Federal Judge Rips Into Obama Regime’s Lawsuit Against Arizona…

PHOENIX — A federal judge pushed back Thursday against a contention by the Obama Justice Department that a tough new Arizona immigration law set to take effect next week would cause “irreparable harm” and intrude into federal immigration enforcement.
“Why can’t Arizona be as inhospitable as they wish to people who have entered or remained in the United States?” U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton asked in a pointed exchange with Deputy Solicitor General Edwin S. Kneedler. Her comment came during a rare federal court hearing in the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Arizona and Gov. Jan Brewer (R).
Bolton, a Democratic appointee, also questioned a core part of the Justice Department’s argument that she should declare the law unconstitutional: that it is “preempted” by federal law because immigration enforcement is an exclusive federal prerogative.
“How is there a preemption issue?” the judge asked. “I understand there may be other issues, but you’re arguing preemption. Where is the preemption if everybody who is arrested for some crime has their immigration status checked?”
Rest here>>>

Did you really say "regime"? LOL

Dittto head much? :eusa_whistle:

Did you ever express a problem with the leaders of the shifty liberal Democratics in the Senate (asshole like Ted kennedy and that fuckstick Reid) used the term "regime" on the Bush Administration?

Didn't think so.
So our Federal Government is telling us that they do not want to do what they were hired to do.

OK, I can live with that. Fire the bastards, every damned one of them. Starting at the top.

Not only hired to do, but constitutionally mandated to do.
Why is the Federal Government even seeking to bar AZ from doing this?

Because they don't want them to leave. They want to give them citizenship and create new voters for the Democratic Party.
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Why is the Federal Government even seeking to bar AZ from doing this?

Because they don't want them to leave. They want to give them citizenship and create new voters for the Democratic Party.

They don't need to go that far. They will take the "votes" even without worrying about the lack of citizenship. The two main points are: (1) make sure nobody who might be counted upon to vote Democrat is unceremoniously made to leave and (2) then get them to vote.

What's that? It would be illegal for a non citizen to vote?

Holy cow. That's bad. I mean, that would be bad. Yeah. That would be bad. No Democrat would ever want to accept the vote of a person not legally eligible to vote!
hey Truth ...where are you?.....do you feel like a fucking moron....yet again?...Geezus no wonder you were like no 2 in that poll...."who is the most Obnoxious poster here".....you are one of the stupidest also....and a FUCKING liar to boot....:lol:
I bet will go along way in her re election campaign

You do know that federal judges do not get elected, don't you? They are appointed for life, and this one was appointed by Clinton.

No , she didn't. I honestly up until that remark thought TM was just a liar. But that's not a lie, and it's not a mistake, that is just sheer lack of education. That's not like not knowing some minor technicality of law , we learned in 8th grade civics that little nugget.

Obama must be proud to have such educated supporters.
I bet will go along way in her re election campaign

You do know that federal judges do not get elected, don't you? They are appointed for life, and this one was appointed by Clinton.

No , she didn't. I honestly up until that remark thought TM was just a liar. But that's not a lie, and it's not a mistake, that is just sheer lack of education. That's not like not knowing some minor technicality of law , we learned in 8th grade civics that little nugget.

Obama must be proud to have such educated supporters.
notice she left the thread
From the sound of it Ollie, they don't want the work;
Kneedler said the conflict with federal law comes because the status checks are mandatory, which could lead to federal agencies being overwhelmed with deportation requests. Top officials at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, whose agents will handle most of the calls from Arizona authorities if the law takes effect, have said they will not necessarily respond to every call.

So our Federal Government is telling us that they do not want to do what they were hired to do.

OK, I can live with that. Fire the bastards, every damned one of them. Starting at the top.

I know, it's ridiculous. These are agencies our tax dollars pay for, and they don't want to do the jobs that we are paying them to do. Fuck that. Shit like this really pisses me off. We need some fucking accountability in the government. Someone needs to start firing and replacing with people willing to do the job, and do it right.

Furthermore, some people have moaned that this new law promotes racial profiling. No fucking shit. If an officer suspects someone of not being from this country, he's going to ask for identification. Is it so hard to keep your ID on you? I'm sure it is...when you don't fucking have any.
PHOENIX — A federal judge pushed back Thursday against a contention by the Obama Justice Department that a tough new Arizona immigration law set to take effect next week would cause “irreparable harm” and intrude into federal immigration enforcement.
“Why can’t Arizona be as inhospitable as they wish to people who have entered or remained in the United States?” U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton asked in a pointed exchange with Deputy Solicitor General Edwin S. Kneedler. Her comment came during a rare federal court hearing in the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Arizona and Gov. Jan Brewer (R).
Bolton, a Democratic appointee, also questioned a core part of the Justice Department’s argument that she should declare the law unconstitutional: that it is “preempted” by federal law because immigration enforcement is an exclusive federal prerogative.
“How is there a preemption issue?” the judge asked. “I understand there may be other issues, but you’re arguing preemption. Where is the preemption if everybody who is arrested for some crime has their immigration status checked?”
Rest here>>>

This story is BIG folks - keep an eye on it.

How inept can the Obama adminstration continue to be????

Apparently - no limits....

This will be yet another black eye for the admin... They are running out of eyes...

I know, it's ridiculous. These are agencies our tax dollars pay for, and they don't want to do the jobs that we are paying them to do. Fuck that. Shit like this really pisses me off. We need some fucking accountability in the government. Someone needs to start firing and replacing with people willing to do the job, and do it right.

The people are supposed to be the mechanism for accountability, but we haven't been doing a very good job.
Guys, we should really lay off TM here. She didn't know. Yeah, But let's atleast have a good discussion on the actual topic.
Guys, we should really lay off TM here. She didn't know. Yeah, But let's atleast have a good discussion on the actual topic.
without the raving lunatic fringe left screaming RACISM over anything they disagree with
where is the discussion

I bet will go along way in her re election campaign

On the recommendation of U.S. Senator Jon Kyl, Bolton was nominated to the United States District Court for the District of Arizona by President Bill Clinton on July 21, 2000 to a seat vacated by Robert Broomfield. Bolton was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on October 3, 2000 on the unanimous consent of the Senate and received commission on October 13, 2000.

Hows that grab ya, Peckerhead ?

Now whats this about "re-election" ?

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