First results in Nevada: Bernie 42, Biden 19% (Trump is screwed. The Bern is kicking ass)

You care less than what? Hey, look. We found common ground again. We both think Trump should be doing more and we both know HIllary is a liar.

With none of that making any difference. If you want the status quo forever, whatever. I don't.

I laid out what I want. I am not sure that Stein could have accomplished anything more.

Specifically how would she have accomplished your agenda? POTUS is not a position that can just act unilaterally on everything.

I believe Stein would have ended the wars. That is something that a president can end on his own. It's something Trump has said over and over he would. He has no balls.

Neither does Stein.

How would she have ended the wars, specifically?

Brought the troops home. Trump said he would. Was he lying?

We are in like 7 wars currently and also have troops in Japan, Korea, and Germany. Jill would have brought all the troops home from everywhere on earth?
How am I a hypocrite?

You are a hypocrite if you thought Kavanaugh shouldn’t have been confirmed based on hearsay.

Here I put up fucking video. Not an unconfirmed rumor from 30 years ago.

VI. Deeee Ooooo
I didn't say that about Kavanaugh. I had a reason, but it wasn't his drunken behavior as a teenager.

I don't watch fucking videos here. If I wanted to watch videos, I'd turn on the television.

What is your specific reason that Kavanaugh should not have been confirmed?
Listen. It is right here. Supreme Court justices are supposed to keep their personal opinions out of their decisions. Based on his statements out of his own mouth, I seriously questioned whether he could do that.

Did he have reason for feeling the way he did? Yeah, they put him through the wringer; entitled men who grew up protected and cosseted in their private clubs don't take challenges well. And the Dems were unfair; it was brutal. But it is what it is and the damage was done. I doubt if his feelings toward the left were much different before the hearings.

I don't watch fucking videos here. If I wanted to watch videos, I'd turn on the television.:21::21:

You are such a liar and a hypocrite.

What did I lie about? I just showed you that I am not hypocritical. You saw his testimony when he made those remarks. You asked me a question and I honestly, specifically, answered it. I expected the joke about watching the video--touche.

All you can do is throw meaningless names with no good reason, so I'm done wasting my time on you.
You are a hypocrite if you thought Kavanaugh shouldn’t have been confirmed based on hearsay.

Here I put up fucking video. Not an unconfirmed rumor from 30 years ago.

VI. Deeee Ooooo
I didn't say that about Kavanaugh. I had a reason, but it wasn't his drunken behavior as a teenager.

I don't watch fucking videos here. If I wanted to watch videos, I'd turn on the television.

What is your specific reason that Kavanaugh should not have been confirmed?
Listen. It is right here. Supreme Court justices are supposed to keep their personal opinions out of their decisions. Based on his statements out of his own mouth, I seriously questioned whether he could do that.

Did he have reason for feeling the way he did? Yeah, they put him through the wringer; entitled men who grew up protected and cosseted in their private clubs don't take challenges well. And the Dems were unfair; it was brutal. But it is what it is and the damage was done. I doubt if his feelings toward the left were much different before the hearings.

I don't watch fucking videos here. If I wanted to watch videos, I'd turn on the television.:21::21:

You are such a liar and a hypocrite.

What did I lie about? I just showed you that I am not hypocritical. You saw his testimony when he made those remarks. You asked me a question and I honestly, specifically, answered it. I expected the joke about watching the video--touche.

All you can do is throw meaningless names with no good reason, so I'm done wasting my time on you.

You claimed “I don't watch fucking videos here. If I wanted to watch videos, I'd turn on the television.”

Then you posted a video.

Good lord.

I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter

Yep, my brother lives in a suburb of Vegas. He and all of his friends who voted in the cacaus voted for BERNARD! He was laughing, telling me how the rest of the Democratic candidates stand ins were a death mask, lol.

Of course, they are all voting for Trump in the general. This was just a "stick it up the DNC a**" for doing what they did for the last 3 years.

You will be happy to know that I will be back in Indiana before their primary. I and all of my friends are doing exactly the same thing, so we are doing our part to give you EXACTLY what you want, a BERNARD victory for the nomination.

I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter

Yep, my brother lives in a suburb of Vegas. He and all of his friends who voted in the cacaus voted for BERNARD! He was laughing, telling me how the rest of the Democratic candidates stand ins were a death mask, lol.

Of course, they are all voting for Trump in the general. This was just a "stick it up the DNC a**" for doing what they did for the last 4 years.

You will be happy to know that I will be back in Indiana before their primary. I and all of my friends are doing exactly the same thing, so we are doing our part to give you EXACTLY what you want, a BERNARD victory for the nomination.

I love that this is now a thing.

Everyone who can change to Dimm and vote for Bernie in the primaries need to do so!

Fuck Putin, we can rig the primaries ourselves.

