Fifth Circuit Ruling Dismantles Planned Parenthood Talking Points

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
National Review ^

A ruling issued tonight by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has torpedoed several of the abortion-rights movement’s key talking points in defense of Planned Parenthood.

The case dealt with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission’s decision to terminate the state’s Medicaid provider agreements with Planned Parenthood affiliates across the state. The state based its decision to remove Planned Parenthood from the list of eligible Medicaid providers in large part on a series of undercover videos released in the summer of 2015 showing footage of Planned Parenthood executives and doctors admitting to illegally profiting from the sale of the fetal tissue of aborted babies.

At the time the videos were released, Planned Parenthood and its many defenders in the pro-choice movement repeated ad nauseam that the videos had been “heavily [and] deceptively edited.” This same line was often parroted uncritically by media outlets in their coverage of the videos.

In its ruling tonight, the Fifth Circuit not only affirmed the state’s right to terminate its agreement with Planned Parenthood affiliates, but also confirmed that the videos were undoctored. The court noted that an independent forensic firm’s review of the undercover footage found “that the video was authentic and not deceptively edited.” This directly refutes Planned Parenthood’s own false claim.

The ruling also mentioned parts of the video footage in which Planned Parenthood executives had admitted to illegally altering abortion procedures to obtain intact fetuses whose organs could then be sold to medical research firms for greater profit. This included finding ways to circumvent the federal ban on partial-birth abortion, whether by changing the way they performed late-term procedures or by signing a form saying they had not “intended” to retrieve an intact fetus.

Tonight’s decision is a win for the pro-life effort to remove Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid funding at the state level, but it also affirms evidence showing that Planned Parenthood doctors and affiliates did indeed break federal law.

Link to the ruling:

3 key points to remember

1. Court proved that PP lied about “edited tapes”. I.E - Plan Parent lied and did so in legal documents offered to the court (if they did physically)

2. PP administrators violated laws regarding abortion procedures, i.e. medical malpractice.

3. PP administrations are just greedy leftists and really didn’t care about the patient, only THEIR BOTTOM-LINE.

The rest of the meanings of the decision is left up to the individual to decide for themselves.
I hope libs are paying attention to this, because this is what we'll be getting constantly if the federal government takes over health insurance - aka "Medicare for All". If that happens, health care will be a perpetual political football, with benefits being yanked and added to appease various interest groups.

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