Feinstein Angered Everyone, Women Voters Especially

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
As fiascos go this is pretty big.

She outed a presumed victim who had sought and got hypno-therapy for her mental illness making her testimony inadmissible in most states.

She did so in violation of just about every judicial and senatorial rule and left Ford at best flapping in the breeze, trying and failing to suborn credible perjured testimony from other dubious sources.

When all else failed she brought in the Antifa stormtroopers and failed again.

She and Schumer threw away several marginal D Senate seats in the failed fight to block confirmation.

Will all the fiascos cost house seats, too soon to tell but that is the way to bet.

How big of a footprint will this disaster have?
Thank you, Feinstein / Democrats, for continuing to expose your immorality, lack of ethics, despicable disgusting nature, etc....which is already why you lost the House, Senate, and WH...
Thank you, Feinstein / Democrats, for continuing to expose your immorality, lack of ethics, despicable disgusting nature, etc....which is already why you lost the House, Senate, and WH...

So far, the house is not yet a done deal.
No it isn't.

I think the Reps will hang onto both the House and the Senate but only time will tell.
I was referring to the Democrats already having lost all 3...
No it isn't.

I think the Reps will hang onto both the House and the Senate but only time will tell.

Schumer and Durbin effectively wrote off three seats with the vote, put 6-12 at greater risk and didn't help any D race this year. There are three big questions left:

Did Schumer and Durbin create cloture for the Rs?

How many of the house swing seats will go R as a result of the Kavanaugh mess?

And will Sessions be requested to investigate the misconduct?
The current downward spiral in Democrat leadership and decision making g began with giving a felon who could not win their 2016 Presidential nomination on her own the nomination anyway.

The 2nd huge mistake was declaring publicly the day after the election that the Democrats refused to accept the election results - which Hillary had already declared makes them 'threats to our Democray' - were 100% committed to obstructing anything and everything the GOP and President attempted to do for the country.

The Kavanaugh disaster was pretty huge and has taken its toll, but the biggest blow to Democrats is the exposed and continuing to be exposed Obama administration's Conspiracy against Trump that includes Mueller's set-up Witch Hunt.

It seems like Obstruction, conspiracy, & scandals seem to have taken up all their time and effort...
As fiascos go this is pretty big.

She outed a presumed victim who had sought and got hypno-therapy for her mental illness making her testimony inadmissible in most states.

She did so in violation of just about every judicial and senatorial rule and left Ford at best flapping in the breeze, trying and failing to suborn credible perjured testimony from other dubious sources.

When all else failed she brought in the Antifa stormtroopers and failed again.

She and Schumer threw away several marginal D Senate seats in the failed fight to block confirmation.

Will all the fiascos cost house seats, too soon to tell but that is the way to bet.

How big of a footprint will this disaster have?
Can you say...Paul Bunyan?
As fiascos go this is pretty big.

She outed a presumed victim who had sought and got hypno-therapy for her mental illness making her testimony inadmissible in most states.

She did so in violation of just about every judicial and senatorial rule and left Ford at best flapping in the breeze, trying and failing to suborn credible perjured testimony from other dubious sources.

When all else failed she brought in the Antifa stormtroopers and failed again.

She and Schumer threw away several marginal D Senate seats in the failed fight to block confirmation.

Will all the fiascos cost house seats, too soon to tell but that is the way to bet.

How big of a footprint will this disaster have?
It has certainly rallied a somewhat apathetic base. This was sleaze unseen before in American politics, even eclipsing Hillary's.

There will be a price, no doubt.
As fiascos go this is pretty big.

She outed a presumed victim who had sought and got hypno-therapy for her mental illness making her testimony inadmissible in most states.

She did so in violation of just about every judicial and senatorial rule and left Ford at best flapping in the breeze, trying and failing to suborn credible perjured testimony from other dubious sources.

When all else failed she brought in the Antifa stormtroopers and failed again.

She and Schumer threw away several marginal D Senate seats in the failed fight to block confirmation.

Will all the fiascos cost house seats, too soon to tell but that is the way to bet.

How big of a footprint will this disaster have?
Speaking for women, are you? Ah...a case of mansplainin'
As fiascos go this is pretty big.

She outed a presumed victim who had sought and got hypno-therapy for her mental illness making her testimony inadmissible in most states.

She did so in violation of just about every judicial and senatorial rule and left Ford at best flapping in the breeze, trying and failing to suborn credible perjured testimony from other dubious sources.

When all else failed she brought in the Antifa stormtroopers and failed again.

She and Schumer threw away several marginal D Senate seats in the failed fight to block confirmation.

Will all the fiascos cost house seats, too soon to tell but that is the way to bet.

How big of a footprint will this disaster have?
Speaking for women, are you? Ah...a case of mansplainin'
Go out for a nice graze. You'll feel better.
LOL Idiot leftists had it all, now they've managed to bungle away the House, Senate, Presidency and SCOTUS.

Fcking fools
Feinstein Angered Everyone, Women Voters Especially

Outside of trump fans and conservative women voters, I found no evidence of any general outrage directed at Feinstein. I think she was stupid for holding back her information, but hardly angered.
The best way to sum up Feinstein is that she's a typical San Franciscan. She began her political career in that city's crooked, slime-dripping local politics.
The best way to sum up Feinstein is that she's a typical San Franciscan. She began her political career in that city's crooked, slime-dripping local politics.
yeah she is a typical leftist like Bernie and his wife's education crimes only Di has managed to squeeze out 200 million to her husband.
As fiascos go this is pretty big.

She outed a presumed victim who had sought and got hypno-therapy for her mental illness making her testimony inadmissible in most states.

She did so in violation of just about every judicial and senatorial rule and left Ford at best flapping in the breeze, trying and failing to suborn credible perjured testimony from other dubious sources.

When all else failed she brought in the Antifa stormtroopers and failed again.

She and Schumer threw away several marginal D Senate seats in the failed fight to block confirmation.

Will all the fiascos cost house seats, too soon to tell but that is the way to bet.

How big of a footprint will this disaster have?
Speaking for women, are you? Ah...a case of mansplainin'
are you saying that one cannot comment on hypocrisy if one isn't a woman?
The best way to sum up Feinstein is that she's a typical San Franciscan. She began her political career in that city's crooked, slime-dripping local politics.
yeah she is a typical leftist like Bernie and his wife's education crimes only Di has managed to squeeze out 200 million to her husband.

She's a less loudmouthed version of another San Franshitscan, Nancy Pelosi. Pretty much all SF politicians are interchangeable. So if Feinstein gets thrown out of office she'll be replaced by someone just as bad. Or almost as bad.
Gillum has lost any chance at Governor due to the Kavanaugh hearing so now the FBI released the news that he is the subject of a federal investigation. You've got to be dead in the water for the DOJ to permit such an admission prior to election

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