Fewer households than ever before have guns than they did 40 years ago. Yet mass shootings increased


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
So what is different?

The nuclear family has collapsed, we've turned out and mainstreamed lunatics, and we're doing something terrible to boys...

"Sensible gun control"...it's bunk. They are talking about gun confiscation. Nullification of the Constitution.
Banning guns doesn't work and neither does the proliferation of guns..There has to be another whey...
Do not relent. Once they control the assault weapons they will clamber for the next type and the next type. This is a very old, tried and true method that has worked globally. They have already managed to rape most of the Bill of rights via anti-terror, anti-racketeering and anti-drug legislation. the Second Amendment remains, at least partially a final bastion of true constitutional freedom, and they want to take that away. Once they remove it and seize the power that comes with it, they will never relinquish it.

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