Federal judge ***REJECTS*** push for Pennsylvania recount....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Gee, I wonder why.

The entire US media and powerful Wall Street Bankers were determined to get Hillary elected.

Trump's Chief of Staff to be, is the Chairman of the GOP. How many Wizards of Wall Street are connected to that disgusting pig Trump? It's all there right in front of your face.
Gee, I wonder why.

The entire US media and powerful Wall Street Bankers were determined to get Hillary elected.

Trump's Chief of Staff to be, is the Chairman of the GOP. How many Wizards of Wall Street are connected to that disgusting pig Trump? It's all there right in front of your face.

Trump’s Appointments

We do not know what the appointments mean except, as Trump discovered once he confronted the task of forming a government, that there is no one but insiders to appoint. For the most part, that is correct. Outsiders are a poor match for insiders who tend to eat them alive. Ronald Reagan’s California crew were a poor match for George H.W. Bush’s insiders. The Reagan part of the government had a hell of a time delivering results that Reagan wanted.

Another limit on a president’s ability to form a government is Senate confirmation of presidential appointees. Whereas Congress is in Republican hands, Congress remains in the hands of special interests who will protect their agendas from hostile potential appointees. Therefore, although Trump does not face partisan opposition from Congress, he faces the power of special interests that fund congressional political campaigns"

Gee, I wonder why.

The entire US media and powerful Wall Street Bankers were determined to get Hillary elected.

Trump's Chief of Staff to be, is the Chairman of the GOP. How many Wizards of Wall Street are connected to that disgusting pig Trump? It's all there right in front of your face.

Trump’s Appointments

We do not know what the appointments mean except, as Trump discovered once he confronted the task of forming a government, that there is no one but insiders to appoint. For the most part, that is correct. Outsiders are a poor match for insiders who tend to eat them alive. Ronald Reagan’s California crew were a poor match for George H.W. Bush’s insiders. The Reagan part of the government had a hell of a time delivering results that Reagan wanted.

Another limit on a president’s ability to form a government is Senate confirmation of presidential appointees. Whereas Congress is in Republican hands, Congress remains in the hands of special interests who will protect their agendas from hostile potential appointees. Therefore, although Trump does not face partisan opposition from Congress, he faces the power of special interests that fund congressional political campaigns"

A Reagan Apologist? Haven't come across one of you in a long time. Seriously good to meet your acquaintance
Gee, I wonder why.

The entire US media and powerful Wall Street Bankers were determined to get Hillary elected.

Trump's Chief of Staff to be, is the Chairman of the GOP. How many Wizards of Wall Street are connected to that disgusting pig Trump? It's all there right in front of your face.

Trump’s Appointments

We do not know what the appointments mean except, as Trump discovered once he confronted the task of forming a government, that there is no one but insiders to appoint. For the most part, that is correct. Outsiders are a poor match for insiders who tend to eat them alive. Ronald Reagan’s California crew were a poor match for George H.W. Bush’s insiders. The Reagan part of the government had a hell of a time delivering results that Reagan wanted.

Another limit on a president’s ability to form a government is Senate confirmation of presidential appointees. Whereas Congress is in Republican hands, Congress remains in the hands of special interests who will protect their agendas from hostile potential appointees. Therefore, although Trump does not face partisan opposition from Congress, he faces the power of special interests that fund congressional political campaigns"

A Reagan Apologist? Haven't come across one of you in a long time. Seriously good to meet your acquaintance

A "fascist liberal" fucktard , you guys are a dime a dozen.

It's odd that no one on the left can articulate what Jill Stein's endgame was.




Snowflake logic.

She has about $2.8M left in her kick from "donations" that she says will be used for "future challenges" ie Jill's choice of a plush retirement condo and a red convertible for weekend getaways. Let's hope she's clumsy about it and the IRS comes sniffing around.
A Reagan Apologist? Haven't come across one of you in a long time. Seriously good to meet your acquaintance

A "fascist liberal" fucktard , you guys are a dime a dozen.

