WHAT special rights ? An example please.
Example A:
Houston passed a bathroom policy where Transgender people could not even be questioned in the restroom or that could count as harassment and incur a fine up to $5,000.
No other group would have this special rights protection against harassment where someone couldn't question them in the restroom.
So other people lose their free speech to ask questions to make sure it is safe for someone of male appearance to be in the women's restroom.
So the LGBT have protected status that other people don't have, at the expense of the equal civil rights of other members of the public.
Example B:
When states passed laws banning same sex marriage and only recognizing traditional marriage, that violated constitutional laws and was struck down.
But when laws were passed imposing same sex marriage through the state govt, against the beliefs of people this violates, that is enforced as law.
Thus the beliefs of LGBT are enforced through govt against the beliefs of those who are in conflict; but when the beliefs in traditional marriage were imposed in conflict with LGBT, that was struck down.
Again, along with PENALTIES against business owners who can be forced to attend gay weddings against their beliefs if this is a recognized status.
So that is discriminating against people for their beliefs.
A. the people OF LGBT beliefs are favored by govt
B. the people of other beliefs are penalized by govt
that is taking sides, and not neutral.
If govt was fair, it would be disallowed for groups to be forced
to do business together who have conflicting beliefs,
so that both are equally protected from the other.
Again, like Hindus and Muslims. Govt would never be used to defend one belief from persecution by the other, where one side is penalized and the other side is defended as a special class. Common sense would tell us to separate these groups if they disagree so much, mind their own business, and don't impose on each other if they can't work it out civilly. But not force one belief on the other THROUGH GOVT.