I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter

Yep, my brother lives in a suburb of Vegas. He and all of his friends who voted in the cacaus voted for BERNARD! He was laughing, telling me how the rest of the Democratic candidates stand ins were a death mask, lol.

Of course, they are all voting for Trump in the general. This was just a "stick it up the DNC a**" for doing what they did for the last 4 years.

You will be happy to know that I will be back in Indiana before their primary. I and all of my friends are doing exactly the same thing, so we are doing our part to give you EXACTLY what you want, a BERNARD victory for the nomination.

I love that this is now a thing.

Everyone who can change to Dimm and vote for Bernie in the primaries need to do so!

Fuck Putin, we can rig the primaries ourselves.

And the DNC deserves EXACTLY what they are going to get, lol. Do you realize how a ticket led by BERNARD is going to affect the down ballot races-)

Now Leftists, remember when YOU said there was NOTHING we could do-)

Surprise1 The reality is...…..there is NOTHING you can do!
Yep, I am not happy he isn’t doing more. That doesn’t make me wish Hillary won.

Hillary would be doing largely the same as Trump. The argument is no longer about Hillary.

I've said many times that I understood people voting for Bush the first time.....not the second.

I understood people voting for Obama the first time.....not the second.

I understood why people vote for Trump over Hillary...........Like Bush and Obama, Trump has not been the person he said he would be.
Trump has been what he said he would be and its driving the washington establishment nuts

The establishment fully supports him. He is them. He says he is going to do something and the establishment says "no you aren't" and Trump falls in line.

Nowhere is this more obvious than with the wars.

if trump had used the past four years to grow big ears and a tail the swamp rats in congress and the Deep State would adopt him as one of their own

but trump has tried to keep is promises to the voters and so remains a pariah and Public Enemy #1 for the establishment

It's entirely Trump's call about the wars.

What, specifically, do you want Trump to do that he has not done?

Lay out the issues.


1) end the wars like he promised.

2) Come up with the replacement for Obamacare that everyone was going to support like he promised.

3) Quit acting like a 12 year old.

That would be a great start.
With ZERO cooperation by the washington swamp rats trump is doing the best he can

hopefully he will be able to expand his efforts against illegal aliens and bring factory jobs back to America
With none of that making any difference. If you want the status quo forever, whatever. I don't.

I laid out what I want. I am not sure that Stein could have accomplished anything more.

Specifically how would she have accomplished your agenda? POTUS is not a position that can just act unilaterally on everything.

I believe Stein would have ended the wars. That is something that a president can end on his own. It's something Trump has said over and over he would. He has no balls.

Neither does Stein.

How would she have ended the wars, specifically?

Brought the troops home. Trump said he would. Was he lying?

We are in like 7 wars currently and also have troops in Japan, Korea, and Germany. Jill would have brought all the troops home from everywhere on earth?

I don't know what she has said about that but if you want to move the bar to there I suppose you can. I'm stated what I want.
Love the Red Man now.

The deadline was last week. A bunch of us registered Pubs in Florida changed our affiliation and will vote for Bernie in the Dimm primary on March 17th!

Feel the Bern! Bernie! Commie!
You didn't see Obama
These are just democrats. Of course a democrat is going to win. The United States is not going to embrace communism. At least not this election.
But they'll embrace Democratic socialism.
We all know that democratic socialism is really communism. Even democrats aren't that stupid. There will be a constant drum beat of communism and comparisons to Stalin. Democratic socialism will be a faint echo in the distance.

Bernie wants to expand Medicare. We already have Medicare. Bernie want's to expand publicly funded education. We already have publicly funded education.

Bernie is simply wanting what we already do, cover more people.

We already have a minimum wage. Bernie simply wants to raise it just like we have many times in the past.
Bernie wants to expand two things that we already know suck.

People fully support Medicare and public education. Go ahead, have Trump run on ending both of them.
And this right here is what the problem is and will remain, regardless of what Trump does.
Hillary would be doing largely the same as Trump. The argument is no longer about Hillary.

I've said many times that I understood people voting for Bush the first time.....not the second.

I understood people voting for Obama the first time.....not the second.

I understood why people vote for Trump over Hillary...........Like Bush and Obama, Trump has not been the person he said he would be.
Trump has been what he said he would be and its driving the washington establishment nuts

The establishment fully supports him. He is them. He says he is going to do something and the establishment says "no you aren't" and Trump falls in line.

Nowhere is this more obvious than with the wars.

if trump had used the past four years to grow big ears and a tail the swamp rats in congress and the Deep State would adopt him as one of their own

but trump has tried to keep is promises to the voters and so remains a pariah and Public Enemy #1 for the establishment

It's entirely Trump's call about the wars.

What, specifically, do you want Trump to do that he has not done?

Lay out the issues.


