Fight the Next War, Not the Last One


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
When all the B/S in Washington is in one big heap...

Fight the Next War, Not the Last One

January 27, 2014 by Bruce Thornton



As for foreign policy, it would be surprising to hear a whole lot about that on Tuesday night. Five years of Obama have seen American prestige and influence damaged across the globe. Enemies and rivals have been appeased and strengthened, friends and allies scorned and compromised. Russia and China are rushing to fill the vacuum left by American retreat. The Middle East in particular is one spark away from explosion. American lives and dollars have been squandered by Obama’s abandonment of Iraq and Afghanistan. Reliable if thuggish allies in countries like Libya and Egypt have been surrendered to jihadists or civil war. Our stalwart friend Israel has been bullied and endangered. Al Qaeda and its affiliates are rampaging across the region. And Iran––our enemy for 35 years, the most vicious and lethal state sponsor of terrorism, the murderer of thousands of Americans––currently is being not just appeased into becoming a nuclear power, but bribed with sanctions relief to do so. Given the brazen shamelessness of Obama, I fully expect him to ignore all those disasters on his watch, and in full Neville “peace in our time” Chamberlain mode, tout as a “breakthrough” his agreement with Iran that does nothing to stop the mullahs from acquiring the bomb.

Equally predictable will be the reaction to the speech. The Congressional Democrat shills and touts will pop up on the carefully crafted applause lines, while Joe Biden grins maniacally. The courtiers in the media will declare Obama’s reading of the words of others to be the greatest oratory since Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and carefully parse the banalities, clichés, tired jargon, preposterous claims, and outright lies for more signs of their messiah’s rhetorical, political, and intellectual brilliance. The far-left of the base, who differ from other Democrats only in their honesty about their statist intentions, will whine that Obama didn’t promise to raise taxes on the “1%” even more, dismantle the NSA, shut down Guantanamo, shutter every coal-fired electricity plant, go on a Keynesian spending binge, destroy our drones, and slash defense spending to the bone, as they cast longing gazes on Cherokee princess Elizabeth Warren.


Whatever damage Obama can do in the next 3 years, 8 years of Hilary Clinton will make it worse. Every dysfunction inflicted on the country by 100 years of the progressive assault on limited government, self-reliance, and self-government will continue to worsen, while the debt clock ticks ever closer to the midnight of bankruptcy. Conservatives need to fight the next war, not refight the last one.

Fight the Next War, Not the Last One | FrontPage Magazine
When all the B/S in Washington is in one big heap...

Fight the Next War, Not the Last One

January 27, 2014 by Bruce Thornton



As for foreign policy, it would be surprising to hear a whole lot about that on Tuesday night. Five years of Obama have seen American prestige and influence damaged across the globe. Enemies and rivals have been appeased and strengthened, friends and allies scorned and compromised. Russia and China are rushing to fill the vacuum left by American retreat. The Middle East in particular is one spark away from explosion. American lives and dollars have been squandered by Obama’s abandonment of Iraq and Afghanistan. Reliable if thuggish allies in countries like Libya and Egypt have been surrendered to jihadists or civil war. Our stalwart friend Israel has been bullied and endangered. Al Qaeda and its affiliates are rampaging across the region. And Iran––our enemy for 35 years, the most vicious and lethal state sponsor of terrorism, the murderer of thousands of Americans––currently is being not just appeased into becoming a nuclear power, but bribed with sanctions relief to do so. Given the brazen shamelessness of Obama, I fully expect him to ignore all those disasters on his watch, and in full Neville “peace in our time” Chamberlain mode, tout as a “breakthrough” his agreement with Iran that does nothing to stop the mullahs from acquiring the bomb.

Equally predictable will be the reaction to the speech. The Congressional Democrat shills and touts will pop up on the carefully crafted applause lines, while Joe Biden grins maniacally. The courtiers in the media will declare Obama’s reading of the words of others to be the greatest oratory since Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and carefully parse the banalities, clichés, tired jargon, preposterous claims, and outright lies for more signs of their messiah’s rhetorical, political, and intellectual brilliance. The far-left of the base, who differ from other Democrats only in their honesty about their statist intentions, will whine that Obama didn’t promise to raise taxes on the “1%” even more, dismantle the NSA, shut down Guantanamo, shutter every coal-fired electricity plant, go on a Keynesian spending binge, destroy our drones, and slash defense spending to the bone, as they cast longing gazes on Cherokee princess Elizabeth Warren.


Whatever damage Obama can do in the next 3 years, 8 years of Hilary Clinton will make it worse. Every dysfunction inflicted on the country by 100 years of the progressive assault on limited government, self-reliance, and self-government will continue to worsen, while the debt clock ticks ever closer to the midnight of bankruptcy. Conservatives need to fight the next war, not refight the last one.

