Financing the End Time Harvest

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Unless you are without cable television, you have inevitably stumbled across channels that are begging for money to finance the end time harvest. It makes one wonder how the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ ever managed to share the Gospel to the extent that they did! After all, these men were the poorest of the poor! Indeed, during the years of Jesus Christ's ministry, He had no place to lay his head.

Contrast this picture with today's televangelists and one must conclude that something is seriously wrong with the picture they present to their audience. Dollars do not equal souls. It doesn't take hundreds of millions of dollars to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It takes laborers who are willing to lay down their lives for the Lamb of God because HIS labor, HIS sufferings and HIS sacrifice compels us. In this article, Michael Boldea writes about something he saw on television which disturbed him....
Hand of Help Ministries - Financing the End Time Harvest and Dawn of Liberty

November 30 2004

Late one evening as I was waiting for my wife to return home from her job, I was flicking through the television channels when I happened upon a Christian network. Not surprising, they were conducting another telethon, and since I was too tired to read, yet not tired enough to go to sleep I settled in and began to watch some of America's most respected Christian minds attempt to make their case as to why everyone watching should send in their best gift possible.

"What you have here," one man said, "is an opportunity to finance the end time harvest. We are attempting to get a new satellite into orbit that will broadcast the gospel twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to the Middle East. Dollars equals souls," he continued, "dollars equals souls." Another man in the background, seemingly excited over this new catch phrase echoed his agreement, and enthusiasm, "yes, yes, Amen, dollars equals souls."

As I continued to watch I became increasingly uncomfortable as thoughts began to form, and as I began to realize that although on the surface this seemed like a noble cause, I had seen something similar take place some fifteen years ago, that had dire consequences for the true Christians of another region, namely Eastern Europe.

First let's make the obvious crystal clear. Dollars don't equal souls, laborers, and the word of God equal souls. In order to bring in the harvest, Jesus said He needed laborers, men willing to sacrifice of themselves, to lay aside their plans for this life, and offer their all to the pursuit of furthering the Kingdom of God.

When Jesus sent out the 70 disciples, He did not tell them to take provisions, he did not tell them to make sure they have enough cash in their expense account, on the contrary he told them to take nothing. He commanded them to carry neither money bag, sack, nor sandals, nor were they supposed to greet anyone along the road. All they had was Christ's word, and that was enough for them to go and preach the gospel.

The fact that men believe the amount of money a ministry raises, equals the souls it will reach for the kingdom of God, was not the most disturbing thought I had that night. The question that would make its way to the surface of my consciousness each time I heard the phrase, "we will be taking the gospel to the Middle East," was which gospel are you planning on taking to the Middle East?

I have often wondered how the glamour gospel would play in a place like Sudan, or Iran, or Iraq, places where Christians are put to death for their faith, places where there is a sacrifice involved, a price to be paid for calling yourself a Child of God.

How will Christians that are being persecuted, hunted and hounded, killed and maimed, react to the gospel of superstar Christianity, private jets, body guards, multi-million dollar homes, and autograph hounds?

Is this the gospel we are planning to reach them with? Do we have the audacity to tell those that are suffering for the Gospel's sake that they are ignorant, that all their suffering is for naught, that in fact because they suffer for Christ's sake they are not in God's perfect will?

What does American Christianity have to offer to the persecuted Church?
continue reading on the link above...
Michael concludes his message with these words and then presents to us a picture of the true laborers in the harvest and their response to such gimmicks.

Hand of Help Ministries - Financing the End Time Harvest and Dawn of Liberty

The true harvest will not be brought into the storehouse by gimmicks, or enticing words, but by tireless laborers, those scarred and bruised servants of Christ, who gladly lay down their lives just to tell one more person about Jesus.

The following is an article that I've had for some time, and happened upon it once more just a few days ago. I believe it is something every Christian should read and take to heart. I urge you to take the time, and read it carefully, and let the truth of it speak to you.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.

Michael Phillips

"And so, my friends and fellow believers in Christ's injunction to send the gospel abroad into every land, it is with great pleasure that I want to present to our beloved brothers and sisters in the church behind what we have called the Iron Curtain these last fifty years, a check from money raised by faithful believers across America - money we hope you will use joyfully and fruitfully in building up the body of believers and churches you have so faithfully maintained during these long hours of darkness under the shadow of Communism."

