First death takes place in clashes following Jerusalem decision

Of course blame America but not the ones who are actually killing. Geezus you fuckers are deplorable..
If you didn't think that Trump's idiotic decision was not going to cause death, then you know nothing about this topic.

Real quick, repeat after me... JERUSALEM IS NOT EVEN PART OF ISRAEL!

Yes it you stupid c.u.n.t! There is no such thing as Palestine. It is a make believe word by squatters and invaders

Fuck Islam

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Open letter to the worlds people who read GHook's post:

This ^^^ post by GHook93 is atypical of 99% of Americans, known as a free and welcoming people - at least until Trump unleashed haters like GHook.

Some people are envious that immigrants from around the world are smarter, more successful and harder working then they are, and thus these inferior native born citizens express insensitivity to those who are different.

A small number of these native born citizens once refused to welcome and hire the Irish, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. who today have assimilated and become real Americans - unlike Hook and our current POTUS who despoil our ethos.
Last edited:
Some people are envious that immigrants from around the world are smarter, more successful and harder working, and thus the inferior native born citizens express insensitivity to those who are different.

A small number of native born citizens once refused to hire the Irish, Italian, Chinese, etc. who have assimilated and become real Americans - unlike Hook and our current POTUS.
"Immigrants" have fucked up where I live
Of course blame America but not the ones who are actually killing. Geezus you fuckers are deplorable..
If you didn't think that Trump's idiotic decision was not going to cause death, then you know nothing about this topic.

Real quick, repeat after me... JERUSALEM IS NOT EVEN PART OF ISRAEL!

Yes it you stupid c.u.n.t! There is no such thing as Palestine. It is a make believe word by squatters and invaders

Fuck Islam

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Open letter to the worlds people who read GHook's post:

This ^^^ post by GHook93 is atypical of 99% of Americans, known as a free and welcoming people - at least until Trump unleashed haters like GHook.

Some people are envious that immigrants from around the world are smarter, more successful and harder working then they are, and thus these inferior native born citizens express insensitivity to those who are different.

A small number of these native born citizens once refused to welcome and hire the Irish, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. who today have assimilated and become real Americans - unlike Hook and our current POTUS who despoil our ethos.
Must be pretty smart to strap a bomb to a child or pregnant woman and march her into a crowd of innocent people and blow them up? Yea, I see how you liberal terrorists think you are smart.
Welcome Palestinians to Israel, the two state solution is now dead. Israelites behold your new citizens. Equal rights. I mean that is what democracies and secular countries do right?

Perhaps the Pals are playing this wrong. Tear down the wall, get civil rights in Israel and even if you are religious , get welfare like the Hasidic do.

The Israelis are you stupid! Why the hell would anyone invite in millions of people with no skills that go right to welfare and want to destroy your country. That type of thing is left for Europe!

Fuck Islam. Rather the Israelis should send them all backing back to Arabia!

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Of course blame America but not the ones who are actually killing. Geezus you fuckers are deplorable..
If you didn't think that Trump's idiotic decision was not going to cause death, then you know nothing about this topic.

Real quick, repeat after me... JERUSALEM IS NOT EVEN PART OF ISRAEL!

Yes it you stupid c.u.n.t! There is no such thing as Palestine. It is a make believe word by squatters and invaders

Fuck Islam

Sent from my iPhone using

Open letter to the worlds people who read GHook's post:

This ^^^ post by GHook93 is atypical of 99% of Americans, known as a free and welcoming people - at least until Trump unleashed haters like GHook.

Some people are envious that immigrants from around the world are smarter, more successful and harder working then they are, and thus these inferior native born citizens express insensitivity to those who are different.

A small number of these native born citizens once refused to welcome and hire the Irish, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. who today have assimilated and become real Americans - unlike Hook and our current POTUS who despoil our ethos.
A small number of these native born citizens once refused to welcome and hire the Irish, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese,
Damn you are outing the KKK(southern white democrats) again ?
Of course blame America but not the ones who are actually killing. Geezus you fuckers are deplorable..
If you didn't think that Trump's idiotic decision was not going to cause death, then you know nothing about this topic.