1) end the wars like he promised.

2) Come up with the replacement for Obamacare that everyone was going to support like he promised.

3) Quit acting like a 12 year old.

That would be a great start.
With ZERO cooperation by the washington swamp rats trump is doing the best he can

hopefully he will be able to expand his efforts against illegal aliens and bring factory jobs back to America

Trump has everything he needs to address the problem with illegals. He has full control. Always with the excuses.
You didn't see Obama
But they'll embrace Democratic socialism.
We all know that democratic socialism is really communism. Even democrats aren't that stupid. There will be a constant drum beat of communism and comparisons to Stalin. Democratic socialism will be a faint echo in the distance.

Bernie wants to expand Medicare. We already have Medicare. Bernie want's to expand publicly funded education. We already have publicly funded education.

Bernie is simply wanting what we already do, cover more people.

We already have a minimum wage. Bernie simply wants to raise it just like we have many times in the past.
Bernie wants to expand two things that we already know suck.

People fully support Medicare and public education. Go ahead, have Trump run on ending both of them.
And this right here is what the problem is and will remain, regardless of what Trump does.

Supporting programs people largely support is the problem? LOL
I laid out what I want. I am not sure that Stein could have accomplished anything more.

Specifically how would she have accomplished your agenda? POTUS is not a position that can just act unilaterally on everything.

I believe Stein would have ended the wars. That is something that a president can end on his own. It's something Trump has said over and over he would. He has no balls.

Neither does Stein.

How would she have ended the wars, specifically?

Brought the troops home. Trump said he would. Was he lying?

We are in like 7 wars currently and also have troops in Japan, Korea, and Germany. Jill would have brought all the troops home from everywhere on earth?

I don't know what she has said about that but if you want to move the bar to there I suppose you can. I'm stated what I want.

And I stated what I wanted, neither of us will get it.
Trump has been what he said he would be and its driving the washington establishment nuts

The establishment fully supports him. He is them. He says he is going to do something and the establishment says "no you aren't" and Trump falls in line.

Nowhere is this more obvious than with the wars.

if trump had used the past four years to grow big ears and a tail the swamp rats in congress and the Deep State would adopt him as one of their own

but trump has tried to keep is promises to the voters and so remains a pariah and Public Enemy #1 for the establishment

It's entirely Trump's call about the wars.

What, specifically, do you want Trump to do that he has not done?

Lay out the issues.


1) end the wars like he promised.

2) Come up with the replacement for Obamacare that everyone was going to support like he promised.

3) Quit acting like a 12 year old.

That would be a great start.
With ZERO cooperation by the washington swamp rats trump is doing the best he can

hopefully he will be able to expand his efforts against illegal aliens and bring factory jobs back to America

Trump has everything he needs to address the problem with illegals. He has full control. Always with the excuses.

I agree. Anyone here illegally should be deported immediately. Is that what Stein ran on?
Trump has been what he said he would be and its driving the washington establishment nuts

The establishment fully supports him. He is them. He says he is going to do something and the establishment says "no you aren't" and Trump falls in line.

Nowhere is this more obvious than with the wars.

if trump had used the past four years to grow big ears and a tail the swamp rats in congress and the Deep State would adopt him as one of their own

but trump has tried to keep is promises to the voters and so remains a pariah and Public Enemy #1 for the establishment

It's entirely Trump's call about the wars.

What, specifically, do you want Trump to do that he has not done?

Lay out the issues.


1) end the wars like he promised.

2) Come up with the replacement for Obamacare that everyone was going to support like he promised.

3) Quit acting like a 12 year old.

That would be a great start.
With ZERO cooperation by the washington swamp rats trump is doing the best he can

hopefully he will be able to expand his efforts against illegal aliens and bring factory jobs back to America

Trump has everything he needs to address the problem with illegals. He has full control. Always with the excuses.
What a boatload of horseshit. Trump certainly does not have full control.
We all know that democratic socialism is really communism. Even democrats aren't that stupid. There will be a constant drum beat of communism and comparisons to Stalin. Democratic socialism will be a faint echo in the distance.

Bernie wants to expand Medicare. We already have Medicare. Bernie want's to expand publicly funded education. We already have publicly funded education.

Bernie is simply wanting what we already do, cover more people.

We already have a minimum wage. Bernie simply wants to raise it just like we have many times in the past.
Bernie wants to expand two things that we already know suck.

People fully support Medicare and public education. Go ahead, have Trump run on ending both of them.
And this right here is what the problem is and will remain, regardless of what Trump does.

Supporting programs people largely support is the problem? LOL
Supporting programs that have no business existing is the problem.

Everything you want, I want us to get rid of.

I want the government cut by half and at least 70% of the departments eliminated.
I want our troops home and the world can just go fuck itself until it comes to its senses.
I want the media to stop lying to the American people on behalf of a political party.
I want the power of the people to return to them in the form of more powerful individual states.