"Ladies and gentlemen," he went on, "I want you to meet a man I know you are eager to hear from, a man who carried the standard of the cross bravely, as you know - imprisoned and tortured, he never gave in to those who would destroy his faith.

And so now, Dieder - Dieder Palacki, won't you please come, accept this money on behalf of Christians behind the Iron Curtain everywhere. I have here a check for three million dollars to give you!"

At the words, sighs and gasps and a few low whistles could be heard, all of which gave way to a round of applause, with many Praise the Lords and Hallelujahs sprinkled throughout.
He turned, expecting Palacki to stand, come forward and shake the outstretched hand that awaited him.

to be continued.....
Note - Deider Palacki, a faithful laborer for Jesus Christ suffered imprisonment and torture as did Dumitru Duduman (Michael Boldea's grandfather) and Richard Wurmbrand (author of the book, "Tortured for Christ")
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He turned, expecting Palacki to stand, come forward and shake the outstretched hand that awaited him.

But instead Palacki remained seated where he was, until the clapping died down. At last he rose, came forward, took the check, shook MacPatrick's hand unaggressively, but still said nothing.

Slightly unnerved, but still not losing his cool, MacPatrick resumed his own seat with the other dignitaries.

Slowly Palacki make his way toward the podium. He appeared not even to notice the applauding reception that broke out again, and in his eyes was not a look of warmth.

Reaching the center of the platform, he did not lift his head to scan the faces of his listeners. Instead he stood still, looking down at the lectern before him. He had no notes.

Gradually the clapping died down and the hall fell silent. Still Palacki stared downward in front of him, while the delegates waited expectantly.

It was several long moments before he at last spoke. "It has been a curious past several days," he began, speaking softly. "I have been listening with great interest to the many discussions and exhortations, all with the end in view of promoting the Christian faith in a region of the world where one might conclude never before had a single soul heard the name Jesus of Nazareth."

"Indeed, If I were newly arrived on this planet and had come to this conference as an angel whose assignment it was to report back to our Father on the state of his people on the earth, I would have reason to conclude that a huge segment of the world's population had just been discovered of whom no one had ever heard before and who therefore had no Christian tradition whatsoever. As I have listened I have found myself wondering if any Christians have ever existed outside the United States or Great Britain."

"So as I say, it has been with great interest that I have attempted to absorb the perspectives represented among you. I must admit that when the invitation came to join you, and even to address this gathering, I found myself seized with a certain trepidation. As you know, large assemblies of Christians such as this have not been customary where I come from, and thus most of my work among Christians has been in small groups of less than one hundred. Addressing several thousand I found a very intimidating prospect."

"In the end however, I decided to join you, for we pastors and Christians from the regions formerly behind the Iron Curtain are certainly excited about the new possibilities for evangelism in our nations too."

"But as I listened to more and more talk of money and pamphlets, of missionaries being sent and books being shipped, of teachers and pastors coming to help and train us in spreading the gospel, and of your gospel TV and radio stations and your gospel trains and gospel trucks full of your Western-style gospel paraphernalia - your badges and tracts and stickers and music and gaily written happiness-books with their joy-filled, razzle-dazzle Christianity - a knot has steadily risen in my stomach."

"Do not forget, I have spent much time in your countries. I have been in your churches and bookstores. I have witnessed with my own eyes the trappings of your so-called spiritual prosperity, which is really no prosperity at all, but a hollow empty shell."

"Something within me wants to shout and say to you all, 'Go home to your contented and wealthy homes and communities and churches. The Good News of Jesus Christ is alive and vibrant and is fully capable of carrying itself abroad into the hearts of hungry men and women without the benefit of your expensive and lavish commercial efforts on its behalf."

"Why do you think that those of us such as my brothers Wurmbrand and Duduman and Vins and others have been risking our lives for all these years? Each of us has been imprisoned, beaten, tortured, humiliated because of our preaching of Christ's gospel."

"For thirty years we have smuggled and traveled, taught, preached, gone hungry, organized, yes, and even spoken and written to you of the West as well. Thousands upon thousands of our fellow Poles and Russians and Slavs and East Germans have laid their lives on the line for the sake of their faith and in order to share that faith with others."