Real quick, repeat after me... JERUSALEM IS NOT EVEN PART OF ISRAEL!

Yes it you stupid c.u.n.t! There is no such thing as Palestine. It is a make believe word by squatters and invaders

Fuck Islam

Sent from my iPhone using

Open letter to the worlds people who read GHook's post:

This ^^^ post by GHook93 is atypical of 99% of Americans, known as a free and welcoming people - at least until Trump unleashed haters like GHook.

Some people are envious that immigrants from around the world are smarter, more successful and harder working then they are, and thus these inferior native born citizens express insensitivity to those who are different.

A small number of these native born citizens once refused to welcome and hire the Irish, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. who today have assimilated and become real Americans - unlike Hook and our current POTUS who despoil our ethos.
A small number of these native born citizens once refused to welcome and hire the Irish, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese,

Damn you are outing the KKK(southern white democrats) again ?

There were outed in 1948 from the Democratic Party, and are now voters for Republican's. It[s funny how this meme by the right wing fringe continues to be promoted when it has no relevance today.

I suppose when one has nothing original, intelligent or thoughtful to post they default to the same old shit.. Sad.
Of course blame America but not the ones who are actually killing. Geezus you fuckers are deplorable..
If you didn't think that Trump's idiotic decision was not going to cause death, then you know nothing about this topic.

Real quick, repeat after me... JERUSALEM IS NOT EVEN PART OF ISRAEL!
They're dead extremists. How is that not a win for all of civilization?

The United States has no say in which city any country calls its capital. We simply put our Embassies in the capitals of all countries.

If the arab nutjobs want to riot over that, then they own the responsibility for the deaths.
Let the death begin, Donald. If you wanted death and war, your plan worked perfectly. If this is your idea of being a peace broker, you have failed miserably.

Thirty-one-year-old Mahmoud al-Masri was killed in clashes along Israeli-Gaza border amidst a show of rage over the Trump administration's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital....

A second unnamed victim was initially reported to be killed along the northern Gaza border. The Palestinian health ministry has since retracted their statement, confirming the individual is in critical condition instead....

Meanwhile protests against Trump's decision took place around the world....

First death takes place in clashes following Jerusalem decision

There is no upside for America or the world. None, absolutely none.

They all seemed so peaceful before Trump took office

I wonder what has gotten into them.

Let me guess, it's the orange toupee, isn't it. It make me so angry I think about rioting as well.
Of course blame America but not the ones who are actually killing. Geezus you fuckers are deplorable..
If you didn't think that Trump's idiotic decision was not going to cause death, then you know nothing about this topic.

Real quick, repeat after me... JERUSALEM IS NOT EVEN PART OF ISRAEL!

Yes it you stupid c.u.n.t! There is no such thing as Palestine. It is a make believe word by squatters and invaders

Fuck Islam

Sent from my iPhone using

Open letter to the worlds people who read GHook's post:

This ^^^ post by GHook93 is atypical of 99% of Americans, known as a free and welcoming people - at least until Trump unleashed haters like GHook.

Some people are envious that immigrants from around the world are smarter, more successful and harder working then they are, and thus these inferior native born citizens express insensitivity to those who are different.

A small number of these native born citizens once refused to welcome and hire the Irish, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. who today have assimilated and become real Americans - unlike Hook and our current POTUS who despoil our ethos.
A small number of these native born citizens once refused to welcome and hire the Irish, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese,

Damn you are outing the KKK(southern white democrats) again ?

There were outed in 1948 from the Democratic Party, and are now voters for Republican's. It[s funny how this meme by the right wing fringe continues to be promoted when it has no relevance today.

I suppose when one has nothing original, intelligent or thoughtful to post they default to the same old shit.. Sad.
And you graduated from what school? If you graduated?
Let the death begin, Donald. If you wanted death and war, your plan worked perfectly. If this is your idea of being a peace broker, you have failed miserably.

