Feds Spending $880,000 to Study Benefits of Snail Sex

Makes about as much sense as the millions being wasted on this foolish same sex marriage stuff.

Actually it doesn't.

There's mounds of beneficial information that comes out of seemingly "wasteful" research. And the reasons for doing this sort of research are sound.

I agree. Even amateur biologists (like me) can learn things studying the behavior/problem solving abilities of the lowly garden slug. There was an infestation of these little critters in my basement, so I thought to take advantage of this undesirible situation by making a short video depicting a slug's efforts to exit from a plastic cup. The point I making is that slugs (and presumably snails) display problem solving stretegies in their behaviors that are easily observed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHpalp0KC7U]A Garden Slug Attempts to Escape (Three Attempts) - YouTube[/ame]
Put funny words in it and Republicans fall for it everytime:

Snail Sex
Fat Lesbos
Pig Poop

They are childlike in that way
Okay, so something positive may come out of studying the reproductive system of snails.

But why must the government use our money to fund such things!?

I'm starting to get the impression that all you liberals ignorantly praising any and all government waste of tax dollars are doing so not because you actually find the things useful, but because you just want to see us conservatives pissed at having to spend more of our money and taxes going up to continue supporting this sort of thing.

There's absolutely no way that someone doesn't feel even the slightest bit bothered when their money is carelessly being wasted. So either you liberals aren't putting your "fair share" into the tax pile, and therefore don't feel it or don't care if taxes go up, or your dislike for conservatives is so much that you'd happily pay more taxes just to see us get pissed.
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The National Science Foundation awarded a grant for $876,752 to the University of Iowa to study whether there is any benefit to sex among New Zealand mud snails and whether that explains why any organism has sex.

One word: Sequester.

Sequester is a made up crisis by Congress

They can end it any time they want

Not Congress, Obama... Bob Woodward: Obama owns sequestration - Kevin Cirilli - POLITICO.com

Its Congresses job

They can end it today
Snail sex might be cheap compared to puppets.

From 2009 to 2013, the U.S. government has spent $1,188,382 on puppetry-related expenses. Some of the expenses include puppet shows for kids on educational topics. Others include puppet-based research. In 2010, the taxpayer-funded National Science Foundation awarded the University of Central Florida a $199,754 research grant for “Efficient Control and Transmission of Digital Puppetry.”
In February 2013, the taxpayer-funded National Endowment for the Arts invested $25,000 into something called “In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask,” a Minneapolis project that will “support the development of a new work by puppetry artists in the Sampo Box Program.”

U.S. Spends $1.18 Million on Puppets Amid Sequester

How did Howdy Doody make it without government help?
PURE science often has no apparent immediate benefit.

Should we therefore not study it?

16 trillion, near 17 trillion in debt and the idea of cutting snails fucking is off limits.... Yeah, this nation has lost its way.
Snail sex might be cheap compared to puppets.

From 2009 to 2013, the U.S. government has spent $1,188,382 on puppetry-related expenses. Some of the expenses include puppet shows for kids on educational topics. Others include puppet-based research. In 2010, the taxpayer-funded National Science Foundation awarded the University of Central Florida a $199,754 research grant for “Efficient Control and Transmission of Digital Puppetry.”
In February 2013, the taxpayer-funded National Endowment for the Arts invested $25,000 into something called “In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask,” a Minneapolis project that will “support the development of a new work by puppetry artists in the Sampo Box Program.”

U.S. Spends $1.18 Million on Puppets Amid Sequester

How did Howdy Doody make it without government help?

CLosedCaption, RW and Swallow support it!!! Because it's uhhh SMART!! and if you don't support it your not SMART!!!!
I honestly don't understand why more people don't get infuriated by this kind of stuff. The military is pulling tuition funding from active servicemen which they were promised, but the feds have money for this shit.

The National Science Foundation awarded a grant for $876,752 to the University of Iowa to study whether there is any benefit to sex among New Zealand mud snails and whether that explains why any organism has sex.

The study, first funded in 2011 and continuing until 2015, will study the New Zealand snails to see if it is better that they reproduce sexually or asexually – the snail can do both – hoping to gain insight on why so many organisms practice sexual reproduction.

“Sexual reproduction is more costly than asexual reproduction, yet nearly all organisms reproduce sexually at least some of the time. Why is sexual reproduction so common despite its costs,” the study’s abstract asks.

Feds Spending $880,000 to Study Benefits of Snail Sex | CNS News

Look, I admit I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but could it be that sexual reproduction is so common because it feels good? Just saying.
Snail sex might be cheap compared to puppets.

From 2009 to 2013, the U.S. government has spent $1,188,382 on puppetry-related expenses. Some of the expenses include puppet shows for kids on educational topics. Others include puppet-based research. In 2010, the taxpayer-funded National Science Foundation awarded the University of Central Florida a $199,754 research grant for “Efficient Control and Transmission of Digital Puppetry.”
In February 2013, the taxpayer-funded National Endowment for the Arts invested $25,000 into something called “In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask,” a Minneapolis project that will “support the development of a new work by puppetry artists in the Sampo Box Program.”

U.S. Spends $1.18 Million on Puppets Amid Sequester

How did Howdy Doody make it without government help?

CLosedCaption, RW and Swallow support it!!! Because it's uhhh SMART!! and if you don't support it your not SMART!!!!

That was awesome
I asked Dave in the last "OMG scientists are studing stuff" thread about Large Lesbos. Dave said someone else should pay for it. I asked who? Then he fled.

Who should pay for it Dave?
I asked Dave in the last "OMG scientists are studing stuff" thread about Large Lesbos. Dave said someone else should pay for it. I asked who? Then he fled.

Who should pay for it Dave?

The people that want to pay for it. If nobody wants to pay for it then tough luck.

Since you seem to be very happy about all these studies, why don't you help them fund it?
I asked Dave in the last "OMG scientists are studing stuff" thread about Large Lesbos. Dave said someone else should pay for it. I asked who? Then he fled.

Who should pay for it Dave?

Fled?? No.. I do not spend all day every day in here.... threads get pushed to the back...

But nice try....

If it is beneficial some private entity or company would PUSH to pay for it... if it is truly beneficial...

But no.. when it comes to these little puzzles some career student wants to find out.. they go to government, because they hand it out for just about ANYTHING regardless if they show it has any actual benefit or not
This post proves that most American Liberals have absolutely no common sense or logic.

Seriously; some of the posts on here are hilarious. The government is blatantly wasting their money and they don't even bat an eyelash, coming up with nonsensical excuses as to why such wastes may be justified.

Either liberals don't pay taxes or they're stupid.

Or they hate conservaties so much they're willing to shoot themselves in the foot just to piss some off. In other words, stupid.
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I asked Dave in the last "OMG scientists are studing stuff" thread about Large Lesbos. Dave said someone else should pay for it. I asked who? Then he fled.

Who should pay for it Dave?

The people that want to pay for it. If nobody wants to pay for it then tough luck.

Since you seem to be very happy about all these studies, why don't you help them fund it?

Great answer man, great answer...Cant make money in it then hell we dont need it. Oh except NASA...

Why except NASA? :confused:
Answer: Important research...but thats different

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