"I tell you, my friends, God's church is alive and well in the areas you represent as lost and in such desperate need. Small, perhaps, it may be, but it is alive and thriving because in our corners of the world there is a price to be paid to call yourself a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. A price that cannot be measured, as you seem to measure all things - by money. No, you who hear my words who I hope and pray are my brothers and sisters, it costs to believe in the East. It costs all you have to be a Christian. So there are very few lukewarm, halfhearted souls among us. To be halfhearted can cost you your life!"

"For years we have tried to alert you Christians of the West to the true state of affairs behind the Iron Curtain. We have written, we have traveled, we have spoken, we have prayed, we have wept."

"How many of you listened to us?"

"My brother and friend Alexandr Solzhenitsyn attempted for a decade to be heard, as have so many others. We asked for your prayers, for Bibles, for help in teaching and training our people. And some help did come, for which we were grateful."

"But the rest of you continued to feed your own mammoth religious systems, building yet bigger and bigger transmitting stations and more television stations and publishing more books - all in the name of proclaiming the gospel."

"But did you ever give of yourselves? Did you come help us? Did you pray for us? Did you suffer and die and starve with us? How much did you really care about the people you now so pompously think you will save for the kingdom?"

"Where have you been all this time? We needed your help and prayers and support and Bibles when times were hard! We have been beaten and imprisoned and even killed for the gospel's sake. Where were you when it counted? We lived our faith behind the Iron Curtain, and now that it is down, who is to say we even want you coming with your pompous egoism and self-reliance?"

"Come now! Did you seriously expect a huge outpouring of goodwill and gratefulness from those of us representing the East for all these grandiose plans you would make for our people?"

"Did you really envision a great unity of working together in this time when you say opportunity for harvest is so great? To listen to you, all that we have been pouring our lives out for these last four decades of repression counts for naught. Do you truly expect us to share your enthusiasm and welcome you and your wealthy brand of capitalistic Christianity with open arms?"

stay tuned for the conclusion to this public rebuke given by Deider Palaki....,+12:00+pm
"Think again, my friends, those I would still call my brothers and sisters in spite of your blindness. Pause and consider the egotism of your presumption and the worldliness of your method."

By now the auditorium was filled with the heaviness of shocked silence. No one dared move a muscle or so much as shift in his seat. But Palacki's chastening diatribe was not over yet.

"How dare you well-fed, contented, prosperous Christians of the West, come here now and think you can throw your money at us poor unfortunates and suddenly 'save the world' with all the gadgets and inventions and high-tech wizardry of electronic spirituality!

You with your multi-million-dollar architecturally imposing churches, you with your computer Bibles and preprogrammed Bible Studies, you with your posh cars and soft, upholstered pews, your grand libraries of Christian books, your leather-bound reference Bibles, you who have all the answers to the world's ills nicely at hand to spout off when asked."

"How many of you have been hauled away at gunpoint for attending a spiritual discussion?

When was the last time you were beaten for uttering a sentence of prayer? Do you think you can spread the gospel with a conference, with programs, with satellites, with your television and music, with your preaching?"

"Have we Christians of the East been idle all this time? What would you have us to do, go off quietly somewhere so you can come in and pat yourselves on the back before your watching congregations and claim credit for saving all the souls who would be lost without you?"
"No my shallow brothers and sisters of wealthy, contented Western evangelicalism!

Build a prayer tower or a glass church somewhere, but think not that your money can save souls.

Go back from whence you came, and spend your evangelistic self-gratifying mammon elsewhere!"

Suddenly he stopped, stood another two or three seconds gazing at his listeners with calm countenance, yet flaming eyes.

Then, with decisive motion he ripped the check he was still holding into several pieces and let it drop to the floor.

Palacki turned and strode off the platform and out of sight, leaving his hearers gaping in stunned silence.

Hand of Help Ministries - Financing the End Time Harvest and Dawn of Liberty
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I know there are Christians who are shocked that Deider Palacki would openly chastise American Christians, tear up their 3 million dollar check and drop it on the ground. Yes. I know you don't understand why he would do that even after hearing him explain why he could not accept that money.

I know that this is a very uncomfortable story to those who have been raised in America and have never seen the persecuted church. Many American Christians have never talked with a missionary or heard testimonies about the communists arresting Christians for smuggling bibles and holding prayer meetings in the underground church.

