Feel the Bern ...

Dimocrats will now be known as "regressives" instead of "progressives" by voting to go backwards by sending the Clinton's back to the White House.
After the finagling at the 1968 DNC convention gave Humphrey the nod, a lot of McCarthy supporters stayed home. The result was Nixon and Cambodia. Trump makes Nixon look rational and above-board. Maybe you can run that by the older folks and see how they react...after you take all the sharp objects out of the room

Okay...lol sharp objects out check...
Dimocrats will now be known as "regressives" instead of "progressives" by voting to go backwards by sending the Clinton's back to the White House.

Trump wants to take you all back to the Fifties. I bet Wally Cleaver knew how to spell "Democrat."
Bernie had the primary stolen from him

Bernie says that's a lie.

Only the most hardcore Trump shills still push that lie, out of hysterical desperation. They've seen the polls, so they're flailing.

Agreed that the polls are starting to show a separation.

However, (being something of a bernie supporter) I don't see that is a lie.

Why did DWS step down ?

They are going for the green. Jill will get their votes. They hate Hillary and will latch on to any remaining Democratic outlet they can find.:eusa_dance:

It'll be amusing to revisit this on November 9th.

That means that 10% of them are not....yet.

But let's say it holds.

Bernie had 45% of the voters. So 10% would be 4.5% of those who would vote democratic.

Can HIllary survive a loss of 4.5% of those would vote for her otherwise ?


Sanders got 12 Million votes

lets say 50% of those go to the polls ..

not that he wasn't already, but ...

Trump is fucked.

Oh good grief.

Hillary only got 15 million votes.

If that is all that show up for her....she's worse than f**ked.

So, if we take that as a matter of percentages and apply it agains all the democrats who vote....(say 45 to 55 million), the numbers get much more interesting.

They are going for the green. Jill will get their votes. They hate Hillary and will latch on to any remaining Democratic outlet they can find.:eusa_dance:
Indeed,Many are already going Green. Jill Stein has a couple months to get more.

Will the Green party win the elections? Probably not, but they may get enough support to get in the debates. And they might get enough support to be considered a "real" party. This could make the next election interesting.
Stein has a problem. The more she talks, the more votes she loses.

She's an authoritarian with no concept of how to govern. When asked how she'll implement her utopian policies over the opposition of congress, she declares she'll simply make it so by her mighty executive power.

And she's a nut. She justifies playing spoiler for Trump. She gives speeches on how Democrats are neoliberals, and neoliberalsim always leads to fascism, so it would be better to put the fascists in power directly and skip the neoliberal stage. That way, the fascists will burn down the nation sooner, hastening the day when the greens rise from the ashes and implement their green utopia.

German communists were the same way in 1933. That didn't work out so well for them, as they were the first ones up against the wall. And most Sanders voters understand that.

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