FDR's Message Incarnate: OWS....


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Ronald Reagan has this wonderful view of the future: “It’s Morning in America.” FDR’s political theory was a pernicious one, built on Woodrow Wilson’s attack on the American Founding. For example…

a. His address at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco fourteen days before the election, was laced with negative views on capitalism: “A glance at the situation today only too clearly indicates that equality of opportunity as we have known it no longer exists. … We are now providing a drab living for our own people…. The unfeeling statistics of the past three decades show that the independent businessman is running a losing race. Perhaps he is forced to the wall; perhaps he cannot command credit; perhaps he is "squeezed out," in Mr. Wilson’s words,…

Our task now is not discovery, or exploitation of natural resources, or necessarily producing more goods. It is the soberer, less dramatic business of administering resources and plants already in hand… of adjusting production to consumption, of distributing wealth and products more equitably of adapting existing economic organizations to the service of the people. The day of enlightened administration has come.” Commonwealth Club Address by Franklin D. Roosevelt

2. So, in Obama-OWS message we can hear the echo of the Wilson-FDR Axis: poor, sad citizens…no longer can initiative, hard work, and Coolidge’s word, ‘persistence,’ produce success. Who can argue with that?

3. Americans, that's who….there is ‘Angie’s List.’

a. Angie’s List is a website that aggregates verified consumer reviews of service companies as a way to "capture word-of-mouth wisdom".[4] Angie’s List has about 1.5 million subscribers throughout the United States and Canada who post an average of about 40,000 reviews each month. The concept behind the website is to certify their data collection process by only allowing paid and registered subscribers to access the website to prevent anonymous or biased reviews. Angie's List - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Angie's List estimated that its annual revenue in 2008 was $58 million, generated primarily through advertising in its newsletter and membership fees. Ibid.

c. Since 1995, Angie Hicks has been dedicated to helping consumers get the real scoop on local service companies and health providers. Inspired by the frustrations her co-founder had trying to find reliable contractors in suburban Columbus, Ohio, she started Angie’s List to help homeowners find who they should hire and who they should avoid. … It’s what Angie envisioned when she set out door-to-door recruiting members and collecting reviews from friends and neighbors—a locally-focused service devoted to empowering consumers. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor’s degree in economics from DePauw University, in Greencastle, IN. Meet the Angie behind Angie's List, Angies List

d. Imagine how different it would be for Ms. Hicks if she accepted the view of Wilson and FDR.

4. And then there is the billionaire creator of "Spanx", Sara Blakely…

a. "Blakely owns 100% of the private company, has zero debt, has never taken outside investment and hasn’t spent a nickel on advertising. At 41 she’s the youngest woman to join this year’s World’s Billionaires list without help from a husband or an inheritance."

b. Spanx started as a one-woman show. In her first year Blakely shilled her new invention from a folding table in the foyer of Neiman Marcus,...she drove from Clearwater to Orlando to audition for a job at Disney World. Two inches too short to fill the 5-foot-8 Goofy costume, she instead spent eight hours a day on a moving walkway buckling visitors into their seats at Epcot’s now closed World of Motion ride....Like many startups, Spanx began life as an answer to an irritating problem."http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2012/03/07/undercover-billionaire-sara-blakely-joins-the-rich-list-thanks-to-spanx/3/

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cVzVRAwcyg&feature=related]5 Steps to turn $5000 into a Billion - Sara Blakely Story - YouTube[/ame]

Americans are 'can-do' folks....even after generations of progressive's poisoning the character of same....

November: throw the hand-wringers out.
Ronald Reagan has this wonderful view of the future: “It’s Morning in America.” FDR’s political theory was a pernicious one, built on Woodrow Wilson’s attack on the American Founding. For example…

a. His address at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco fourteen days before the election, was laced with negative views on capitalism: “A glance at the situation today only too clearly indicates that equality of opportunity as we have known it no longer exists. … We are now providing a drab living for our own people…. The unfeeling statistics of the past three decades show that the independent businessman is running a losing race. Perhaps he is forced to the wall; perhaps he cannot command credit; perhaps he is "squeezed out," in Mr. Wilson’s words,…

Our task now is not discovery, or exploitation of natural resources, or necessarily producing more goods. It is the soberer, less dramatic business of administering resources and plants already in hand… of adjusting production to consumption, of distributing wealth and products more equitably of adapting existing economic organizations to the service of the people. The day of enlightened administration has come.” Commonwealth Club Address by Franklin D. Roosevelt

2. So, in Obama-OWS message we can hear the echo of the Wilson-FDR Axis: poor, sad citizens…no longer can initiative, hard work, and Coolidge’s word, ‘persistence,’ produce success. Who can argue with that?

