FDA cover up? This is from a source that I am not familiar with but...you should read this!!


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013

With the uber-damning statistics review on the current COVID reporting agencies still fresh in the air....we have this too....
IDK. One of my cousins had her pfizers in march and she is still complaining about it doing something to her. I am not sure if she is for real or not. Nobody else has complained of being that sick this long from the shots that I know of.
IDK. One of my cousins had her pfizers in march and she is still complaining about it doing something to her. I am not sure if she is for real or not. Nobody else has complained of being that sick this long from the shots that I know of.
I'm not gong to venture into biochemstry because it's not my field but I will say that there are some excellent conversations going on between some of our posters here who seem to be versed in it and they are pretty damn scary...as in scare me away from the vaccination not toward it.

Read posts 21-30
I'm not reading even the OP; I just want to comment that the thread title is supposed to describe the thread topic. Is the topic people you don't know?
IDK. One of my cousins had her pfizers in march and she is still complaining about it doing something to her. I am not sure if she is for real or not. Nobody else has complained of being that sick this long from the shots that I know of.
I'm not gong to venture into biochemstry because it's not my field but I will say that there are some excellent conversations going on between some of our posters here who seem to be versed in it and they are pretty damn scary...as in scare me away from the vaccination not toward it.

Read posts 21-30
Picture of the CDC being followed closely by the pro vaxxers.....
The vaccine causes white people to start 'twerking'.
That is humorous but seriously you do know that Wuhan is a place where the Chinese endeavor to engineer sicknesses that target gene pools right?
IDK. One of my cousins had her pfizers in march and she is still complaining about it doing something to her. I am not sure if she is for real or not. Nobody else has complained of being that sick this long from the shots that I know of.
I'm not gong to venture into biochemstry because it's not my field but I will say that there are some excellent conversations going on between some of our posters here who seem to be versed in it and they are pretty damn scary...as in scare me away from the vaccination not toward it.

Read posts 21-30

I think people should do whatever they are most comfortable with after weighing the pros and cons and risks. I don't applaud people who do or don't take it, nor do I condemn people who do or don't take it. I know people who have gotten the virus and died and I have known people who had it and had very mild symptoms. I am pretty sure me and all my sibblings had COVID at New Years after being together at Christmas, but it manifested itself differently across the different households and even within some of the households. I was fortunate enough not to get any of the more severe symptoms the others were having. I mostly was just wiped out for about a week with indescribably deep fatigue like my body was shutting down but otherwise didn't have the bad headaches, sore throat, cough, intestinal issues, etc that others had in some combination. When my better half (who refused to go the ER) said they thought they were going to die from coughing, I realized that I hadn't even noticed I was so out of it.

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