Federal Registry: For whom? immigrants, health care, gun owners? Who to criminalize next?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Katy Perry Just Produced A Powerful PSA About Trump's Muslim American Registry Plan

So liberals are against registries for Muslim immigrants.
But have lobbied for ALL citizens to be forced to register with federal govt for health care?

So it's okay to treat "all gun owners" as criminals and authorize federal govt to track them in a database. And use medical records to determine who is mentally ill and shouldn't have guns.

And it's okay if govt treats ALL citizens and taxpayers as "freeloaders" forced to give up our liberty and tax income under health care mandates, WITHOUT due process or proof of any crime committed.

Why not track REAL criminals, including the conflicts of interests between corporate and political profiteers.

Why keep targeting whoever is political convenient or popular?

With Obama it was blaming the rich and taxing citizens who make more money than they spend.
With Trump it's targeting immigrants blamed for threats of crime and terrorism.

Can't systems be set up where law abiding citizens and residents aren't punished along with the guilty?
You are assuming Katy Perry and other "Stars" have functioning brains, what is the basis of that assumption?

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