Ferguson: 6 year old killed in "rolling gun battle" amongst thugs; Chaos.

Holy crap. It just keeps getting worse. The cops were right in the beginning. Riot gear up and break out the armor.

No, time for the National Guard, tanks, APC's, machine guns, flamethrowers, and a curfew with violators shot on sight.
6-year-old boy fatally shot in rolling St. Louis gunbattle News
A tragic death of a 6 year old child named Marcus happened on West Floirissant Avenue....Ferguson. ...when thugs had a rolling gun battle. Also in that area...a 5 year old shot in another gun battle.
All the cops...busy being shot at themselves.
Great job Obama. And Holder. And Sharpton.
Now...seeing this neighborhoods TRUE behaviorial pattern emerge.....how would YOU police a violent shit hole.like this?
Water cannons. Lots of them.
I've proposed water cannons since the first cold spell in late fall. There's nothing that will quell a riot like a thorough soaking in below freezing weather. All that flash bangs and tear gas does is piss off the thugs.

I suspect canister shot from a 105mm tank cannon and/or a few thousand rounds from a 20mm Vulcan would work better.
Bullshit. SWAT teams did not have tanks. They did not have flamethrowers. They did not have a shoot-on-sight curfew.
6-year-old boy fatally shot in rolling St. Louis gunbattle News

A tragic death of a 6 year old child named Marcus happened on West Floirissant Avenue....Ferguson. ...when thugs had a rolling gun battle. Also in that area...a 5 year old shot in another gun battle.

All the cops...busy being shot at themselves.


Great job Obama. And Holder. And Sharpton.

Now...seeing this neighborhoods TRUE behaviorial pattern emerge.....how would YOU police a violent shit hole.like this?

The cops need to crack down on the thugs in that neighborhood, save a few lives of kids like that. Oh wait..........

Yeah, after the Feds are done busting down the police force, thugs like that will be more empowered
I'm hoping eventually somebody in Ferguson will get a backbone and give the finger to Holder and his entire racist justice department and take back control of the police department and the city.
No, they won't. A far better police force will be in charge.

Sad, but the fact is that all of this began in a city with cops the caliber of Bucs90. So preventable.

Its not preventable when you have citizens who dont care about each other. When people start blocking freeways for six year olds instead of thugs who attack cops, and Obama can Lambast black youth and embarass them for their bad behavior, as much as he does the cops, then youll know something is about to change.
This stuff happens...sometimes out in the open, sometimes in schools. Sad story....then we move on.
Maybe Bucky could get the cops to kill any black person at birth.

And yet another complete dumbass Ad hominem post by Ravi.
He pretty much started a thread stating just that.

Really? He said that black babies should be killed or did he "almost" say that?

Or are you just lying and spinning the story with contributions from your own twisted imagination?
Bullshit. SWAT teams did not have tanks. They did not have flamethrowers. They did not have a shoot-on-sight curfew.

Haha listening to the cop haters whining...I woulda thought they did.
6-year-old boy fatally shot in rolling St. Louis gunbattle News

A tragic death of a 6 year old child named Marcus happened on West Floirissant Avenue....Ferguson. ...when thugs had a rolling gun battle. Also in that area...a 5 year old shot in another gun battle.

All the cops...busy being shot at themselves.


Great job Obama. And Holder. And Sharpton.

Now...seeing this neighborhoods TRUE behaviorial pattern emerge.....how would YOU police a violent shit hole.like this?
Let me guess the race of the 6 year old child. Hmmmm.... Black?
Is Sharpton or Jackson going to come in and try to calm the waters?

We need leadership and no one is going to step up. Maybe Obama, from the WH say, let's calm down but no one is going to go to the people of Ferguson and have meaningful conversations to work the issues out.
It's time to call a spade a spade and to hell with what liberals call it. It's time to do something about that race. There is some defect that needs to be honestly addressed. A national discussion is needed on what needs to be done. The Al Sharptons and Jesse Jackson crowd need not contribute. They are not the ones to solve this problem. They cause it.
Is Sharpton or Jackson going to come in and try to calm the waters?

We need leadership and no one is going to step up. Maybe Obama, from the WH say, let's calm down but no one is going to go to the people of Ferguson and have meaningful conversations to work the issues out.
It's time to call a spade a spade and to hell with what liberals call it. It's time to do something about that race. There is some defect that needs to be honestly addressed. A national discussion is needed on what needs to be done. The Al Sharptons and Jesse Jackson crowd need not contribute. They are not the ones to solve this problem. They cause it.

Pat Robertson?
Is Sharpton or Jackson going to come in and try to calm the waters?

We need leadership and no one is going to step up. Maybe Obama, from the WH say, let's calm down but no one is going to go to the people of Ferguson and have meaningful conversations to work the issues out.

Well...news just said Obama tweeted about it. Yes. A fucking tweet. A city in chaos. And he tweets about it.
Obama is a fucking idiot. Any candidate for president with a personal Twitter account doesn't deserve to be our President. How does a Twiitter account fall under the guidelines of government correspondence that is required to be stored on government servers?
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Is Sharpton or Jackson going to come in and try to calm the waters?

We need leadership and no one is going to step up. Maybe Obama, from the WH say, let's calm down but no one is going to go to the people of Ferguson and have meaningful conversations to work the issues out.

Well...news just said Obama tweeted about it. Yes. A fucking tweet. A city in chaos. And he tweets about it.
Obama is a fucking idiot. Any candidate for president with a personal Twitter account doesn't deserve to be our President. How does a Twiitter account fall under the guidelines of government correspondence that is required to be stored on government servers?
Any person with a Twitter account doesn't deserve to be taken seriously in general.

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