Filthy Rich Gulf Arab states doing nothing for Syrian Refugees


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy, and is comprehensively ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

What other countries might do or not do has no bearing whatsoever on American policy concerning the issue, it doesn't mitigate America's responsibility to respond to the crisis, it doesn't undermine our values and traditions as an immigrant Nation, made great and strong as a consequence of immigration, and it doesn't 'justify' America refusing to accept refugees.

We as a people are better than that.

And that this has to be explained to most on the right is sad and telling, that most on the right are hostile to our values and traditions as an immigrant Nation comes as no surprise.
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.
They are now spending gazillions on luxury hotels on the mountains surrounding mina, Mecca, to fleece more hajjis. The could be using that money, or other money, to build some kind of decent accommodation for Syrian refugees.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with holding obscenely wealthy arab/muslim
countries responsible for muslim refugees------especially in light of the
terrorism wrought upon the USA and France----BY MUSLIM refugees. -----
terrorism which oil rich muslims in arab muslim countries FUND. I refer not
only to arab/muslim refugees----but all muslim refugees. I wish them well----
the resources do exist for them------in the hands of their own bretheren. After
the mode of the DONALD----I have a solution------declare Saudi arabia off limits
to all American citizens in view of the fact that Saudi arabia is OFF LIMITS to
MOST American citizens. Persons who travel to SAUDI ARABIA should lose
USA citizenship
Keep them close to Syria so they can return and build their towns. Why relocate them clear across the ocean just to send them back. Syria is their home.
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.
Yes let's set the American standard down at the level of the insane theocracies of the middle east. Way to go republicans.
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.
Yes let's set the American standard down at the level of the insane theocracies of the middle east. Way to go republicans.

the people of the middle east are not monkeys------if you ask them ------their "cultures" are far superior to any other in HUMAN HISTORY------you bias is showing.
Why do you consider arab muslims to be garbage?
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.

I believe that the USA is responsible MORALLY to rescue persons at GREAT RISK
for persecution who have a death of alternatives. In the middle east arab muslim
states the people at GREAT RISK-----are Christians and---a small minority YAZIDIS-------Kurds are also at risk but that is a whole different issue-----they have
a LAND the problem is GETTING it for them
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.
Yes let's set the American standard down at the level of the insane theocracies of the middle east. Way to go republicans.

the people of the middle east are not monkeys------if you ask them ------their "cultures" are far superior to any other in HUMAN HISTORY------you bias is showing.
Why do you consider arab muslims to be garbage?
There are lots of great people in the middle east. Unfortunately their elders maintain backwards theocracies that only survive in the 21st century because they happen to have oil. Moderate Muslims are great. But their governments are run by even more whacked out versions of Rick Santorum's and Ted Cruz's.
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.
Yes let's set the American standard down at the level of the insane theocracies of the middle east. Way to go republicans.

the people of the middle east are not monkeys------if you ask them ------their "cultures" are far superior to any other in HUMAN HISTORY------you bias is showing.
Why do you consider arab muslims to be garbage?
There are lots of great people in the middle east. Unfortunately their elders maintain backwards theocracies that only survive in the 21st century because they happen to have oil. Moderate Muslims are great. But their governments are run by even more whacked out versions of Rick Santorum's and Ted Cruz's.

I have no doubt that there are lots of great people------but in terms of
numbers -----there are a LOT MORE who have been educated to firmly
BELIEVE that the answer to their own problems and those of the world
consists of the IMPOSITION BY ANY MEANS of islam. I have known
lots of highly educated people from the MIDDLE EAST------I know what they
LEARN-------and-----what they tend to believe -------. Lots of highly
educated and INTELLIGENT and CREATIVE people in the past----truly believed
in the forced imposition of Christianity ------ We cannot wish these facts

All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy, and is comprehensively ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

What other countries might do or not do has no bearing whatsoever on American policy concerning the issue, it doesn't mitigate America's responsibility to respond to the crisis, it doesn't undermine our values and traditions as an immigrant Nation, made great and strong as a consequence of immigration, and it doesn't 'justify' America refusing to accept refugees.

We as a people are better than that.

And that this has to be explained to most on the right is sad and telling, that most on the right are hostile to our values and traditions as an immigrant Nation comes as no surprise.

Let me try to interpret what this Pinhead is actually saying here. He means:

"We Democrat/Loon/Socialists cannot turn this country...the greatest society on the planet, ever.... into another Third World Socialist Banana Republic like we want, without importing foreignors from Mexico and the Middle East...who we can put on welfare and turn into reliable Democrat Voters. And so we will talk about our past history of bringing in Europeans who shared our values; even Asians who take care of themselves and don't blow up people for fun to get at 72 virgins. Buddha didn't teach Hate. Yes, we've noticed that they are now using Radioactivity Detecting Devices at Parades in New York...because they fear Lunatic Muslims do now have the ability to sneak in a Dirty Bomb, but never mind that---we need the Votes."