Thirty-one-year-old Mahmoud al-Masri was killed in clashes along Israeli-Gaza border amidst a show of rage over the Trump administration's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital....

A second unnamed victim was initially reported to be killed along the northern Gaza border. The Palestinian health ministry has since retracted their statement, confirming the individual is in critical condition instead....

Meanwhile protests against Trump's decision took place around the world....

First death takes place in clashes following Jerusalem decision

There is no upside for America or the world. None, absolutely none.
OMG, OMG, OMG! They're killing 31 year old terrorist children!
Let the death begin, Donald. If you wanted death and war, your plan worked perfectly. If this is your idea of being a peace broker, you have failed miserably.

Thirty-one-year-old Mahmoud al-Masri was killed in clashes along Israeli-Gaza border amidst a show of rage over the Trump administration's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital....

A second unnamed victim was initially reported to be killed along the northern Gaza border. The Palestinian health ministry has since retracted their statement, confirming the individual is in critical condition instead....

Meanwhile protests against Trump's decision took place around the world....

First death takes place in clashes following Jerusalem decision

There is no upside for America or the world. None, absolutely none.

They all seemed so peaceful before Trump took office

I wonder what has gotten into them.

Let me guess, it's the orange toupee, isn't it. It make me so angry I think about rioting as well.
Belestinians are famous for being bery beasbul beoble.
I sure hope Trump has learned his lesson.

Do as the Palestinians demand and no one gets hurt ever again.

So how exactly does one negotiate with a murderous 3 year old?
There are no "clashes". There are violent riots being intentionally incited not just in the WB, but in Gaza, and Jordan and all over the Muslim world. These violent riots are calling for "Death to America" and "Death to Israel".

They are not calling for equal treatment. They are not calling for mutual recognition. They are not calling for recognition of their US embassy in Jerusalem. They are calling for the destruction of a sovereign country and the deaths of its citizens.

And Team Palestine KNOWS it, which is why they keep saying this simple recognition of reality is going to result in deaths. Well, NEWSFLASH! Its going to result in deaths because Arab Muslims are violently rioting and everyone knows they are going to start killing people in another intifada.

Put the responsibility where it belongs -- on the Arab Palestinians and the world's Muslims who are calling for violence and murder instead of negotiations and peace and mutual recognition.
These violent riots are calling for "Death to America" and "Death to Israel".
Thank-you Donald.

If your idea of making America great again meant inciting even more hatred from the 2+ billion strong Muslim world, then you have.
These violent riots are calling for "Death to America" and "Death to Israel".
Thank-you Donald.

If your idea of making America great again meant inciting even more hatred from the 2+ billion strong Muslim world, then you have.

Yep. Sure. If everyone just did everything the violent murderous Muslims wanted, the violent murderous Muslims would stop being murderous and violent.

And if an abused wife just stopped making her husband mad, he would stop hitting her.
Yep. Sure. If everyone just did everything the violent murderous Muslims wanted, the violent murderous Muslims would stop being murderous and violent.
If everyone just did everything the violent murderous zionists wanted, would the violent murderous zionists stop being murderous and violent. I doubt it. There is no upside here. Trump is an an idiot and traitor.

And if an abused wife just stopped making her husband mad, he would stop hitting her.
Not if the 'husband' was a zionist.
Let the death begin, Donald. If you wanted death and war, your plan worked perfectly. If this is your idea of being a peace broker, you have failed miserably.

Thirty-one-year-old Mahmoud al-Masri was killed in clashes along Israeli-Gaza border amidst a show of rage over the Trump administration's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital....

A second unnamed victim was initially reported to be killed along the northern Gaza border. The Palestinian health ministry has since retracted their statement, confirming the individual is in critical condition instead....

Meanwhile protests against Trump's decision took place around the world....

First death takes place in clashes following Jerusalem decision

There is no upside for America or the world. None, absolutely none.
He wouldn't be dead if he had stayed home... Now would he? He wanted to make a statement. And now he has. Do you think his family will think it was worth it?

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