First of its Kind Telecom Enforcement Action by the Justice Department

The Department of Justice (DOJ) filed civil actions for temporary restraining orders today in two landmark cases against five companies and three individuals allegedly responsible for carrying hundreds of millions of fraudulent robocalls to American consumers, the Department of Justice announced.
DOJ Files Actions to Stop Telecom Carriers Who Facilitated Hundreds of Millions of Fraudulent Robocalls to American Consumers
That is good news. Every person they catch should be given a sentence to a work slave farm.
Does that include the RNC, I can't tell you how many robocalls I got from the RNC and tramp himself.
Does that include the RNC, I can't tell you how many robocalls I got from the RNC and tramp himself.

Only if you are a registered repub, little liar.

That isn't true.

I am registered to vote, but not as either DNC or GOP. Somehow, the GOP has decided that I am with them, and I get robocalls from them and Trump's minions. It has to do with the congressional districts and statistical data crunching. It has to do with your address, and other information they can get on you.

With that said, what Penny wrote has nothing to do with the OP. Usually the representations made by legitimate parties and the representatives have nothing to do with fraudulant activity. It is legitimate political solicitation.

From the OP source;

". . .Recently, foreign fraudsters have used robocalls to impersonate government investigators and to provide Americans with alarming messages, such as: the recipient’s social security number or other personal information has been compromised or otherwise connected to criminal activity; the recipient faces imminent arrest; their assets are being frozen; their bank and credit accounts have suspect activity; their benefits are being stopped; they face imminent deportation; or combinations of these threats.

Each of these claims is a lie, designed to scare the call recipient into paying large sums of money. Social Security imposters, IRS imposters, and tech-support schemes (in which callers impersonate legitimate technology companies) have proliferated in part because of the ease with which robocalls can reach millions of potential victims every hour.

In the cases announced today, the United States alleges that the defendants operated voice over internet protocol (VoIP) carriers, which use an internet connection rather than traditional copper phone lines to carry telephone calls. Numerous foreign-based criminal organizations are alleged to have used the defendants’ VoIP carrier services to pass fraudulent government- and business-imposter fraud robocalls to American victims. The complaints filed in the cases specifically allege that defendants served as “gateway carriers,” making them the entry point for foreign-initiated calls into the U.S. telecommunications system.

The defendants carried astronomical numbers of robocalls. For example, the complaint against the owners/operators of Ecommerce National d/b/a alleges that the defendants carried 720 million calls during a sample 23-day period, and that more than 425 million of those calls lasted less than one second, indicating that they were robocalls. The complaint further alleges that many of the 720 million calls were fraudulent and used spoofed (i.e., fake) caller ID numbers.

The calls facilitated by the defendants falsely threatened victims with a variety of catastrophic government actions, including termination of social security benefits, imminent arrest for alleged tax fraud and deportation for supposed failure to fill out immigration forms correctly.

According to allegations in both complaints, the defendants ignored repeated red flags and warnings about the fraudulent and unlawful nature of the calls they were carrying.. . . "

As an aside? I should mention, when the polical parties call? I know it is them, I pick up. OTH, when the folks this article is talking about? I know it is them, it just comes up as either "unknown" or some random phone number in my area code unassociated with a name or business. . . I let it go to voicemail to see what it wants. Of course, no message is ever left.
Does that include the RNC, I can't tell you how many robocalls I got from the RNC and tramp himself.

Only if you are a registered repub, little liar.

OR -- she could simply be following Trump on Twitter because of her unnatural obsession with him... :2up:

I've reported robocalls to the FTC before.. THey NEVER announce the people they bust, so I've assumed their not doing much.. THis is good news..

Working at home in my office/lab -- I used to get calls from "Microsoft" telling me I need to let them on my computer to resolve some issues.. I PLAYED these dudes for months. And they'd have other people on the line laughing in the background.. I think they had a bounty on me for anyone that would get me to fall for their scam..

Literally hundreds of calls from these guys over about 3 or 5 years... Sometimes 3 times a day when they were bored over in Pakistan...
My Social Security number was revoked and I would need to take "Immediate Action" according to about 200 annoying calls to my phone over the last several months.

The ONLY thing China gets right....they would execute these SOB's on the spot for the damage they do to society..
Does that include the RNC, I can't tell you how many robocalls I got from the RNC and tramp himself.

Only if you are a registered repub, little liar.

OR -- she could simply be following Trump on Twitter because of her unnatural obsession with him... :2up:

I've reported robocalls to the FTC before.. THey NEVER announce the people they bust, so I've assumed their not doing much.. THis is good news..

Working at home in my office/lab -- I used to get calls from "Microsoft" telling me I need to let them on my computer to resolve some issues.. I PLAYED these dudes for months. And they'd have other people on the line laughing in the background.. I think they had a bounty on me for anyone that would get me to fall for their scam..

Literally hundreds of calls from these guys over about 3 or 5 years... Sometimes 3 times a day when they were bored over in Pakistan...

There is a guy on YouTube who posts videos of him hacking THEM, and deleting all the files of the people they have suckered!
Does that include the RNC, I can't tell you how many robocalls I got from the RNC and tramp himself.

Only if you are a registered repub, little liar.

OR -- she could simply be following Trump on Twitter because of her unnatural obsession with him... :2up:

I've reported robocalls to the FTC before.. THey NEVER announce the people they bust, so I've assumed their not doing much.. THis is good news..

Working at home in my office/lab -- I used to get calls from "Microsoft" telling me I need to let them on my computer to resolve some issues.. I PLAYED these dudes for months. And they'd have other people on the line laughing in the background.. I think they had a bounty on me for anyone that would get me to fall for their scam..

Literally hundreds of calls from these guys over about 3 or 5 years... Sometimes 3 times a day when they were bored over in Pakistan...

There is a guy on YouTube who posts videos of him hacking THEM, and deleting all the files of the people they have suckered!

I kept telling these folks that they were famous.. That everyone knew their scam. I think that's why so many of them would call me.. LOL... And I explained to them why they didn't actually WORK for Microsoft.. Was a bit worried that Pakistani ISI might have been listening in as well..
Hey westwall -- Think I might know the Paki scammer in THIS video... He tries to hit on an ACTUAL EMPLOYEE of Microsoft... It's hysterical.... :lmao:

Government tyranny!!!

Let the free markets handle it


Actually, that's the best idea since the govt has had large group dedicated to this problem for a couple decades now and you rarely HEAR about prosecutions or indictments. And the 2 I've reported didn't stop.. At least not for a year or two..

The government (federal) is not NEAR fast enough or smart enough to prevent damage from things like this.. The ones that WORSHIP bigger more muscular govt (like YOU) think they are. When they act on impulse to an IMMEDIATE crisis, the majority of the time, they make the situation worse...

By the time the govt gets around to acting, MOST of the public has already "crowd-sourced" an indictment on the web.. And all you have to do is browse for it.. They're all there.. Reported and sad stories attached..

The actual phone call isn't a problem if you have caller ID and know most of your contacts and zip codes.. Just let it go to voicemail... Problem solved.. UNLESS -- like the ACTUAL Microsoft employee in the vid above, you just want to investigate and jerk their chains a bit...

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