FBI warns of neo-Nazi plots as attacks on Northwest power grid spike


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
Be aware if you live near power facilities. If you see something say something! I used to live near a small substation and it would have been easy to drive up, damage and flee quickly to the highway.

A white pickup truck with a rack of roof lights blazing pulled up to an electrical substation in the small town of Morton, Washington, about 70 miles south of Seattle on June 16. In the predawn dark next to the city cemetery, a man in a dark hoodie and baseball cap hopped out of the truck. He broke a steel gate apart, likely with a crowbar later found at the scene, and walked inside the fenced facility on his way to sabotaging its high-voltage transformers.

Electrical substations transform high-voltage electricity to the lower voltages that keep America’s lights on, its food cold, its medical devices operating and its phones charged. Far-flung substations can be difficult to secure. Damaging even a single one can shut off critical services to thousands of people.

Attacks like the one in Morton are on the rise in the Northwest – there have been 15 since June, more than in the previous six years combined. The recent attacks make this region a hotspot for such activity, according to a joint investigation by Oregon Public Broadcasting and KUOW. In most cases, the motives aren’t known. But as the FBI and extremism researchers have noted, neo-Nazis have been calling for just such attacks.

Related: Feds order review of power-grid security after attacks

“The individuals of concern believe that an attack on electrical infrastructure will contribute to their ideological goal of causing societal collapse and a subsequent race war in the United States,” according to an FBI memo obtained by OPB and KUOW.

The substation in Morton that was attacked in June is connected to transmission lines that deliver hydropower from the Cowlitz Falls Dam. The energy coursing through those lines is more than 500 times the voltage that comes out of your light sockets or power outlets and, experts say, is easily lethal to anyone foolish enough to mess around with it.

Despite the danger, the Morton substation intruder entered the facility and deliberately damaged equipment. (To avoid inspiring copycat crimes, OPB and KUOW are omitting details of techniques used in this attack and others.)
Be aware if you live near power facilities. If you see something say something! I used to live near a small substation and it would have been easy to drive up, damage and flee quickly to the highway.

I believe that this is the public service announcement you are looking for

Yes, if you see something out of the normal in your every day, then call and report it.

I don't know about you people, but I'm dialing that number every damn day!

Why the other day I saw my neighbor Jim use a power washer to water his plants while wearing a pink dress. What is wrong with people these days? I looked in horror as his plants were disintegrating before my eyes with soil flying around splattering his house as his beautiful pink dress got trashed. I then realized there was no one to call. I mean animals have PETA, but what about plants? Then I thought, why in the hell do I care about his plants in the first place, and then I felt confused, so I didn't' call that particular day. Besides, he was wearing a dress so I can criticize him for anything or get labeled a hater.

Sorry, carry on. Just had to get that off my chest.
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So beware of leftist terrorists attacking the power grid?
I'mtafa, eco-fascists, nazis, BLM have all been attacking vital points of vulnerability for years & they will continue to do so.

Whether it is the Cloward/Piven inspired attack on our national solvency, the Saul Alinsky style attacks on institutions & business, shutting down small businesses so the fascist symbiotic/parasitic relationship of giant corps with govt becomes easier or stripping freedoms through DEMPANICS!!!, climate change & false flags, they have an agenda that is diametrically opposed to individual freedom
Well, you knew this fear porn was coming just as soon as the WEF starting talking about, oh nos, we need to be ascared of cyber threats. :dunno:

I swear, the whole bunch operate like clockwork. They're so predictable.

The ''neo-Nazi'' tag, as predictable as that is as well, was humorous, though.

No surpirise either that their loyal base is picking up the ball and spreading the narrative around now. They are a committed bunch...
You people connected to a power grid should post guards. If you are going to be dependent on something, you should protect it.
There should be hundreds of Kyle Rittenhouses stationed outside of power stations...I mean, if folks like him really care about protecting private property and such....
Be aware if you live near power facilities. If you see something say something! I used to live near a small substation and it would have been easy to drive up, damage and flee quickly to the highway.

Forget some folks want to burn Atlanta to the ground ... It's all those damn Noe-Nazis hiding in the bushes you need to worry about ...
They gonna get yo electricity ... :auiqs.jpg:


Forget some folks want to burn Atlanta to the ground ... It's all those damn Noe-Nazis hiding in the bushes you need to worry about ...
They gonna get yo electricity ... :auiqs.jpg:


Yeah. That, too.

Eventually somebody might get around to wondering what's in the bed of that truck...
‘“The individuals of concern believe that an attack on electrical infrastructure will contribute to their ideological goal of causing societal collapse and a subsequent race war in the United States,” according to an FBI memo obtained by OPB and KUOW.’ ibid

The right’s campaign of acta of domestic terrorism continues.
Thread was meant to be less about who is doing it, but to be aware as more may be expected. I imagine the Feds might have been hearing more chatter.
So beware of leftist terrorists attacking the power grid?
I'mtafa, eco-fascists, nazis, BLM have all been attacking vital points of vulnerability for years & they will continue to do so.

Whether it is the Cloward/Piven inspired attack on our national solvency, the Saul Alinsky style attacks on institutions & business, shutting down small businesses so the fascist symbiotic/parasitic relationship of giant corps with govt becomes easier or stripping freedoms through DEMPANICS!!!, climate change & false flags, they have an agenda that is diametrically opposed to individual freedom
And to make matters worse, they tell the sheeple it is "neo-nazis" or "white supremacists" and the sheeple take it as absolute gospel, no questions asked.
‘“The individuals of concern believe that an attack on electrical infrastructure will contribute to their ideological goal of causing societal collapse and a subsequent race war in the United States,” according to an FBI memo obtained by OPB and KUOW.’ ibid

The right’s campaign of acta of domestic terrorism continues.
Neo-Nazis are not "the right".
But you know that, don't you, dumb ass?
Thread was meant to be less about who is doing it, but to be aware as more may be expected. I imagine the Feds might have been hearing more chatter.

What the thread is about ... Is that chatter the FBI is doing.
Who is aware of what ... Is kind of the point ... :auiqs.jpg:

Thread was meant to be less about who is doing it, but to be aware as more may be expected. I imagine the Feds might have been hearing more chatter.
And my comment about guarding the power supply was serious. No intent to kill anyone was implied or intended. Usually the presence of a human being deters criminal behavior.
I repeat, if you people tied to the power grid are worried about threats to your power supply, you should post guards.

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