FBI was tipped about Uvalde shooter day before.

They were targeted before you were old enough to hate BLM .......when BLM was the Civil Rights Movement...and the organizations were SNCC, NAACP and MLK's Southern Christian Leadership Council...

Funny how you Republicans of today use the same rhetoric and tactic to counter civil rights that Democrats used then....it's almost like there is a deeper connection that isn't traced to party...oh yea, its conservatives...

Or it could be the criminality and political treason of the more radical elements that were there then and are there now.
Well, if you pay attention you see that Biden is always blamed for what any Department under him does while Trump was never the reason and it was always the "deep state".

I would say you cannot really have it both ways, but in today's America nobody cares about honesty or consistency any longer.
gee - i should pay attention.
Why would the FBI stop something that works towards their goals?
The FBI could've stopped the original WTC bombing in 1993 but allowed it to happen so what do they care about a school full of children?
They are secret police, henchmen & agent provocateurs for the totalitarians of the NWO
So Trump is powerless cuck -- and despite your sycophantic belief that he is a brilliant businessman who will drain the swamp, blah blah -- he added to the swamp.....

but by your logic, this is why it is vital we elect him again so your dumb ass can run the same excuses after that term is over....adorable...
Mmm, no. Complaining about the Deep State, is not the same as saying the President is thus a "powerless cuck".

It is saying that the FBI is not fully under the control of our elected officials, and that's a problem.

That you can't address what I actually say, and have to make up shit, is another problem. One universal among lefties.
ergo, the problem.

i don't recall anyone being "nailed" for improper/illegal behavior in a long long time. we simply say "BUT THAT PERSON" and it seems to be a "well damn it, ok...you had good reason" and we move on.

the backlash this is going to create when the hammer does come down in immense. "zero tolerance" is the next phase to stop the "zero action" going now. we can't simply fix problems, we have to over-react and beat the shit out of them the other way.

then rinse and repeat.
I agree we need to take these matters into our own hands and after seeing the failure that has happened from the Uvalde Police Department the We and he People need to do something this time around…

No more excuses!

These folks fearmonger over Big-Tech and the Deep State spying on us and giving away our information on one post...

Then totally do a 180 and complain that Big Tech and the Deep State didn't spy and give away our information fast enough on another post....

Because these right-wingers are reactionary and emotional and have no principles at all -- aside from hating the groups they are programmed to hate
To answer your question or comment the fact is the amount of time the young girl notified the proper authorities and the terroristic act that was committed ( I am from this day forward calling mass shootings what they are and that is terrorism ) it was impossible to stop it at the FBI level.

One thing if the knew weeks in advance versus one do you a few hours or minutes…
True that. This venue does offer all of us a peek into that RWNJ world that perhaps we don't see in our everyday normal lives with real hard-working Americans. And for that insight, well, it is useful. There be nutters out there and any discussion about the 2ndA and guns brings 'em outta the woodwork. Are they dangerous, or harmless neighborhood cranks? I dunno. But we know they are out their fermenting in their grievances, resentments, and nutjobbery.


Here, lemme show you what I am referencing in my response to poster Winco:

There be nutters out there.


Well, poster Peace, I would wish to alter or supplement your thoughts by adding "it is simpler to do this than seriously attempt to curb America's unique affliction of gun violence."

By thy words we shall know thee.

I want the fbi and schools to do a better job of protecting us. And part of that would be dropping the politically motivated focus on people who are not actually dangerous, like me and people like me.

Thus you are welcome to "know me". You drama queen.
I agree we need to take these matters into our own hands and after seeing the failure that has happened from the Uvalde Police Department the We and he People need to do something this time around…

No more excuses!

To answer your question or comment the fact is the amount of time the young girl notified the proper authorities and the terroristic act that was committed ( I am from this day forward calling mass shootings what they are and that is terrorism ) it was impossible to stop it at the FBI level.

