First death takes place in clashes following Jerusalem decision

Why aren't the Arab Palestinians and the Muslims calling for mutual recognition?
Yep. Sure. If everyone just did everything the violent murderous Muslims wanted, the violent murderous Muslims would stop being murderous and violent.
If everyone just did everything the violent murderous zionists wanted, would the violent murderous zionists stop being murderous and violent. I doubt it. There is no upside here. Trump is an an idiot and traitor.

And if an abused wife just stopped making her husband mad, he would stop hitting her.
Not if the 'husband' was a zionist.
No upside?! Are you shitting me!? Just when one thought the leftists couldn't get more apopleptic... Bam!!! Trump cranks it up another notch! This is turning out to be the greatest presidency of my lifetime! And to think... 3 more years minimum!
Of course blame America but not the ones who are actually killing. Geezus you fuckers are deplorable..
If you didn't think that Trump's idiotic decision was not going to cause death, then you know nothing about this topic.

Real quick, repeat after me... JERUSALEM IS NOT EVEN PART OF ISRAEL!
They're dead extremists. How is that not a win for all of civilization?

The United States has no say in which city any country calls its capital. We simply put our Embassies in the capitals of all countries.

If the arab nutjobs want to riot over that, then they own the responsibility for the deaths.

And yet, do you blame HRC and President Obama for Benghazi?

The words spoken by President Trump matter, and he has shown no interest in or ability to consider the consequences of his speech or tweets. The man is unfit to be POTUS and proves that everyday.
Yep. Sure. If everyone just did everything the violent murderous Muslims wanted, the violent murderous Muslims would stop being murderous and violent.
If everyone just did everything the violent murderous zionists wanted, would the violent murderous zionists stop being murderous and violent. I doubt it. There is no upside here. Trump is an an idiot and traitor.

And if an abused wife just stopped making her husband mad, he would stop hitting her.
Not if the 'husband' was a zionist.

I think its much more likely Trump understands that angry, hateful, violence-prone Moslems are going to be angry, hateful and violence-prone whether he appeases them or not.
Of course blame America but not the ones who are actually killing. Geezus you fuckers are deplorable..
If you didn't think that Trump's idiotic decision was not going to cause death, then you know nothing about this topic.

Real quick, repeat after me... JERUSALEM IS NOT EVEN PART OF ISRAEL!
They're dead extremists. How is that not a win for all of civilization?

The United States has no say in which city any country calls its capital. We simply put our Embassies in the capitals of all countries.

If the arab nutjobs want to riot over that, then they own the responsibility for the deaths.

And yet, do you blame HRC and President Obama for Benghazi?

The words spoken by President Trump matter, and he has shown no interest in or ability to consider the consequences of his speech or tweets. The man is unfit to be POTUS and proves that everyday.
Nah... We just don't care what consequence it has for democrat, and leftists feelings... You guys really aren't catching on to how this is going to work... Are you?
Of course blame America but not the ones who are actually killing. Geezus you fuckers are deplorable..
If you didn't think that Trump's idiotic decision was not going to cause death, then you know nothing about this topic.

Real quick, repeat after me... JERUSALEM IS NOT EVEN PART OF ISRAEL!
They're dead extremists. How is that not a win for all of civilization?

The United States has no say in which city any country calls its capital. We simply put our Embassies in the capitals of all countries.

If the arab nutjobs want to riot over that, then they own the responsibility for the deaths.

And yet, do you blame HRC and President Obama for Benghazi?

The words spoken by President Trump matter, and he has shown no interest in or ability to consider the consequences of his speech or tweets. The man is unfit to be POTUS and proves that everyday.
It becomes easier each and every time I see you're OCD about losing an election. I'm not a supporter of Trump, but each president for decades has stated that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It has also been U.S. policy since time immemorial to put our embassies in the capital city of the host country.

Yet you clowns only bitch about it now, when a Republican is in office.

At no time ever, should the United States give any consideration to a bunch of radicals when it comes to our policies or where we place our embassy's.

As for Obama and Clinton, they made their own bed with their actions in FAILING to protect our Ambassador. You, as per your SOP, are comparing apples and dump trucks.
I want it to be know Trump only spoke a few Americans, certainty not all or even most Americans.
I hadn't realized you were the designated politburo mouthpiece for Americans.

The things you learn on a message board.

Trump lost the maj vote, and most of Americans do not want this move. Read the news.
Personally I think this was just another way for Israel to start another war, to bomb the heck
out of the Pals in Gaza and the WB just to get rid of as many Pals as could be.