Mostly, I want the fucking government to leave the people alone.
That chart of yours if you have ever taken a political science course is so screwed up in so many ways it’s not worth my time to show you how wrong it is.

This is the most accurate one I have found

Why do you people lie about wanting to behead Christians and Conservatives and lie about Democrat Socialists being Nazis?

History of the Social Democratic Party of Germany - Wikipedia

They called themselves Democrat Socialists, and as we know Nazis Worship Death like Democrats Worship Death.

You realize that “Democratic Socialists” are exactly what The Nazis called themselves right?
No it's not. The "nazis" were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. From the right take nationalism from the left take socialism. The greatest political ideology ever and they were attacked because they cut the Jewish bankers out of the money scheme and issued their own money. If that had caught on in the rest of the world that would have been VERY bad for the bankers.
That isn't the National Socialists. The NSDAP was the National Socialist German Workers Party.

There is no difference between Baby Killing DemNazi Socilaists, Baby Killing German Nazi Socialists, Or Baby Killing Soviet Union Communist-Socialists, nor every Baby Killing Socialist Child of Hell running for The DemNazi Nomination for President.
Cute but false political spectrum you have there. Its more like this

Last edited:
The combined expenditures The DemNazi Party is trying to sell The American People on for all Their Commie Socialist Programs is near $200 Trillion.

Our GDP is only $20 Trillion.

The only way they can do this is to take over every single corner of industry and Enslave The Whole Country and there still wouldn’t be enough money to cover it.


I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter are right....

Ending private healthcare...

Ending oil, and natural gas energy production....

Increasing taxes on anyone making over 29,000 dollars a year....

Opening our borders to unlimited illegal immigration....

Allowing sanctuary cities to protect violent illegal aliens...

Giving Iran total access to nuclear weapons....

Supporting the terrorist groups targeting Israel.....

Allowing men to use women's bathrooms.....and peeing next to your daughters....

Allowing boys to compete against girls in girls sports........and taking their scholarships and awards...

Yeah...Trump should be terrified of :290968001256257790-final:

The combined expenditures The DemNazi Party is trying to sell The American People on for all Their Commie Socialist Programs is near $200 Trillion.

Our GDP is only $20 Trillion.

The only way they can do this is to take over every single corner of industry and Enslave The Whole Country and there still wouldn’t be enough money to cover it.


I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter are right....

Ending private healthcare...

Ending oil, and natural gas energy production....

Increasing taxes on anyone making over 29,000 dollars a year....

Opening our borders to unlimited illegal immigration....

Allowing sanctuary cities to protect violent illegal aliens...

Giving Iran total access to nuclear weapons....

Supporting the terrorist groups targeting Israel.....

Allowing men to use women's bathrooms.....and peeing next to your daughters....

Allowing boys to compete against girls in girls sports........and taking their scholarships and awards...

Yeah...Trump should be terrified of :290968001256257790-final:

They still couldn't pay for it.
Maybe these lefties want to be like China and start confiscating paper money so they can track every dollar we spend and tax 99 cents of it.

The combined expenditures The DemNazi Party is trying to sell The American People on for all Their Commie Socialist Programs is near $200 Trillion.

Our GDP is only $20 Trillion.

The only way they can do this is to take over every single corner of industry and Enslave The Whole Country and there still wouldn’t be enough money to cover it.


I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter are right....

Ending private healthcare...

Ending oil, and natural gas energy production....

Increasing taxes on anyone making over 29,000 dollars a year....

Opening our borders to unlimited illegal immigration....

Allowing sanctuary cities to protect violent illegal aliens...

Giving Iran total access to nuclear weapons....

Supporting the terrorist groups targeting Israel.....

Allowing men to use women's bathrooms.....and peeing next to your daughters....

Allowing boys to compete against girls in girls sports........and taking their scholarships and awards...

Yeah...Trump should be terrified of :290968001256257790-final:

They still couldn't pay for it.
Last edited:

I don't think Donald Trump knows what kind of electoral phenomenon is about to hit him.
The primaries are practically over. It's Bernie vs. the unpopular Donald Trump.
Sahil Kapur on Twitter

Yep, my brother lives in a suburb of Vegas. He and all of his friends who voted in the cacaus voted for BERNARD! He was laughing, telling me how the rest of the Democratic candidates stand ins were a death mask, lol.

Of course, they are all voting for Trump in the general. This was just a "stick it up the DNC a**" for doing what they did for the last 3 years.

You will be happy to know that I will be back in Indiana before their primary. I and all of my friends are doing exactly the same thing, so we are doing our part to give you EXACTLY what you want, a BERNARD victory for the nomination.
Bernie leads Trump by 11% in the latest Nevada poll.

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