I've stayed out of American churches for going on 3 decades now with the exception of when the Lord sends me in there and always, always, always the response is the same once I begin to tell them about walking in holiness and staying out of sin.

It starts off with who does she think she is...... Miss Holier than thou, then it's the usual Grace covers everything because Jesus did it all (your sins are covered - nothing to worry about - sin your way to heaven) then as the murmuring continues the false teachers rise up as I confront their false teaching or whatever it is the Lord points out to me to warn them of - they start laughing at me, mocking me behind my back (I know as the Holy Spirit has shown me this), then when that does not work they start slandering my name to the few true believers they have amongst them, and last but not least it reaches all the way to the Pastors, Sunday School teachers who will talk about me without naming me in front of the entire congregation. Then the Lord tells me I'm finished there and I can go. I'm a laborer for the Lord but in these churches they don't recognize who the servants of the Lord are. Nor do they recognize the false teachers among them. I see that these people are in great danger and it greatly concerns me. I've wept, fasted and prayed over them and their families and in return they have hated me.

Christians in America suffer a different persecution from the Christians in communist nations. We suffer at the hands of those who are supposed to be our own brethren. Why is it that the Word of God is such an offense to certain believers? Aren't they supposed to believe the written Word of God? If you believe the Written Word of God why aren't you obeying it? I can't tell the difference between the church and the world in America. The women dress the same, they wear the same hairdo's as the women of the world do, same jewelries and make ups. They go to the same places with the world. They just don't drink while they are going there and that makes everything alright for them. But is God convinced?

I love my brethren in America but they are spiritually on life support - one step away from spiritual death. Their bible studies are programmed just as the Brother pointed out. I've examined the names of people quoted in the Sunday School books and many of those men are not even Christians! Their pagans! Do you think any of them happened to notice that? No. They cannot see it because there is sin in their life. And as they have well pointed out..... they believe they are bound to sin every day of their lives until Jesus comes back. This is why they like the new Christian rock music. The world is in them. This is why they don't want the Old Hymn books in their churches anymore. They want to replace the true Christian faith of our fathers with a false Christian faith which produces nothing but false converts.

What is the cure for this terrible state of America's churches? SBN? No. Some time ago I had an accident and had to stay in bed for some months. I decided to watch that network and at first I heard them calling out false teachers like Joel Osteen and Joseph Prince and I thought isn't this wonderful? They seem to have their eyes opened.

There were some old hymns sung but I noticed all the women singers looked like the world too. Then I began to see these telethons they held and this emphasis about their church /ministry evangelizing the world through television. I told my husband, Look at this! This is not true!

I did consider the Apostle Paul who rejoiced that the Gospel was being preached even if it was by men with wrong motives like envy and rivalry (Phil.1:15). So I continued to watch for awhile. Later as I was watching, I noticed error in their teaching and that one of the ministers was practicing yoga (occult is to be shunned). Then little by little I saw where they were in error and could no longer watch it. I know there are true Christians within their church and I am sure they are deeply grieved at what they are seeing. I've never said anything until right now. But that is why I asked my husband to have the cable cut off. I cannot listen to what I know to be a lie. It's a sin.

Who is my Pastor? Those from other countries who preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. I listen to their sermons, read their sermons and my faith has been greatly increased for it. I can have church at home every day and worship the Lord and when He sends me to the next church with the same message? I'll go.
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This is a dream the Lord gave Michael Boldea. The interpretation was given to him afterward. This is the church of America. Pray for the churches of America!

This is the Church

September 2003

Dear Brethren,

Matthew 9:36-38, But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."

It had been the most trying two weeks of my life. While still in Romania, I woke up one morning to the most excruciating pain I had ever felt. All my joints ached, my feet were swollen, and I could barely move. The weather had changed, and it seems that as my grandfather I am prone to arthritis. On my way back to the States, on September 9, while awaiting a connection at London Heathrow airport, my laptop was stolen.

(Along these lines I would like to apologize to all the child sponsors. In the same bag I carried my laptop, I had the new updated biographies of all the children, with their shoe and pant sizes, as well as the new pictures. They too were taken. Although the staff in Romania is currently working on redoing all the biographies it will be some time before they are finished.)