One thing if the knew weeks in advance versus one do you a few hours or minutes…
I don't look to the FBI to stop all mass shootings, terror attacks, etc -- neither do I demonize them and call it a false flag anytime they do stop a terror attack, etc...

The FBI is but a tool in the toolbox....the majority of the rank and file agents in the FBI (including my family) try to do the right thing...

What I take issue with is how right-wingers attack a historically right-wing centric organization because that organization ain't right-wing enough....
I agree we need to take these matters into our own hands and after seeing the failure that has happened from the Uvalde Police Department the We and he People need to do something this time around…

No more excuses!
first up - understand the problem.

granted, what we do know isn't good. but if you have an armed gunman in a school, do you let parents run in there and add to the problem? while i am not a parent, i sure understand why a parent would. i'd like to think all compassionate people would rush in to help. but is it helping? i sure don't think the response from the police department did - that i know of anyway. but lets get the entire story.

we need a solid NON POLITICAL post mortem of police response to this and work to fix issues from there.

unfortunately, we only do things in an emotional state and those actions are usually the incorrect long term actions and we wind up simply repeating things because we didn't address the problem, just the perception.
Yup, the useless FBI was told. A gamer girl was apparently playing online with the Ramos. He got pissed when he lost and said he would go shoot up a school with an AR-15. She actually recorded the audio and sent it to the game company and the FBI.

Too bad the FBI is too busy tracking parents who complain at school board meetings and patriots that believe in fair elections.

They were too busy trying to punish the Patriots that protested a stolen election on 1/6.
I don't look to the FBI to stop all mass shootings, terror attacks, etc -- neither do I demonize them and call it a false flag anytime they do stop a terror attack, etc...

The FBI is but a tool in the toolbox....the majority of the rank and file agents in the FBI (including my family) try to do the right thing...

What I take issue with is how right-wingers attack a historically right-wing centric organization because that organization ain't right-wing enough....
you take issue with anything you can pin RIGHT WING on.

you should back up the dumbass truck and look at your own cargo.
you should, but you seem to have a blind spot when it comes to Trump
i am on record as not being a trump fan.

maybe you should pay attention.

you seem to have a blind spot for just about anything you need to at the moment.
It's been all over the news since yesterday. You really want to blame the FBI rather than deal with the gun problem. Your guns must be very important to you.

Israel has had 2 school shootings since 1974. They have strict background checks, limit ownership to one gun and 50 bullets.

Three-year-old Ammar would have loved splashing in the winter puddles outside the Hujarat family’s home, his aunt said. But two days before, the little boy was shot and killed in a playground by a stray bullet fired during a car chase, and the grieving family is trying to make sense of the way his life ended.

“The police don’t care what happens to Palestinians so [the gangs] know they can kill children while they are playing and nothing will happen. We are so angry,” said Ammar’s cousin, Imam, as she sat with his mother, Aisha. Still numb with shock, Aisha cradled her hands in her lap, eyes red from crying.

Ammar was the first victim of 2022 claimed by the gun violence epidemic engulfing Israel’s Arab community: last year, a record 127 people lost their lives, and the numbers have risen year on year since 2013. At the same time, illegal firearms on the streets have proliferated. Some estimates put the number at hundreds of thousands of weapons, mainly stolen from Israeli military depots or smuggled over the Jordanian border.

Aside from that their attention is also on missiles flying across from Gaza. Really not the best example.
So what would you feel the FBI should have done?

And why should that just be limited to just this person??

I already said what they should and should not be doing.

Why would it be limited to one person?
Not to defend the FBI, but just what the fuck would you expect them to do with a tip like that?

She doesn't know his real name, she doesn't know where he lives, and what he typed in the postchat was, "what if i shoot up a school tomorrow” (from the link).

For all we and the FBI know, the person who typed that is still out there playing games and typing stupid shit...

Stop by and have a talk. With all of the prior police interactions it would have been warranted.

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