Fight the Next War, Not the Last One | FrontPage Magazine

Today's debt to the penny says it is at $17,261,485,887,733.09 according to the US Treasury's figures for 1/23/14.

The figure by the US Debt Clock, org. is $17,337,000,000,000.00 as of right now.
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Before Obama's speech, here's how we see the state of the Union

By Tom Cohen, CNN
updated 7:29 PM EST, Mon January 27, 2014


Manchin: hope Obama focus on Economy

Crunch time for President Obama Economy -- for many, a slow recovery

CNNMoney's Annalyn Kurtz reports that economic recovery continues from the recession Obama inherited, but so far it seems that only the rich are getting richer.

The presidency -- feeling feisty

CNN Senior White House Correspondent Jim Acosta reports that Obama and his team plan to use executive orders to bypass legislative gridlock in their declared "year of action."

Congress -- coming to life?

Darrell West, the vice president for governance studies at the Brookings Institution, writes that political expediency in an election year may bring some congressional cooperation rather than continued partisan stalemate.

The military -- under the budget gun

CNN's Tom Cohen reports there's no evident peace dividend for the U.S. military after ending the Iraq war and winding down combat operations in Afghanistan, due to budget cuts in Washington and a transition to a more modern armed forces.

Foreign policy -- U.S. still a leader?

CNN National Security Producer Jamie Crawford reports the Obama administration faces questions of a weakened role in world affairs despite a high-profile role in international talks involving several Middle East issues, as well as an increasing U.S. presence in Asia.

National security -- shifting post-9/11 posture

CNN Justice Producer Evan Perez reports that an evolving terrorist threat and classified leaks that disclosed U.S. surveillance programs are combining to bring changes to how the nation responded to the 9/11 attacks more than 12 years ago.

And on politics, we hear from two CNN contributors -- Democratic strategist Paul Begala and Republican strategist Alex Castellanos -- on where they see things heading into Obama's speech.

Before Obama's speech, here's how we see the state of the Union -
well Bush did leave a huge mess huh?

why did you guys vote for that mess?

Obama wanted the job. He had all the answers. All we had to do was give him a chance.

Bottom line is it became Obama's mess to deal with at noon on January 20, 2009. He wanted it, he's got it.
Granny says, "Dat's right - Obama needs to quit whinin' an' do sumpin' about it...
American Workers Need Help from Washington, Obama Adviser Says
January 27, 2014 - "I think it's important to remember that what we're trying to do here is restore opportunity for all Americans, grow the economy and create jobs," White House Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer told "Fox News Sunday."
"I think we've made tremendous progress, but there's much more work to do. The president has always said that. ...American businesses, American workers are doing the right thing. We -- Washington needs to help them." Pfeiffer said President Obama, in Tuesday's State of the Union Address, will call for a hike in the minimum wage and more infrastructure spending as a way to help American workers. "If Congress were to do that, we would -- we would make tremendous progress. This can be a year of action, and we can make real progress, but we have to do it together. And if Congress doesn't act, the president will." Pfeiffer said Obama will make specific proposals on job training, education, manufacturing and energy: "And these will be some legislative proposals, but also a number of actions he can take on his own."

Pfeiffer said the president will act with Congress where he can -- and act on his own where he can: "The way we have to think about this year is we have divided government. The Republican Congress is not going to rubber-stamp the president's agenda. The president is not going to sign the Republican Congress' agenda. So we have to find areas where we can work together. We could start by passing -- extending unemployment benefits for 1.6 million Americans, pass a farm bill, pass immigration reform, infrastructure -- so, array of things we can do together. No one's going to get everything they want, but you can do that. "But also the president will say to the country he's not going to wait. He has a pen and he has a phone. He's going to use those to move the ball forward to create opportunity."

Host Chris Wallace noted that other presidents, including Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, managed to get their ideas passed in a divided Congress: "Why can't this president," he asked. "Well, we have made progress," Pfeiffer responded. "We've got a budget this year. This president has a legislative record that stands up to any: Affordable Care Act, Wall Street reform, array of issues that we have made progress on. But what we're going to -- this is -- Washington does not work as well as it should. Everyone knows that. "Last year the American people looked at Washington with the shutdown, the near default, the problem with, and they were frustrated. And so it's incumbent upon all of us, the president included, to try to rebuild that trust with the American people and make progress. And what they want to see is progress, either in Congress or from the president on his own.


