Fire up old sparky...Vice chair Minnesota Dems attack


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
I noticed that the news agencies were very careful not to describe the attackers.
They're only named as young.
Anyone have any more info?
I have enough info myself to decide what I think should be done. This was a well planned attack and very organized. Neighbors were prevented from helping at gunpoint. Minor children were present who could have died should the confrontation have turned even slightly more vicious than it was already. To me this adds up to death penalty. There should be no ands, ifs and buts about it... If the j6 rioters were all located by facial recognition then I'm sure these four attackers could also be located. Juice'em up!!.... Make it a big public trial. Televise it! Lethal Force deserves lethal Force in return. I suppose if the police officers were present and actually blasted a few of these little sons of bitches there would be BLM marches nationwide! But since everything happened the way it was supposed to; which is that the victim ends up being a victim and the attackers end up with nothing not even punishment...BLM is happy.

Fire up old Sparky....
Fried adolescent is on the menu.... Actually they are no longer kids when they learn how to use lethal force the way these little pricks did.

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I noticed that the news agencies were very careful not to describe the attackers.
They're only named as young.
Anyone have any more info?
I have enough info myself to decide what I think should be done. This was a well planned attack and very organized. Neighbors were prevented from helping at gunpoint. Minor children were present who could have died should the confrontation have turned even slightly more vicious than it was already. To me this adds up to death penalty. There should be no ands, ifs and buts about it... If the j6 rioters were all located by facial recognition then I'm sure these four attackers could also be located. Juice'em up!!.... Make it a big public trial. Televise it! Lethal Force deserves lethal Force in return. I suppose if the police officers were present and actually blasted a few of these little sons of bitches there would be BLM marches nationwide! But since everything happened the way it was supposed to; which is that the victim ends up being a victim and the attackers end up with nothing not even punishment...BLM is happy.

Fire up old Sparky....
Fried adolescent is on the menu.... Actually they are no longer kids when they learn how to use lethal force the way these little pricks did.

they forgot to say there were wearing red maga hats. PleaseDon't pointed right away the blood looks really does.she said she had a broken leg and did not go to the hospital and cops did not mention it

only thing missing is a noose and juicy smellett
they forgot to say there were wearing red maga hats. PleaseDon't pointed right away the blood looks really does.she said she had a broken leg and did not go to the hospital and cops did not mention it

only thing missing is a noose and juicy smellett
I have to admit the blood looks a little hinky. Broken leg no hospital? That's kinda weird too. Sparky still needs to be dusted off and rewired.

I noticed that the news agencies were very careful not to describe the attackers.
They're only named as young.
Anyone have any more info?
I have enough info myself to decide what I think should be done. This was a well planned attack and very organized. Neighbors were prevented from helping at gunpoint. Minor children were present who could have died should the confrontation have turned even slightly more vicious than it was already. To me this adds up to death penalty. There should be no ands, ifs and buts about it... If the j6 rioters were all located by facial recognition then I'm sure these four attackers could also be located. Juice'em up!!.... Make it a big public trial. Televise it! Lethal Force deserves lethal Force in return. I suppose if the police officers were present and actually blasted a few of these little sons of bitches there would be BLM marches nationwide! But since everything happened the way it was supposed to; which is that the victim ends up being a victim and the attackers end up with nothing not even punishment...BLM is happy.

Fire up old Sparky....
Fried adolescent is on the menu.... Actually they are no longer kids when they learn how to use lethal force the way these little pricks did.

What the hell happened to you?
Now you're totally into the death penalty for kids too. Was that the real you all along? Sure fooled me! You even revealed your real name to me in a p.m.
What the hell happened to you?
Now you're totally into the death penalty for kids too. Was that the real you all along? Sure fooled me! You even revealed your real name to me in a p.m.
No change I have always advocated for it...put them down.

They are predators in training...they would have had no compunctions pulling the trigger. Pistol whipping has killed many people.

Lethality in return for leathality.

This is not a new concept.
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I have to admit the blood looks a little hinky. Broken leg no hospital? That's kinda weird too. Sparky still needs to be dusted off and rewired.

Jo about the Green Mile treatment with a dry sponge
No change I have always advocated for it...put them down.

They are predators in training...they would have had no compunctions pulling the trigger. Pistol whipping has killed many people.

Letality in return for leathality.

This is not a new concept.
Murder with a gun has become nearly acceptable. You used to understand the peril to your society that's attached to that.

But to be honest, I used to think that people should care.

Actually I think that you just allowed your emotions to get away from you.

Man! If you've gone over to the far side, there's not much hope for America left anymore.
No change I have always advocated for it...put them down.

They are predators in training...they would have had no compunctions pulling the trigger. Pistol whipping has killed many people.

Lethality in return for leathality.

This is not a new concept.
Off topic but on point...........................these soros morons who glue themselves to objects and block commerce and emergency vehicles should get a 3 yr mandatory federal will stop.......notice any statues defaced lately by these animals with a 10 yr stint waiting
Murder with a gun has become nearly acceptable. You used to understand the peril to your society that's attached to that.

But to be honest, I used to think that people should care.

Actually I think that you just allowed your emotions to get away from you.

Man! If you've gone over to the far side, there's not much hope for America left anymore.
why does most gun violence happen in shit holes for?

you are canadian right?...well you don't count anyway
Off topic but on point...........................these soros morons who glue themselves to objects and block commerce and emergency vehicles should get a 3 yr mandatory federal will stop.......notice any statues defaced lately by these animals with a 10 yr stint waiting
They are fortunate they live here. Try that in a place like Iran .... Scimitar fixes it quickly. about the Green Mile treatment with a dry sponge
I wonder if that blood splatter is washout from a first aid any case she doesn't look pistol whipped...
I've seen pistol whipped...usually can't recognize the person unless it was a single blow.
I wonder if that blood splatter is washout from a first aid any case she doesn't look pistol whipped...
I've seen pistol whipped...usually can't recognize the person unless it was a single blow.
i'm just waiting for the red maga hats scurrying away on camera
What the hell happened to you?
Now you're totally into the death penalty for kids too. Was that the real you all along? Sure fooled me! You even revealed your real name to me in a p.m.
My teeth and claws appear where young children are concerned. The attackers have surrendered any claim to minor's protections. They have stepped into the adult world irreversibly.
My teeth and claws appear where young children are concerned. The attackers have surrendered any claim to minor's protections. They have stepped into the adult world irreversibly.
You're to blame as much as any other American for what children become in your country.

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