American Taliban: Florida GOP Bill Would Bar Girls From Talking Periods In School

These religious GOP perverts are everywhere!


Please name one person on this board who would not condemn this man for his actions.

PSSSSSSST -- Anybody else get a creepy "This guy did it so why can't I?" vibe from this post?

The sick fucks want to talk with 6th graders about their menstruation....

Because it's not available on Pornhub and they have to go to an obscure German website with a VPN to satisfy their primitive depravity...

Sick, twisted fucks.... thank-you Stan McClain for stopping these sub-humans.

A Florida Republican seeking to restrict sex education for students confirmed in a committee hearing on Wednesday that his bill would also ban young girls from discussing their menstrual cycles with school officials.

Rep. Stan McClain’s (R) proposed legislation, House Bill 1069, seeks to restrict the educational materials used in state schools, which critics have likened to book banning. The bill requires course material and instruction on sexually transmitted diseases, health education or material on human sexuality to “only occur in grades 6 through 12,” according to the legislation.

During a Wednesday House Education Quality Subcommittee, Rep. Ashley Viola Gantt (D) asked McClain if this bill would prohibit girls younger than 6th grade from discussing their periods in school.

“Does this bill prohibit conversations about menstrual cycles ― because we know that typically the ages is between 10 and 15 ― so if little girls experience their menstrual cycle in fifth grade or fourth grade, will that prohibit conversations from them since they are in the grade lower than sixth grade?” Gantt asked McClain during the committee hearing.

“It would,” McClain responded.

More at the link below...


What is wrong with Florida? I never ever want to even visit that state again. What do you think?

Republicans say they are all about freedom but you aren't free to

a. Go into a strip club in Florida if you are a 19 year old adult

You can go be a sucker or loser in the military but can't go to a strip club.

b. You can't go online and watch porn
2022, a freshman legislator in Louisiana’s House of Representatives accomplished something no other lawmaker or activist in the country could claim: She passed a law that is changing the online porn industry.

Pornhub, the YouTube of pornography, gets more global users than Amazon or Netflix. In 2019, the last year Pornhub released its data, the site was visited 42 billion times, or 115 million times each day.

c. Can't get abortions

d. Can't protest (blm)

e. Can't vote (if you don't have a state id) You can buy a gun but not vote.
Republicans say they are all about freedom but you aren't free to

a. Go into a strip club in Florida if you are a 19 year old adult

You can go be a sucker or loser in the military but can't go to a strip club.

b. You can't go online and watch porn
2022, a freshman legislator in Louisiana’s House of Representatives accomplished something no other lawmaker or activist in the country could claim: She passed a law that is changing the online porn industry.

Pornhub, the YouTube of pornography, gets more global users than Amazon or Netflix. In 2019, the last year Pornhub released its data, the site was visited 42 billion times, or 115 million times each day.

c. Can't get abortions

d. Can't protest (blm)

e. Can't vote (if you don't have a state id) You can buy a gun but not vote.
a sucker or loser in the military?.....did you serve bobo?....
Unless it's a school nurse, no school employee should be discussing menstruation with students.
Not a teacher?

Not a counselor?

Maybe they are not friends with the school nurse, and just need some trusted friend to talk to
you have his attitude.....the funny part is neither one of you would have survived boot camp...
I was an all state wrestler. I would have hated it, but I would have survived.

I would never subject myself to what navy seals do. That I for sure would fail out.

I watch a lot of real life murder shows. Signs of a sociopath, evil next door, I lived with a murderer, etc. I do notice a lot of former military get into trouble after service.

A lot of them have a hard time in civilian life.

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