Fighting for ME 14 year old tranny to use school girls bathrooms

The kid looks like a girl to me. And if she was using the female bathroom, why on earth would the grandfather of a MALE student have a problem with that?
According to the article, they are relying on some really stretched argument portraying the very fact of boys and girls bathrooms as some sort of segregation. The solution is to have no segregated bathrooms at all.

There needs to be a general revolution among normal people to stop this insanity.
How dare women feel uncomfortable going to the bathroom around men! We should just have coed bathrooms period! It's bigotry and intolerance to feel uncomfortable around anyone.
I guess if you think you are a pilot you should be allowed in the cockpit.

Oh no, only liberal darling group members are allowed to do that. It would have to be a black lesbian muslim woman who thought she was a pilot.

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