You are a dino-saur

No! look in the mirror, what do you see yourself as? The idea that a treasonous, treacherous, thief with no regard for anything but her own ego driven power trip was a better choice for this country ONLY played with the indoctrinated fools who follow the idea that we should be ruled by the all knowing all seeing liberal progressives because we are too stupid and unwashed to take care of our own wellbeing. Guess what the REAL people of this country finally woke up and said HELL NO WE WILL NOT BE RULED BY THE STUPIDEST SHIT to ever walk the earth, or ANYONE.... You ARE your dino-saur and liberals are going the way of their actual closest relative THE DODO.
Federal judge rejects push for Pennsylvania recount

Suspicion of a hacked Pennsylvania election "borders on the irrational," wrote Judge Diamond,

Yo Lakota, why didn't your "CIA" boys testify?



It doesn't matter. Those democrats that voted for Trump in Pennsylvania, Missouri, & Michigan won't be there for him in 2018, or in 2020 unless he comes in on his promise's of reopening up those 30 year old rusted out factories--(if he isn't impeached first.)

Hillary Clinton beating Trump by 3 million popular votes, says that Donald Trump is a lame duck President. In 2018 the blow back is going to be fierce to the Republican Senate and House. So you've got two years, because Democrats will most certainly take the Senate in 2018--and they are going to hog tie his tweety fingers, and tape his mouth shut for the remaining two years.

Trump has lost his mandate with these numbers. Republicans have a minor majority in the Senate, but Trump has made a lot of enemies there. Mitch McConnell who never wanted Trump. John McCain who has nothing to lose. Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham, & Ted Cruz whom have all who have felt the wrath of Trump's tweety fingers and mouth. Then on the house side you have Paul Ryan, who the Reich wing tried to get primaried.

While Trump could say and do anything on the campaign trail, he is now in their ballpark. It's going to be Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan who decides where Trump is going to go. They know they've only got 2 years, and they're not going to fart around with wall building, mass deportations, or existing trade agreements. It's going to be Obamacare, budgets, social security & medicare over the next 2 years. The last they're going to do is kiss Trump's ass.

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Federal judge rejects push for Pennsylvania recount

Suspicion of a hacked Pennsylvania election "borders on the irrational," wrote Judge Diamond,

Yo Lakota, why didn't your "CIA" boys testify?



It doesn't matter. Those democrats that voted for Trump in Pennsylvania, Missouri, & Michigan won't be there for him in 2018, or in 2020 unless he comes in on his promise's of reopening up those 30 year old rusted out factories--(if he isn't impeached first.)

Hillary Clinton beating Trump by 3 million popular votes, says that Donald Trump is a lame duck President. In 2018 the blow back is going to be fierce to the Republican Senate and House. So you've got two years, because Democrats will most certainly take the Senate in 2018--and they are going to hog tie his tweety fingers, and tape his mouth shut for the remaining two years.

Trump has lost his mandate with these numbers. Republicans have a minor majority in the Senate, but Trump has made a lot of enemies there. Mitch McConnell who never wanted Trump. John McCain who has nothing to lose. Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, & Lindsey Graham--all who have felt the wrath of Trump's tweety fingers and mouth. Then on the house side you have Paul Ryan, who the Reich wing wanted primaried.

While Trump could say and do anything on the campaign trail, he is now in their ballpark. It's going to be Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan who decides where Trump is going to go. They know they've only got 2 years, and they're not going to fart around with wall building, mass deportations, or existing trade agreements. It's going to be Obamacare, budgets, social security & medicare over the next 2 years.


Yea, it's just doom and gloom for the Pubs. They are really on the ropes.

I'm sure you nailed the election, didn't you? You knew all along Trump was going to win and that is exactly what the Dems wanted....Derp
Federal judge rejects push for Pennsylvania recount

Suspicion of a hacked Pennsylvania election "borders on the irrational," wrote Judge Diamond,

Yo Lakota, why didn't your "CIA" boys testify?



It doesn't matter. Those democrats that voted for Trump in Pennsylvania, Missouri, & Michigan won't be there for him in 2018, or in 2020 unless he comes in on his promise's of reopening up those 30 year old rusted out factories--(if he isn't impeached first.)

Hillary Clinton beating Trump by 3 million popular votes, says that Donald Trump is a lame duck President. In 2018 the blow back is going to be fierce to the Republican Senate and House. So you've got two years, because Democrats will most certainly take the Senate in 2018--and they are going to hog tie his tweety fingers, and tape his mouth shut for the remaining two years.

