Files confirm trump did not visit Epstein home or island

I understand your frustration, kind of, I've actually never had any problems sexually like you. I've led a pretty Charmed existence actually. It must really suck to be you. Did you try 1-800 Trump yet?
Not that my sex life is any of your business, all I can say is that it's ok. I even tried gay sex once but I didn't dig it.
Yes indeed, I loved it, we would rock so hard it turned into just a big Frenzy. Anything went. Nice that you could share that experience
We played the Palace in Hollywood once and I literally had 5 current or future hookups hanging in the green room.

Edit: Actually it was called the Avalon then.
The info about your scrambled brain comes from you, right here in this thread, post #282 and just about everything you post.
The thugs that day were The Usual Suspects BLM antfi the FBI the capital police possibly the CIA. It was all a planned operation of provocation and deception. Very true Trump supporters should have stayed away.
Just keeping it real baby. Sorry you can't accept it

Not that my sex life is any of your business, all I can say is that it's ok. I even tried gay sex once but I didn't dig it.
Never tried gay sex. It kind of scares me and revulses me. Happily married here for the rest of my life.
^^ crackpot
Whatever floats your boat Arlette. Just make yourself happy, believe what you want, just don't damage yourself with those beliefs. Be careful and critical about where you get your information. Try lots of sources including AM talk radio podcasts. Armstrong and Getty, Ben Shapiro good and interesting places to start.
Whatever floats your boat Arlette. Just make yourself happy, believe what you want, just don't damage yourself with those beliefs. Be careful and critical about where you get your information. Try lots of sources including AM talk radio podcasts. Armstrong and Getty, Ben Shapiro good and interesting places to start.
Let me put it this way. I'm charged with 91 felonies and I'm looking for a job. Would you hire me?
Let me put it this way. I'm charged with 91 felonies and I'm looking for a job. Would you hire me?
If I thought you were being persecuted politically for being a conservative and you're all about exposing corruption. Hell yeah! I give you a hell of a salary to clean things up, and all the support I could muster. This country is worth it.

If I thought you were being persecuted politically for being a conservative and you're all about exposing corruption. Hell yeah! I give you a hell of a salary to clean things up, and all the support I could muster. This country is worth it.

View attachment 883613
That's cause you're a crackpot. Normal people wouldn't hire anybody with 91 felony charges under their belt. The hammer will drop on Trump. Better learn to love Nikki
Says the typical Democrat LOL and yes you are a fraud and I'm sure you believed not only Ford ,avenatti ,Harris Schiff et al lying Democrats. Your denial and lies are an admission of guilt here. I'm sure and you believe anything that regurgitated down the Democrat Pike. It's your nature fool

You're fucked in the head, con.

You also never answered ... why do you believe Kavanugh raped Blasey Ford? I never saw her provide any evidence to corroborate her claims.
And what evidence did you see Blasey Ford submit to convince you Kavanaugh raped her? I myself never believed her.
Retard, while the Kavanaugh hearing was taking place, I said I didn't believe Ford.
No, it's nothing like Ford's case against Kavanaugh. Ford made a baseless accusation against Kavanaugh with no evidence and probably just made it up.
what I “pulled” on Kavanaugh was to say I thought Blasey Ford was lying because there was no evidence to confirm her claims.
Oh? So when I said I believed Blasey Ford was lying about Kavanaugh, and when I said I saw no evidence Impeached Trump colluded with Russia, that was not reality?
There was no way of knowing but Ford never had any proof.
Your idiocy grows by the post.
Where did I call Kavanaugh a “rapist”.....
What evidence is there that the train rape accusation is based on an actual events??
Great, then either you can quote me saying I believe he’s guilty or you prove you’re nothing but a lying demented sycophant. Which is it...?
No, I don’t believe her.
Yet you probably believe automatically some woman accusing a guy of roughing her up almost 40 years ago because it fits YOUR political needs...

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