FEC dems trying to shut down fox news during the election!

So Republicans get one station and the Dems are running scared. They wont pander to Hillary .. So what are they trying to do is shut them down. FREEDOM of speech and press. WTF dont they know the constitution .. FEC Dems lay groundwork to ban Fox, WSJ political coverage

Ok, let me get this straight-

You CAN run a " foundation" and accept donations to that foundation from foreign entities while serving as the Secretary of State and then also run for POTUS,
Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State

But you CAN NOT provide coverage for elections in this country if you are just a tiny bit owned by a foreign entity.

And all this makes sense to whom?
Yup....and Trump as a private citizen cannot do dick with his foundation.....cuz he's not with the right assholes.
What a scam lol. Not even certified. Just so he can lie about being charitable. No evidence of pay to play on the Clintons...according to the US Justice system. Sorry the Clintons are respected by the world and do good works lol....
According to you people a majority of the country support the left so why don't left wing radio pundits outnumber right wing radio pundits? There was a "progressive" radio station in my area once, it went broke. :laugh:
Because we're not brainwashed zombie dupes that can get real news anywhere?

Great then there's no problem the left gets their news elsewhere and there's no need for a Fairness Doctrine. Unless you just hate that people disagree with you and you want to shut down any opposition. Damn that pesky 1st amendment. Go live in a communist regime shit hole like North Korea you will be much happier.
I hate that you get your own bs facts.

Dude, you only have one view and it is totally skewed and anyone that doesn't share YOUR views are like an enemy to you. You are one of the sheep[le and on top of that, you have blinders on.

Progressive liberals are crazy, the people are homicidal they want conservatives to die.
Right, see Danny Boys post 55 minutes ago. And Trump's similar quote. A disgrace.

One idiot as far as I can tell. Go nuts, conspiracy whackjobs. lol. Only on the New BS GOP propaganda circle jerk, for ignorant dupes only...

That party is waging hot war to end the 1st Amendment. Obama has been smacked down a dozen times by SCOTUS as he has attempted to strip the public of all liberty. The FEC shit is just more of the anti-liberty left seeking to end the Constitution. This is why this election is so important, if Hillary wins and can put corrupt scum like Kagan on the court, then the Bill of Rights will be no more. You of course think this will bring about the Stalinist style totalitarian dictatorship you lust for. In fact though, it will merely spark a civil war. And no, the military will not kill all the conservatives for you.
Rupert Murdoch is a foreign born terrorist, brainwashing the American public. Anyone who uses any of the media owned by Newscorp should be put on a terrorist watchlist and investigated for high treason.
Time for the orderlies to chase you down with the butterfly nets and tranquilizer guns again, I see.
He and his billionaire pals aren't far off. Ignorance and conspiracy theories, phony scandals are taking over political discourse.
Is he your sock, or are you his?
So you're for cutting taxes on the rich and a military buildup? That'll help you a lot. That's not change. Obama was blocked to a huge extent. All to protect the rich and giant corps...
Have you been drinking again?
Haven't had a drink in a couple weeks...sorry you don't know about the Trump POLICY, just phony Clinton scandals...

One idiot as far as I can tell. Go nuts, conspiracy whackjobs. lol. Only on the New BS GOP propaganda circle jerk, for ignorant dupes only...

That party is waging hot war to end the 1st Amendment. Obama has been smacked down a dozen times by SCOTUS as he has attempted to strip the public of all liberty. The FEC shit is just more of the anti-liberty left seeking to end the Constitution. This is why this election is so important, if Hillary wins and can put corrupt scum like Kagan on the court, then the Bill of Rights will be no more. You of course think this will bring about the Stalinist style totalitarian dictatorship you lust for. In fact though, it will merely spark a civil war. And no, the military will not kill all the conservatives for you.
Correcting your brainwashed hate/bs is just the opposite, DUHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Great then there's no problem the left gets their news elsewhere and there's no need for a Fairness Doctrine. Unless you just hate that people disagree with you and you want to shut down any opposition. Damn that pesky 1st amendment. Go live in a communist regime shit hole like North Korea you will be much happier.

The left gets their "news" from Comedy Central.

These are the dregs of the nation, the ultra-stupid.
And all the real news media in the world, not the the New BS GOP propaganda machine, all financed by 5 or 6 greedy idiot billionaires, dupe. Murdoch, Kochs, Adelson, Moonies. Fox, Heritage, Washington Examiner, Wash. Times. Got to admit they at least are not cowardly. Must have brass balls. lol

:laugh: you should have your own sitcom.
Why do conservatives whine about everything. Whining has become the default position for conservatives in the US. Trump whines and cries like a baby about every little thing. "The moderator was mean to me". I see and you want to be leader of a nation that has to deal with North Korea, China, and Russia. But a newscaster scares you. It is nonstop from cons, 'the debates aren't fair, the election isn't fair, the media isn't fair, the world is against us, Soros paid off Jesus'...

Don't you people ever get sick of hearing yourselves whine about all of life?
The far and alt right shut down conversation, then cry because they can't because it is shutting them down.

Never expect common sense or patriotism from the far right.
If you do not know what the Council On Foreign Relations is, what it's purpose is and whom founded it, you are tooo fucking stupid to even be posting here.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEE!!!! The only conspiracy is a natural one, greedy idiot GOP billionaires slowly robbing the middle class and the country blind and duping the rubes with bs...