See also:

As Americans Lose Confidence in Obama, His Spokesman Blames Congress
January 27, 2014 -- Americans' confidence in President Obama's leadership is slipping as he prepares to deliver his sixth State of the Union Address on Tuesday.
A new Washington Post/ABC News poll finds that 50 percent of Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling his job as president; 55 percent disapprove of the way Obama is handling the economy; 59 percent disapprove of the way Obama is handling the implementation of the new health care law; 62 percent think things in this country have "gotten pretty seriously off on the wrong track"; 51 percent say Obama is not a strong leader; 52 percent say he does not understand the problems of "people like you." And 63 percent have low -- or no -- confidence in Obama's ability to "make the right decisions for the country's future." "How can the president lead when barely a third trusts his ability to make the right decisions," Jon Karl, the fill-in host of ABC's "This Week," asked White House spokesman Jay Carney on Sunday.

"Jon, I think what we saw last year in 2013 was a Washington that did not deliver for the American people. And the president sees this as a year of action, to work with Congress where he can and to bypass Congress where necessary to lift folks who want to come up into the middle class," Carney said.

Karl noted that President Obama, in last year's State of the Union, called for a higher minimum wage, immigration reform, and expanded background checks for gun buyers -- and none of it happened. Why would 2014 be any different,he wondered. "Those were calls for action that involved Congress," Carney responded. "The president is very disappointed that the Senate failed to heed the will of the vast majority of the American people when it came to expanding background checks. "On immigration reform, we're actually optimistic that 2014 will be the year that Congress delivers to the president's desk a bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform bill that meets the principles he laid out and that he can sign into law."

As for Americans' disapproval of Obamacare implementation, Carney said "it is absolutely worth it, no matter what happens politically." "I just disagree that Republicans are going to have a winning issue on this, if they decide to run on it, because they got to explain what repeal means," Carney said. On another topic, income inequality -- which is expected to be a key element of Obama's speech -- Carney said it's a problem that's been in the making for "over 30 years." And he said Republicans who blame Obama for pushing million of Americans into poverty are overlooking "the worst recession since the Great Depression, which was in full bloom when President Obama was sworn into office."

As Americans Lose Confidence in Obama, His Spokesman Blames Congress | CNS News
More from Obama bragging about being a dictator. Like I have repeatedly said, Obama wants to rule, not govern..

I have a pen and a phone...

Follow the Constitution for once.......... asshole


State of the Union 2014 -- thin-skinned amateur Obama addresses Congress, our parliament of whores

By Erick Erickson /
Published January 27, 2014


A thin-skinned amateur who has been in office six years and still can’t grasp how to do his job will stand before an even more thin-skinned Parliament of Whores and tell them he does not need them, while knowing he really does need them, while none of them truly want to be with each other, and all have lawy ers ready to go bow before the black robed masters who’ll sit stone faced at the front of room knowing they really rule the joint.

My only hope is that the Republicans grow a pair and start laughing uncontrollably when the president begins touting ObamaCare, which you know he will do and which you know they will not. Paging Steve Stockman — here’s your moment.

The State of the Union has become a pointless bit of laundry list stagecrap where everyone in D.C. gets to pretend they like each other and together will make magic before leaking how they hate each other and won’t get any thing done worthwhile.


I truly hope you people are ready to go on offense. Instead of being defensive and hoping to get the GOP in control of the Senate, we need to go on offense and get control of the GOP itself.

That’s the only way to turn the tide and it must be done by getting involved in your local party and by picking challengers across the country who you are willing to pray for, write checks for, knock on doors for, and fight for.


At least Mike Lee is going to give a conservative response. From that we might actually learn something. Every thing else will just be stagecrap and showmanship by a merry band of profiteers.

Then every pundit can spend a couple days using fifty cent words acting like they know what the hell they are talking about and we can forget it all by next Monday.

State of the Union 2014 -- thin-skinned amateur Obama addresses Congress, our parliament of whores | Fox News
Who the fuck cares what the mealy mouthed dictators and oligarchs overseas think of America, what are we, a nation of personal insecurity that cares that someone may think us other than belligerent idiots? Let them do something and check out where they end up. Wasn't it Obama who gave OBL a nice burial. The right wing cannot think except in terms of Hitler, what a bunch of sissies they are, most even were draft dodgers. Give us a break and think of something that concerns Americans like jobs and stop hiding under your bed like frightened children.
Who the fuck cares what the mealy mouthed dictators and oligarchs overseas think of America, what are we, a nation of personal insecurity that cares that someone may think us other than belligerent idiots? Let them do something and check out where they end up. Wasn't it Obama who gave OBL a nice burial. The right wing cannot think except in terms of Hitler, what a bunch of sissies they are, most even were draft dodgers. Give us a break and think of something that concerns Americans like jobs and stop hiding under your bed like frightened children.

Ya right, you sound like a jackass from the daily krap...:cuckoo:

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