Ferguson grand jury decision (mike brown shooting) delayed several weeks!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Prolly putting it off till cold weather sets in to cut down on the looting blacks have planned. Good idea.

Ferguson Grand Jury Decision On Mike Brown Shooting Won t Be Reached Until At Least Mid-November St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney

nov 10 2014
Amid speculation that a grand jury decision on the Mike Brown shooting is imminent, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch said Monday that the panel is not expected to decide on whether or not to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson until mid- to late November at the earliest. McCulloch released a statement in response to reports that Ferguson was bracing for a grand jury decision.

“I realize that this is a much anticipated decision and that there is daily, if not hourly, speculation about when the announcement will be released. Once the work of the grand jury is completed and they have made a determination, my office will advise the public and the media when their decision will be released,” McCulloch said in a statement Monday afternoon, adding that any claims of a grand jury decision announced on social media or other platforms “are rank speculation and should be ignored.”

The grand jury is reviewing evidence concerning white Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, who shot and killed Brown, an unarmed black teen, in August. Wilson’s supporters claimed Brown went after the officer’s gun while Brown’s family and some witnesses have maintained that the 18 year old had his hands up in surrender when Wilson fired the fatal bullets.
I'm sure Ferguson's Koreans will hold a church service of thanks that scurrilous race-baiting democrats from the top down, haven't yet instigated an attempted genocide against them in Missouri, as the same gutter rats did against Koreans in Los Angeles. My greatest regret is watching all this is that it wasn't Obama and Holder who were gunned down on Ferguson's streets, instead of a murdering Crip punk who'd just terrorized and robbed a Korean.
I'm thinking early 2017 we should have an indication that they are close to a decision.
I'm sure Ferguson's Koreans will hold a church service of thanks that scurrilous race-baiting democrats from the top down, haven't yet instigated an attempted genocide against them in Missouri, as the same gutter rats did against Koreans in Los Angeles. My greatest regret is watching all this is that it wasn't Obama and Holder who were gunned down on Ferguson's streets, instead of a murdering Crip punk who'd just terrorized and robbed a Korean.

Punk?? Don't you watch the news?. Brownie was a gentle giant.
yep- you don't hear about Al, Jesse or any other blacks apologizing to the Asian business owners.
yep- you don't hear about Al, Jesse or any other blacks apologizing to the Asian business owners.

Blacks hate Asians in general, and Koreans especially. Andrew Young was fired from Walmart's Community Advisory Board (a job I'm sure paid at least high five figures), for going off on a racist rant against Koreans during a community gathering in Atlanta that was being taped by the media. He didn't care. He railed against Koreans for not stocking fresh enough bread and produce in their ghetto stores, and for "taking advantage of" crack gangsters, etc., ad nauseam. This from a man who's never worked a real job in his entire life...just like Obama.
yep- you don't hear about Al, Jesse or any other blacks apologizing to the Asian business owners.

Blacks hate Asians in general, and Koreans especially. Andrew Young was fired from Walmart's Community Advisory Board (a job I'm sure paid at least high five figures), for going off on a racist rant against Koreans during a community gathering in Atlanta that was being taped by the media. He didn't care. He railed against Koreans for not stocking fresh enough bread and produce in their ghetto stores, and for "taking advantage of" crack gangsters, etc., ad nauseam. This from a man who's never worked a real job in his entire life...just like Obama.

Has any black ever had a real job? Crime and welfare and a few play pro sports - that's a black "career". The few that have normal jobs got the job thru affirmative action. The one thing lincoln got right was that blacks should be sent back to africa.
Funny, now the agitators who are there will get to freeze their asses off


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