Every rebuttal by this foolish Pinhead starts with "this fails as a strawman falacy" or "this fails as a false comparison fallacy"...terms he picked up in some bogus freshman logic class at some fucked up college in the North or California...and he thinks it makes him sound smart...and I think he is a rank dumb-ass and a hypocrite.
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy, and is comprehensively ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

What other countries might do or not do has no bearing whatsoever on American policy concerning the issue, it doesn't mitigate America's responsibility to respond to the crisis, it doesn't undermine our values and traditions as an immigrant Nation, made great and strong as a consequence of immigration, and it doesn't 'justify' America refusing to accept refugees.

We as a people are better than that.

And that this has to be explained to most on the right is sad and telling, that most on the right are hostile to our values and traditions as an immigrant Nation comes as no surprise.

Let me try to interpret what this Pinhead is actually saying here. He means:

"We Democrat/Loon/Socialists cannot turn this country...the greatest society on the planet, ever.... into another Third World Socialist Banana Republic like we want, without importing foreignors from Mexico and the Middle East...who we can put on welfare and turn into reliable Democrat Voters. And so we will talk about our past history of bringing in Europeans who shared our values; even Asians who take care of themselves and don't blow up people for fun to get at 72 virgins. Buddha didn't teach Hate. Yes, we've noticed that they are now using Radioactivity Detecting Devices at Parades in New York...because they fear Lunatic Muslims do now have the ability to sneak in a Dirty Bomb, but never mind that---we need the Votes."

Every rebuttal by this foolish Pinhead starts with "this fails as a strawman falacy" or "this fails as a false comparison fallacy"...terms he picked up in some bogus freshman logic class at some fucked up college in the North or California...and he thinks it makes him sound smart...and I think he is a rank dumb-ass and a hypocrite.

we ---the people of the USA-----are REQUIRED to import populations that we know harbor firm and ardent beliefs that include the destruction of our society and freedoms and include persons educated to ADULATE terrorists
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy, and is comprehensively ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

What other countries might do or not do has no bearing whatsoever on American policy concerning the issue, it doesn't mitigate America's responsibility to respond to the crisis, it doesn't undermine our values and traditions as an immigrant Nation, made great and strong as a consequence of immigration, and it doesn't 'justify' America refusing to accept refugees.

We as a people are better than that.

And that this has to be explained to most on the right is sad and telling, that most on the right are hostile to our values and traditions as an immigrant Nation comes as no surprise.
Wrong. This is common sense, take care of your own backyard and take care of your people. It is the obvious solution. It is ridiculous for these rich Arab nations to point the finger at America and say "You solve our problem!" That's bullshit and anyone with a modicum of common sense sees it.
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.

Well I think that the Gulf States should do more......but Syria's neighbors have been far, far more.

Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon- all have taken thousands and thousands of Syrian refugees.

The United States I believe has offered to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees.......out of 4,000,000 refugees
Turkey has taken 2,000,000
Jordan 1.4, Lebanon 1.1

We currently have taken about 2,000

We don't need to accept any refugees ever- but we accept other refugees every year.
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.

Lol. They know better. Same reason why they won't take on any "Palestinians." It's funny how some people want these people to have "freedom." Then when they have freedom and cause mayhem, they will tell us that's because they need to be under the control of a dictator.
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.

Well I think that the Gulf States should do more......but Syria's neighbors have been far, far more.

Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon- all have taken thousands and thousands of Syrian refugees.

The United States I believe has offered to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees.......out of 4,000,000 refugees
Turkey has taken 2,000,000
Jordan 1.4, Lebanon 1.1

We currently have taken about 2,000

We don't need to accept any refugees ever- but we accept other refugees every year.
Turkey was herding refugees away from the border with water cannon just a few weeks ago. Feel the brotherly love.
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.

Well I think that the Gulf States should do more......but Syria's neighbors have been far, far more.

Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon- all have taken thousands and thousands of Syrian refugees.

The United States I believe has offered to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees.......out of 4,000,000 refugees
Turkey has taken 2,000,000
Jordan 1.4, Lebanon 1.1

We currently have taken about 2,000

We don't need to accept any refugees ever- but we accept other refugees every year.
Turkey was herding refugees away from the border with water cannon just a few weeks ago. Feel the brotherly love.

Turkey has taken in 2,000,000 Syrian refugees.

They have been- and are doing more- for Syrian refugees than anyone else.
All of you Liberals think it is our duty to bring Syrian Refugees at risk and ridiculous taxpayer expense to the U.S. but you say nothing about the Gulf Arab states that have had a Syrian "Muslim Ban" in place since Syria began imploding years ago. They have enormous economic and military resources, they are geographically next door to Syria yet somehow this is America's problem to solve. The Gulf States are the logical solution not bringing refugees halfway around the world.

Well I think that the Gulf States should do more......but Syria's neighbors have been far, far more.

Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon- all have taken thousands and thousands of Syrian refugees.

The United States I believe has offered to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees.......out of 4,000,000 refugees
Turkey has taken 2,000,000
Jordan 1.4, Lebanon 1.1

We currently have taken about 2,000

We don't need to accept any refugees ever- but we accept other refugees every year.
Turkey was herding refugees away from the border with water cannon just a few weeks ago. Feel the brotherly love.

Turkey has taken in 2,000,000 Syrian refugees.

They have been- and are doing more- for Syrian refugees than anyone else.
But they still water cannoned refugees running from fighting and prevented them from crossing the border. Maybe they were the 'wrong kind' of Muslim? I'll try to find a link.

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