First Regulations To Be Cut?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
I think I may have an answer. Based on the Trump team's unwillingness to comply with federal law regarding disclosure of info and divestment for administration officials, I am guessing that Trump will rail against ethics regulations shortly after innaguration day.

According to this piece by lib elite journalists, the Trump transition team is kicking the can down the road and may face some serious issues as a result. This would surely provide lots of folder for nutbag victims to cry about.

Ethics office struggled to gain access to Trump team, emails Show
Trump derangement syndrome gives new meaning to derangement syndrome. And we thought the Bush DS was off the hook?!!:2up:

The bumpy cucumbers get more bulbous by the day!!:bye1:

Nuking of unconstitutional regulations countdown...........5.........4........3........2...............

hope so AGuy !! ----------- what is it , 13 days to go eh ??
It seems that nobody is interested in this subject. Not surprising. It's kind of wonky.

Every so often, a thing happens. It doesn't seem like much at first. But...the worm turns. And...after a takes on greater significance.

I'm thinking that this will be one of those things. There are laws which need to be obeyed and rules which need to be followed. The Trump nominees need to cross some t's and dot some i's. Otherwise, they will expose themselves. What could be a slam dunk confirmation may turn into a struggle. A self inflicted struggle.
We've already seen the draft of the executive order he will sign rescinding all executive orders and regulations since 2008 to present.
Democrats just love to sit around playing what if. When it gets crazy is when they start acting like it really happened.

What if Trump ordered the immediate arrest of all black people.

OMG Trump's first act is going to be arresting all black people.

Hitler Trump's brownshirts are going door to door dragging black people out and arresting them.

We know. The playbook is always the same.

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