Trump has lost his mandate with these numbers. Republicans have a minor majority in the Senate, but Trump has made a lot of enemies there. Mitch McConnell who never wanted Trump. John McCain who has nothing to lose. Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, & Lindsey Graham--all who have felt the wrath of Trump's tweety fingers and mouth. Then on the house side you have Paul Ryan, who the Reich wing wanted primaried.

While Trump could say and do anything on the campaign trail, he is now in their ballpark. It's going to be Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan who decides where Trump is going to go. They know they've only got 2 years, and they're not going to fart around with wall building, mass deportations, or existing trade agreements. It's going to be Obamacare, budgets, social security & medicare over the next 2 years.


Yea, it's just doom and gloom for the Pubs. They are really on the ropes.

I'm sure you nailed the election, didn't you? You knew all along Trump was going to win and that is exactly what the Dems wanted....Derp

Why does it surprise you that Democrats would vote for another Democrat?


There's not to many Republicans that showed up on FOX News the Bill O'Reilly program to praise Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Not too many Republicans that wanted a pathway to citizenship, and stated Romney was too mean spirited toward illegals.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

I really don't know any Republican that is or was ever in favor of single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart

I really don't any Republican that would threaten American corporations with a 35% penalty tax, or would be in favor of tariffs. (That sounds like something a very liberal democrat-socialist would do.)

But you Trump supporters can keep denying all you heard during this campaign for as long as you can. I'll just keep laughing my ass off for the next 4 years.
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Now, now just remember that all must comply, subjugate and indoctrinate what these right wingers are doing, just like they did with Oblama...
Federal judge rejects push for Pennsylvania recount

Suspicion of a hacked Pennsylvania election "borders on the irrational," wrote Judge Diamond,

Yo Lakota, why didn't your "CIA" boys testify?



It doesn't matter. Those democrats that voted for Trump in Pennsylvania, Missouri, & Michigan won't be there for him in 2018, or in 2020 unless he comes in on his promise's of reopening up those 30 year old rusted out factories--(if he isn't impeached first.)

Hillary Clinton beating Trump by 3 million popular votes, says that Donald Trump is a lame duck President. In 2018 the blow back is going to be fierce to the Republican Senate and House. So you've got two years, because Democrats will most certainly take the Senate in 2018--and they are going to hog tie his tweety fingers, and tape his mouth shut for the remaining two years.

Trump has lost his mandate with these numbers. Republicans have a minor majority in the Senate, but Trump has made a lot of enemies there. Mitch McConnell who never wanted Trump. John McCain who has nothing to lose. Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, & Lindsey Graham--all who have felt the wrath of Trump's tweety fingers and mouth. Then on the house side you have Paul Ryan, who the Reich wing wanted primaried.

While Trump could say and do anything on the campaign trail, he is now in their ballpark. It's going to be Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan who decides where Trump is going to go. They know they've only got 2 years, and they're not going to fart around with wall building, mass deportations, or existing trade agreements. It's going to be Obamacare, budgets, social security & medicare over the next 2 years.


Yea, it's just doom and gloom for the Pubs. They are really on the ropes.

I'm sure you nailed the election, didn't you? You knew all along Trump was going to win and that is exactly what the Dems wanted....Derp

Why does it surprise you that Democrats would vote for another Democrat?


There's not to many Republicans that showed up on FOX News the Bill O'Reilly program to praise Obama's 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

Not too many Republicans that wanted a pathway to citizenship, and stated Romney was too mean spirited toward illegals.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

I really don't know any Republican that is or was ever in favor of single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart

I really don't any Republican that would threaten American corporations with a 35% penalty tax, or would be in favor of tariffs. (That sounds like something a very liberal democrat-socialist would do.)

But you Trump supporters can keep denying all you heard during this campaign for as long as you can. I'll just keep laughing my ass off for the next 4 years.

You are still in stage 2, huh?

Jill the Pill was a stooge for Hildabeast. She felt bad her tiny campaign was enough to throw the victory to Trump.
Contumacious Who cares? No sane people ever argued or believed a recount would change the results.

Mental masturbation should be illegal (we;'d give you immunity of course)

Well, Lakota and his cadre - " The Butthurts"- claim that CIA has "evidence" (wink, wink) showing that Vladimir hacked the elections .

I think lakota has been smoking the "peace pipe" again.

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