FEC dems trying to shut down fox news during the election!

Fox isn't the only one that needs to be worried.

How many $millions has Hillary gotten from Saudi Arabia and other foreign countries? They have contributed tons of money to the Clinton foundation, a slush fund which in turn has helped Hillary in her campaign. She is owned far more than the 5% this Democrat Weintraub is targeting.

If they pass this plan, Hillary would be unable to run for President at all.

Is any part of American politics more influenced by foreigners, than Hillary's run for President?

These Democrats should be careful what they wish for.

From the article linked in the OP:

In their biggest threat yet to conservative media, Democrats on the Federal Election Commission are laying the groundwork to bar companies with even the tiniest foreign ownership from American politics, ....

In a last-minute submission Wednesday, a top Democrat on the evenly split FEC proposed that the Thursday meeting of the commission begin the process to prohibit companies with foreign ownership as small as 5 percent "from funding expenditures, independent expenditures, or electioneering communications."

Democratic Commissioner Ellen Weintraub said in her submission, "Given everything we have learned this year, it blinks reality to suggest that that there is no risk of foreign nationals taking advantage of current loopholes to intercede invisibly in American elections. This is a risk no member of the Federal Election Commission should be willing to tolerate."
I thought he was a Nazi lol...

Fascism and communism....what is the difference? Not much because all control ends up in the hands of the totalitarian state, does it not??
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...
You're still an idiot.
Me Masters in History, you, masters in being brainwashed and stupid insults. Trump is a great con man- it all sounds GREAT, unless you want details (tax cut for the rich, build up the bloated military, a lie every 3 minutes, absolutely immoral businessman). Talk about fascism.
So you're an educated idiot. Master of stupidity more than likely. Obuthole brainwashed your sorry ass.
You're still an idiot.
Me Masters in History, you, masters in being brainwashed and stupid insults. Trump is a great con man- it all sounds GREAT, unless you want details (tax cut for the rich, build up the bloated military, a lie every 3 minutes, absolutely immoral businessman). Talk about fascism.
So you're an educated idiot. Master of stupidity more than likely. Obuthole brainwashed your sorry ass.
All the non bought off educated are now with me,dupe. lol

Really? If you were a history major like you claim, you would know about the central banking system, the cause for the War of 1812, the real reason behind the Civil War and the players behind it and how the Tsar of Russia stepped in and had Lincoln's back....but yet when I have discussed this with you in the past, ypu have been utterly clueless....methinks you are just a blowhard and closet commie.
It was slavery and Southern paranoia/brainwashed idiocy/greed. Southern conservatives again. Must be the heat...No, you haven't told me about the Tsar of Russia...please do.

So, tell me, which was the last northern state that freed their slaves and what year, Mr History Buff........and how far into the Civil War was it before Lincoln declared the abolishment of slavery? What about the role of the Catholic Church in this war (mainly the jesuits that Lincoln spoke of?) So you don't know that the Tsar of Russia prevented England and France from jumping in on the side of the south? Seriously????
No one wants to listen to left-wingnut radio. It's nothing but a bunch of whiny wishful thinkers. People's attempts to start a left-wingnut radio station such as Air America, always fail. Because the infantile mindset needed to enjoy it exists only in a few of the more extreme whiners.
They talk about actual facts, issues, and GOP. It's nowhere near as exciting as the bombastic bs conspiracy theories and amazing phony scandal on Rush, Savage etc etc etc. Plus you can get anywhere, but the RW fantasy only on Fox Rush etc, DUPE. lol
Fox isn't the only one that needs to be worried.

How many $millions has Hillary gotten from Saudi Arabia and other foreign countries? They have contributed tons of money to the Clinton foundation, a slush fund which in turn has helped Hillary in her campaign. She is owned far more than the 5% this Democrat Weintraub is targeting.

If they pass this plan, Hillary would be unable to run for President at all.

Is any part of American politics more influenced by foreigners, than Hillary's run for President?

These Democrats should be careful what they wish for.

From the article linked in the OP:

In their biggest threat yet to conservative media, Democrats on the Federal Election Commission are laying the groundwork to bar companies with even the tiniest foreign ownership from American politics, ....

In a last-minute submission Wednesday, a top Democrat on the evenly split FEC proposed that the Thursday meeting of the commission begin the process to prohibit companies with foreign ownership as small as 5 percent "from funding expenditures, independent expenditures, or electioneering communications."

Democratic Commissioner Ellen Weintraub said in her submission, "Given everything we have learned this year, it blinks reality to suggest that that there is no risk of foreign nationals taking advantage of current loopholes to intercede invisibly in American elections. This is a risk no member of the Federal Election Commission should be willing to tolerate."
The Foundation is rated higher than the Red Cross and been totally investigated and nothing found, DUPE.
Fox isn't the only one that needs to be worried.

How many $millions has Hillary gotten from Saudi Arabia and other foreign countries? They have contributed tons of money to the Clinton foundation, a slush fund which in turn has helped Hillary in her campaign. She is owned far more than the 5% this Democrat Weintraub is targeting.

If they pass this plan, Hillary would be unable to run for President at all.

Is any part of American politics more influenced by foreigners, than Hillary's run for President?

These Democrats should be careful what they wish for.

From the article linked in the OP:

In their biggest threat yet to conservative media, Democrats on the Federal Election Commission are laying the groundwork to bar companies with even the tiniest foreign ownership from American politics, ....

In a last-minute submission Wednesday, a top Democrat on the evenly split FEC proposed that the Thursday meeting of the commission begin the process to prohibit companies with foreign ownership as small as 5 percent "from funding expenditures, independent expenditures, or electioneering communications."

Democratic Commissioner Ellen Weintraub said in her submission, "Given everything we have learned this year, it blinks reality to suggest that that there is no risk of foreign nationals taking advantage of current loopholes to intercede invisibly in American elections. This is a risk no member of the Federal Election Commission should be willing to tolerate."
One outlier, and no chance of passing. "As low as" lol...RW tripe as usual...very EXCITING, DUPE.
Great infotainment/propaganda, dupes.
Yep, you are still a lying idiot retard. Educated or not you are stupid.
My mother told me I tested at 145 IQ. I admire and respect your opinion. I'm sure I've brought it down the last 47 years. You don't think RW propaganda is exciting and infotaining?
Great infotainment/propaganda, dupes.
Yep, you are still a lying idiot retard. Educated or not you are stupid.
My mother told me I tested at 145 IQ. I admire and respect your opinion. I'm sure I've brought it down the last 47 years. You don't think RW propaganda is exciting and infotaining?

Your mom told you, lol! Pretty funny! Of she would never lie or exaggerate about her own kid! Lol! Funny how your mom had to tell you what you tested at and you don't actually know! Lol! Dupe.
Great infotainment/propaganda, dupes.
Yep, you are still a lying idiot retard. Educated or not you are stupid.
My mother told me I tested at 145 IQ. I admire and respect your opinion. I'm sure I've brought it down the last 47 years. You don't think RW propaganda is exciting and infotaining?
You are always proving your stupidity, thanks again.
Answer the question, Pubtroll dupe, or sthu. lol
Great infotainment/propaganda, dupes.
Yep, you are still a lying idiot retard. Educated or not you are stupid.
My mother told me I tested at 145 IQ. I admire and respect your opinion. I'm sure I've brought it down the last 47 years. You don't think RW propaganda is exciting and infotaining?
You are always proving your stupidity, thanks again.
Answer the question, Pubtroll dupe, or sthu. lol
You're question is as stupid as you are. You stfu.
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