That would be the best thing to do. Just wipe out the pallys and then there will be peace.
That would be the best thing to do. Just wipe out the pallys and then there will be peace.
Hitler felt that way about the Jews. :frown:

The Jews weren't tunneling around Berlin killing Germans. There weren't any Jewish suicide bombers nor Jewish rock throwers.

If you are going to resurrect the ghost of Hitler to wheedle some sympathy for the sick, murderous, killers called palestinians save your efforts. I don't buy muzz shit no matter how it's packaged.
That would be the best thing to do. Just wipe out the pallys and then there will be peace.

That is a vile suggestion.

But necessary. When there is a virus destroying a population in an epidemic no one feels sorry for the virus. Everyone knows it needs to be wiped out. There are no equal virus rights.

And to dehumanize the Arab Palestinians by calling them viruses is equally vile.

Let's not battle murderous, violent Arabs and Muslims by becoming them. We can defend ourselves. That is all.
That would be the best thing to do. Just wipe out the pallys and then there will be peace.
Hitler felt that way about the Jews. :frown:

The Jews weren't tunneling around Berlin killing Germans. There weren't any Jewish suicide bombers nor Jewish rock throwers.

If you are going to resurrect the ghost of Hitler to wheedle some sympathy for the sick, murderous, killers called palestinians save your efforts. I don't buy muzz shit no matter how it's packaged.
Nope, they weren't throwing rocks and your knowledge of history is lacking severely.

Jewish men and women of the Warsaw Ghetto took up arms and rebelled against the Nazis...

Warsaw Jews of the Jewish Combat Organization and the Jewish Military Union fought the Germans with a handful of small arms and Molotov cocktails, as Polish resistance attacked from the outside in support....

There were many other major and minor ghetto uprisings, however most were not successful.

Jewish resistance in German-occupied Europe - Wikipedia
I called for the genocide of an entire people? I don't think so.
No, it was your attempt to dehumanize the Arab Palestinians by calling them violent and murderous.
I called for the genocide of an entire people? I don't think so.
No, it was your attempt to dehumanize the Arab Palestinians by calling them violent and murderous.

No -- I'm calling out the behaviour of those who are rioting and therefore are violent. You have been doing the same for three days -- saying that Trump's decision will be the outbreak of WWIII and claiming that we shouldn't piss off the 2+billion Muslims in the world for fear they will all get violent.
No -- I'm calling out the behaviour of those who are rioting and therefore are violent. You have been doing the same for three days -- saying that Trump's decision will be the outbreak of WWIII and claiming that we shouldn't piss off the 2+billion Muslims in the world for fear they will all get violent.
Wrong. Of course they would be demonstrating the the theft of Jerusalem. Trump knew it, the zionists knew it, the world knew it.

Try claiming DC as your capital, or Moscow, Paris, London or anywhere else on earth that does not belong to you and see what happens.
No -- I'm calling out the behaviour of those who are rioting and therefore are violent. You have been doing the same for three days -- saying that Trump's decision will be the outbreak of WWIII and claiming that we shouldn't piss off the 2+billion Muslims in the world for fear they will all get violent.
Wrong. Of course they would be demonstrating the the theft of Jerusalem. Trump knew it, the zionists knew it, the world knew it.

Try claiming DC as your capital, or Moscow, Paris, London or anywhere else on earth that does not belong to you and see what happens.

What theft of Jerusalem? You're getting quite frantic. Can Jerusalem be stole from Arabs-Moslems when they don't "own it"?

Have you petitioned the prayer leader at your madrassah to proclaim Jerusalem as the capital of Islam?
Let the death begin, Donald. If you wanted death and war, your plan worked perfectly. If this is your idea of being a peace broker, you have failed miserably.

Thirty-one-year-old Mahmoud al-Masri was killed in clashes along Israeli-Gaza border amidst a show of rage over the Trump administration's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital....

A second unnamed victim was initially reported to be killed along the northern Gaza border. The Palestinian health ministry has since retracted their statement, confirming the individual is in critical condition instead....

Meanwhile protests against Trump's decision took place around the world....

First death takes place in clashes following Jerusalem decision

There is no upside for America or the world. None, absolutely none.

They all seemed so peaceful before Trump took office

I wonder what has gotten into them.

Let me guess, it's the orange toupee, isn't it. It make me so angry I think about rioting as well.

I've been trying to determine if the Palestinian death rate or violence rate has increased but can find no evidence of it. Of course, it will take a little time for clear results. I do not wish to see a rise in death and violence. I also do not wish to cow under threats of violence, especially if the violence will occur no matter the policy decision. So far, it does not appear that ADDITIONAL violence is occurring, just a different "justification" for the usual.

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