George Soros isn't part of the GOP...he is a leftard and a commie. Fuck the commies and their little leftard minions like yourself.
I thought he was a Nazi lol...

Fascism and communism....what is the difference? Not much because all control ends up in the hands of the totalitarian state, does it not??
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...
You're still an idiot.
Why do conservatives whine about everything. Whining has become the default position for conservatives in the US. Trump whines and cries like a baby about every little thing. "The moderator was mean to me". I see and you want to be leader of a nation that has to deal with North Korea, China, and Russia. But a newscaster scares you. It is nonstop from cons, 'the debates aren't fair, the election isn't fair, the media isn't fair, the world is against us, Soros paid off Jesus'...

Don't you people ever get sick of hearing yourselves whine about all of life?
We get sick of retarded libs violating law and telling people it isn't their fault. Go Trump. Idiot libtard!!!!
Why do conservatives whine about everything. Whining has become the default position for conservatives in the US. Trump whines and cries like a baby about every little thing. "The moderator was mean to me". I see and you want to be leader of a nation that has to deal with North Korea, China, and Russia. But a newscaster scares you. It is nonstop from cons, 'the debates aren't fair, the election isn't fair, the media isn't fair, the world is against us, Soros paid off Jesus'...

Don't you people ever get sick of hearing yourselves whine about all of life?
We get sick of retarded libs violating law and telling people it isn't their fault. Go Trump. Idiot libtard!!!!
Who is violating the law? We will know for sure when Trump releases his taxes.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEE!!!! The only conspiracy is a natural one, greedy idiot GOP billionaires slowly robbing the middle class and the country blind and duping the rubes with bs...

George Soros isn't part of the GOP...he is a leftard and a commie. Fuck the commies and their little leftard minions like yourself.
I thought he was a Nazi lol...

Fascism and communism....what is the difference? Not much because all control ends up in the hands of the totalitarian state, does it not??
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...
You're still an idiot.
Me Masters in History, you, masters in being brainwashed and stupid insults. Trump is a great con man- it all sounds GREAT, unless you want details (tax cut for the rich, build up the bloated military, a lie every 3 minutes, absolutely immoral businessman). Talk about fascism.
George Soros isn't part of the GOP...he is a leftard and a commie. Fuck the commies and their little leftard minions like yourself.
I thought he was a Nazi lol...

Fascism and communism....what is the difference? Not much because all control ends up in the hands of the totalitarian state, does it not??
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...
You're still an idiot.
Me Masters in History, you, masters in being brainwashed and stupid insults. Trump is a great con man- it all sounds GREAT, unless you want details (tax cut for the rich, build up the bloated military, a lie every 3 minutes, absolutely immoral businessman). Talk about fascism.
So you're an educated idiot. Master of stupidity more than likely. Obuthole brainwashed your sorry ass.
I thought he was a Nazi lol...

Fascism and communism....what is the difference? Not much because all control ends up in the hands of the totalitarian state, does it not??
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...
You're still an idiot.
Me Masters in History, you, masters in being brainwashed and stupid insults. Trump is a great con man- it all sounds GREAT, unless you want details (tax cut for the rich, build up the bloated military, a lie every 3 minutes, absolutely immoral businessman). Talk about fascism.
So you're an educated idiot. Master of stupidity more than likely. Obuthole brainwashed your sorry ass.
All the non bought off educated are now with me,dupe. lol
Fascism and communism....what is the difference? Not much because all control ends up in the hands of the totalitarian state, does it not??
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...
You're still an idiot.
Me Masters in History, you, masters in being brainwashed and stupid insults. Trump is a great con man- it all sounds GREAT, unless you want details (tax cut for the rich, build up the bloated military, a lie every 3 minutes, absolutely immoral businessman). Talk about fascism.
So you're an educated idiot. Master of stupidity more than likely. Obuthole brainwashed your sorry ass.
All the non bought off educated are now with me,dupe. lol

Really? If you were a history major like you claim, you would know about the central banking system, the cause for the War of 1812, the real reason behind the Civil War and the players behind it and how the Tsar of Russia stepped in and had Lincoln's back....but yet when I have discussed this with you in the past, ypu have been utterly clueless....methinks you are just a blowhard and closet commie.
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...
You're still an idiot.
Me Masters in History, you, masters in being brainwashed and stupid insults. Trump is a great con man- it all sounds GREAT, unless you want details (tax cut for the rich, build up the bloated military, a lie every 3 minutes, absolutely immoral businessman). Talk about fascism.
So you're an educated idiot. Master of stupidity more than likely. Obuthole brainwashed your sorry ass.
All the non bought off educated are now with me,dupe. lol

Really? If you were a history major like you claim, you would know about the central banking system, the cause for the War of 1812, the real reason behind the Civil War and the players behind it and how the Tsar of Russia stepped in and had Lincoln's back....but yet when I have discussed this with you in the past, ypu have been utterly clueless....methinks you are just a blowhard and closet commie.
It was slavery and Southern paranoia/brainwashed idiocy/greed. Southern conservatives again. Must be the heat...No, you haven't told me about the Tsar of Russia...please do.
No one wants to listen to left-wingnut radio. It's nothing but a bunch of whiny wishful thinkers. People's attempts to start a left-wingnut radio station such as Air America, always fail. Because the infantile mindset needed to enjoy it exists only in a few of the more extreme whiners.
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