Finally having arrived in the US, while driving from the airport Geno filled me in on what had been happening in the States. He told me of the openly gay bishop that had been ordained by the Episcopalian church, and then of the battle over the Ten Commandments in Alabama, and by the time we reached Watertown I was disheartened. It had been a long two days, and all I wanted to do was take a shower, and get some sleep.

I had been asleep less than half an hour when I had a dream. I was in a hospital room; it was very clean, and freshly painted. In the room there was a bed with a woman in it. I approached the bed, and took a closer look at the woman. She was dressed in a gray robe, and she had a ring on every finger of her hand. From time to time, she would raise her hand, look at her fingers, and smile. For some reason, that smile was the saddest thing I've ever seen. It was crooked, and it exhibited no real joy. As I looked at her the sadness in my heart grew to such intensity that it woke me up.

Even awake I could still feel the sadness, and as much as I tried I couldn't get back to sleep. For six days in a row I had the same exact dream, I would see the woman lying in bed, I would be overwhelmed by sadness, then I would wake up. I was so frustrated, not knowing what this meant that on the seventh day I decided to fast.

That night as I went to sleep the dream started again, the same as before. I looked at the woman, she smiled, the sadness overwhelmed me, but I didn't wake up. The door to the room opened and a man dressed in a white smock walked in holding a clipboard. Before he could say anything I began asking a barrage of questions. "Who are you? Why am I here? Who is she? Why have I been dreaming this for almost a week?"

"Because you waited almost a week to fast," he said. He must have noticed the stunned expression on my face, because his eyebrows arched upward. "I am a friend," he continued, "I was sent with a message, be at peace servant, all will be revealed in due time."

"How do I know you're a friend," I asked. "Because, Jesus is Lord", he answered. Then he smiled, and I recognized him. I had seen that smile before. Suddenly I was eight years old again, sleeping in the top bunk of the bed I shared with my grandparents, on a cold winter night in Romania.

I will remember that night for as long as I live. I had woken up to go to the restroom, but before I could get out of bed I heard talking below me. My grandfather was talking to someone, I went to peer over the edge, to see who it was, and found myself face to face with this same man. He'd smiled at me, and I'd instantly gone back to sleep.

"I know you don't I?"

"Yes we've met once before, but I see you often," he answered.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"Because you murmur, because you have said in your heart that you are on a fool's quest, because you think no one hears, that the message is falling on deaf ears. It is not for you to judge the success the message has in the hearts of others, you were called to be a servant, serve. I was sent to rekindle the fire of compassion in your heart. Compassion for the wayward and the lost, compassion for her," he said pointing to the woman in the bed.

"Who is she?"

"She is the church," he answered me. "Content only with the things of this earth, absent of spiritual strength. She is the reason you and others like you were called to forfeit your lives. The sadness you feel when you behold her is nothing compared to the sadness the Father feels for her condition. If she is to stand in the fire, if she is to be victorious she must be strengthened. She has been in this condition of spiritual paralysis for so long, she believes this is her natural state. If only she knew the power she has access to, if only she knew obedience. The wolves have gathered unhindered, and soon they will strike at her with violence. What will she do if she is unable to defend herself? What will become of the house of God?"

"Be faithful, for faithfulness is rewarded. Why do you say in your heart, that God should make it easier, that He should ease your trials, would you rather that pride find its way into your heart when the Father endows you with the gift He has promised? Keep humility as your constant companion, for the humble receive an abundance of grace. Remember if just one soul is spared from the eternal flame, if just one soul is reached and brought to salvation, it is worth a lifetime's labor and sacrifice. One day you will know the number, receive your reward, and be astonished. I must leave now, but whether in the waking hours, or in dream, we will meet again."

The man walked to the bed, looked down at the woman, smiled a sad smile and walked out. As soon as he walked out of the room, and I was alone with her, the sadness began to invade my heart, and I woke up. The reason I share this with you is to ask for your prayers.

It is a difficult thing to go to church after church, night after night, and speak a message of repentance that to the hearts of many has become a foreign concept. The knowledge that if just one heart is reached, if one returns to the narrow path of faith, it was worth it and gives us purpose and new strength. May the light of God shine brightly in your hearts, and may you exhibit Christ wherever you are.

Revelation 3:19, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent."

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.

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