did the FBI not violate the Woods Procedures when it presented unverified opposition research paid for by the opposing party — the “Steele dossier” — to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court to obtain a warrant to spy on an American citizen for over a year? Moreover, were the FISA court Judges who signed off on the application and three separate renewals aware of the origins of the dossier and if not, why not?”
The Libtards are really grasping at straws now. Notice how they often block access to their previous posts? PATHETIC

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