Feds suspend immigration enforcement program after Arizona court ruling


Account Terminated
Aug 24, 2011
"Officials also said Immigration and Customs Enforcement will be selective in responding to the expected increase in calls from Arizona and other police agencies about immigration status of people they pull over. Officials said ICE will not respond to the scene unless the person in question meets certain criteria -- such as being wanted for a felony."

Feds suspend immigration enforcement program after Arizona court ruling | Fox News
Everyday Americans dont appreciate it when SCOTUS rules and they admistratively ignore it anymore than they appreciate the chief law enforcement agency and officer lying in contempt of Congress.
Isn't entering the U.S. illegally a felony in and of itself?


For a first illegal entry, it is a misdemeanor.

It can be upgraded, however, for repeat offenders.

And once you've gotten booted out and THEN return illegally, the sentences can be quite harsh -- on the order of a decade!
Just another reason to get this traitorous bastard out of the White House.
"Officials also said Immigration and Customs Enforcement will be selective in responding to the expected increase in calls from Arizona and other police agencies about immigration status of people they pull over. Officials said ICE will not respond to the scene unless the person in question meets certain criteria -- such as being wanted for a felony."

Feds suspend immigration enforcement program after Arizona court ruling | Fox News

Another case of obozo refusing to enforce the law. Everyone known to be here illegally should be deported - no exceptions.
There is no more government in federal government. It intends to punish Arizona by an influx of criminal aliens. If Arizona thought that Fast and Furious got them dead Arizona citizens, obama intends to really teach the state a lesson.
Proof of how this administration is anti states rights and protection to it's citizens.
Something that the right have been saying all along.

Come November, vote the loonie leftists OUT of office!! And - that includes especially the PRESIDENT!
What use is the Federal government when they are incompetent enforcing immigration laws, then to add insult to injury, hobble State law enforcement? Who are these justices more concerned with? Americans or illegal immigrants? This is getting frustrating, One of the justices, Anthony Kennedy wrote: "Arizona may have understandable frustrations with the problems caused by illegal immigration" while the federal government tries to enforce immigration law, but the state "may not pursue policies that undermine federal law". The feds are failing to enforce their OWN laws, how is the local government "undermining" federal law by making sure people are legally immigrating? This is like a the ultimate Catch-22 here. It's insane.
"Officials also said Immigration and Customs Enforcement will be selective in responding to the expected increase in calls from Arizona and other police agencies about immigration status of people they pull over. Officials said ICE will not respond to the scene unless the person in question meets certain criteria -- such as being wanted for a felony."

Feds suspend immigration enforcement program after Arizona court ruling | Fox News

Obama didn't get a full victory out of the SCOTUS ruling, so now he's going to be a cry baby by ignoring Arizona. So much for RULE OF LAW in America.

Oh well. If someone dies because ICE, under Obama, refused to deport someone who got arrested in Arizona, the blood's on his hands.
Obama not only has blood on his hands but also the divide and conquer mentality. This man has to GO! Poste Haste!!! If this man wins again, then those who put him there will also be guilty of same.

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