3. Americans, that's who….there is ‘Angie’s List.’

a. Angie’s List is a website that aggregates verified consumer reviews of service companies as a way to "capture word-of-mouth wisdom".[4] Angie’s List has about 1.5 million subscribers throughout the United States and Canada who post an average of about 40,000 reviews each month. The concept behind the website is to certify their data collection process by only allowing paid and registered subscribers to access the website to prevent anonymous or biased reviews. Angie's List - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Angie's List estimated that its annual revenue in 2008 was $58 million, generated primarily through advertising in its newsletter and membership fees. Ibid.

c. Since 1995, Angie Hicks has been dedicated to helping consumers get the real scoop on local service companies and health providers. Inspired by the frustrations her co-founder had trying to find reliable contractors in suburban Columbus, Ohio, she started Angie’s List to help homeowners find who they should hire and who they should avoid. … It’s what Angie envisioned when she set out door-to-door recruiting members and collecting reviews from friends and neighbors—a locally-focused service devoted to empowering consumers. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor’s degree in economics from DePauw University, in Greencastle, IN. Meet the Angie behind Angie's List, Angies List

d. Imagine how different it would be for Ms. Hicks if she accepted the view of Wilson and FDR.

4. And then there is the billionaire creator of "Spanx", Sara Blakely…

a. "Blakely owns 100% of the private company, has zero debt, has never taken outside investment and hasn’t spent a nickel on advertising. At 41 she’s the youngest woman to join this year’s World’s Billionaires list without help from a husband or an inheritance."

b. Spanx started as a one-woman show. In her first year Blakely shilled her new invention from a folding table in the foyer of Neiman Marcus,...she drove from Clearwater to Orlando to audition for a job at Disney World. Two inches too short to fill the 5-foot-8 Goofy costume, she instead spent eight hours a day on a moving walkway buckling visitors into their seats at Epcot’s now closed World of Motion ride....Like many startups, Spanx began life as an answer to an irritating problem."http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2012/03/07/undercover-billionaire-sara-blakely-joins-the-rich-list-thanks-to-spanx/3/

5 Steps to turn $5000 into a Billion - Sara Blakely Story - YouTube

Americans are 'can-do' folks....even after generations of progressive's poisoning the character of same....

November: throw the hand-wringers out.

Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!!

Thank you for clearly stating what is good and right about this once great nation.

We are a nations of believers and achievers and it's time to marginalizes the whiners and Neo-Marxists

"You must spread some Reputation around..."
I'm going to go out on a limb, here, and admit that combing the economic labyrinths, one might find a couple of equally successful males.....
Capitaliism is not a religion

Speaking of religions....

Ann Coulter identified Liberalism as one!

Coulter argues that liberalism rejects the idea of God and reviles people of faith, yet bears all the attributes of a religion itself. Coulter argues that the tenets of the liberal "church" are:

Creation myths (the theory of evolution)

Sacraments - Coulter compares abortion to "virgin sacrifice"

Holy Writ (Roe v. Wade)

Martyrs (from Alger Hiss to Mumia Abu-Jamal)

Clergy (public school teachers)

Place of worship (government schools, where Coulter claims that prayer is prohibited but condoms are free)

Doctrine of infallibility (as manifest in the "absolute moral authority" of spokespeople from Cindy Sheehan to Max Cleland)

Cosmology (The Big Bang Theory, by which Coulter concludes that mankind is an inconsequential accident)
Godless: The Church of Liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And the Holy Trinity of Race-Class-Gender

And, today being the day that the American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy, died, in 1957, ...is this some sort of holiday for you guys?
4. And then there is the billionaire creator of "Spanx", Sara Blakely…

a. "Blakely owns 100% of the private company, has zero debt, has never taken outside investment and hasn’t spent a nickel on advertising. At 41 she’s the youngest woman to join this year’s World’s Billionaires list without help from a husband or an inheritance."

b. Spanx started as a one-woman show. In her first year Blakely shilled her new invention from a folding table in the foyer of Neiman Marcus,...she drove from Clearwater to Orlando to audition for a job at Disney World. Two inches too short to fill the 5-foot-8 Goofy costume, she instead spent eight hours a day on a moving walkway buckling visitors into their seats at Epcot’s now closed World of Motion ride....Like many startups, Spanx began life as an answer to an irritating problem."http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2012/03/07/undercover-billionaire-sara-blakely-joins-the-rich-list-thanks-to-spanx/3/

I think you're missing the point; she couldn't be a billionaire if only she had paid her "fair share"!:lol:
4. And then there is the billionaire creator of "Spanx", Sara Blakely…

a. "Blakely owns 100% of the private company, has zero debt, has never taken outside investment and hasn’t spent a nickel on advertising. At 41 she’s the youngest woman to join this year’s World’s Billionaires list without help from a husband or an inheritance."

b. Spanx started as a one-woman show. In her first year Blakely shilled her new invention from a folding table in the foyer of Neiman Marcus,...she drove from Clearwater to Orlando to audition for a job at Disney World. Two inches too short to fill the 5-foot-8 Goofy costume, she instead spent eight hours a day on a moving walkway buckling visitors into their seats at Epcot’s now closed World of Motion ride....Like many startups, Spanx began life as an answer to an irritating problem."http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2012/03/07/undercover-billionaire-sara-blakely-joins-the-rich-list-thanks-to-spanx/3/

I think you're missing the point; she couldn't be a billionaire if only she had paid her "fair share"!:lol:

The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities. Where is the explanation of what would be a ‘fair share’ for the wealthy to give up? Irving Kristol, as editor of ‘Public Interest,’ wrote to professors who had written about the unfairness of income distribution, asking them to write an article as to what a ‘fair distribution’ would be; he has never gotten that article.
Irving Kristol, “Neoconservative: the Autobiography of an Idea,” p. 166

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