first The Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro, now Congressman Dan Crenshaw challenges AOC to a debate

Shapiro and Crenshaw don't seem to realize that members of Congress debate each other on the floor of the House or in committee.The proper response by AOC, a brand new member of Congress, to these two ignorant idiots is "bite me."
Shapiro and Crenshaw don't seem to realize that members of Congress debate each other on the floor of the House or in committee.The proper response by AOC, a brand new member of Congress, to these two ignorant idiots is "bite me."
That’s the only response she could have. She’s a dope.
Dan Crenshaw Says He Would Debate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This would be arguably one of the most WATCHED events of the year...

I would pay good money Crenshaw make mincemeat out of AOC. It'd be like Wm F. Buckley debating Fred Flintstone.

Shapiro offered $10,000 to a charity of HER choice to debate. Guess when she's scared and believes all she has to do is support higher taxes, she saw no need to debate.
WE know who the scared one many Congresscritters are being focused on in fear by conservative republicans as AOC? :71:

No one is scared of her. She's amusing as hell and good for a laugh.

Wonder if she's the new face of the Democratic party?? If she is. They sure are in trouble.
Sure you are terrified of her....that's why all the focus on her instead of the other 434 House Members. :71:

Pointing out the she's a dumbass and a coward is only trying to help the country.
Dan Crenshaw Says He Would Debate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This would be arguably one of the most WATCHED events of the year...

I would pay good money Crenshaw make mincemeat out of AOC. It'd be like Wm F. Buckley debating Fred Flintstone.

Shapiro offered $10,000 to a charity of HER choice to debate. Guess when she's scared and believes all she has to do is support higher taxes, she saw no need to debate.
WE know who the scared one many Congresscritters are being focused on in fear by conservative republicans as AOC? :71:

No one is scared of her. She's amusing as hell and good for a laugh.

Wonder if she's the new face of the Democratic party?? If she is. They sure are in trouble.

She talked about running train. Perhaps she's projecting what she does privately which would answer how she got so many votes.

Well I thought she had no one running against her.

NY is mostly Dem so, that's why she won. Hell. They'd probably vote for Jack the Ripper if he were a Dem.

She was more than willing to promise someone else's money to a group of constituents more than willing to be lazy pieces of shit.
Dan Crenshaw Says He Would Debate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This would be arguably one of the most WATCHED events of the year...

I would pay good money Crenshaw make mincemeat out of AOC. It'd be like Wm F. Buckley debating Fred Flintstone.

Shapiro offered $10,000 to a charity of HER choice to debate. Guess when she's scared and believes all she has to do is support higher taxes, she saw no need to debate.
WE know who the scared one many Congresscritters are being focused on in fear by conservative republicans as AOC? :71:

No one is scared of her. She's amusing as hell and good for a laugh.

Wonder if she's the new face of the Democratic party?? If she is. They sure are in trouble.
Sure you are terrified of her....that's why all the focus on her instead of the other 434 House Members. :71:

Terrified of her?? Don't make me laugh.

She's a joke the Dems are now stuck with.

She's a gutless coward. Offered $10,000 to her favorite charity to defend her positions and runs and hides while blaming the one that challenged her.
Shapiro and Crenshaw don't seem to realize that members of Congress debate each other on the floor of the House or in committee.The proper response by AOC, a brand new member of Congress, to these two ignorant idiots is "bite me."
That’s the only response she could have. She’s a dope.

There is no reason for her, or any other member of Congress, to kowtow to somebody's attempt at a publicity stunt. The House and Senate are supposed to operate with decorum. I've been around DC for decades, and this kind of crap just isn't done.The republicans for at least a decade have not followed any procedures and courtesies that are traditional. There is no reason to sink to their level.
Shapiro and Crenshaw don't seem to realize that members of Congress debate each other on the floor of the House or in committee.The proper response by AOC, a brand new member of Congress, to these two ignorant idiots is "bite me."
That’s the only response she could have. She’s a dope.

There is no reason for her, or any other member of Congress, to kowtow to somebody's attempt at a publicity stunt. The House and Senate are supposed to operate with decorum. I've been around DC for decades, and this kind of crap just isn't done.The republicans for at least a decade have not followed any procedures and courtesies that are traditional. There is no reason to sink to their level.
Are you insane? Ocassional Kotex IS a publicity stunt.
Today she ran around the halls of the Capitol looking for Mitch McConnell on some sort of 8th grade scavenger hunt.
Shapiro and Crenshaw don't seem to realize that members of Congress debate each other on the floor of the House or in committee.The proper response by AOC, a brand new member of Congress, to these two ignorant idiots is "bite me."
That’s the only response she could have. She’s a dope.

There is no reason for her, or any other member of Congress, to kowtow to somebody's attempt at a publicity stunt. The House and Senate are supposed to operate with decorum. I've been around DC for decades, and this kind of crap just isn't done.The republicans for at least a decade have not followed any procedures and courtesies that are traditional. There is no reason to sink to their level.
Are you insane? Ocassional Kotex IS a publicity stunt.
Today she ran around the halls of the Capitol looking for Mitch McConnell on some sort of 8th grade scavenger hunt.

I am not insane. Shapiro has no rank or any official status. He is just a right-wing twit to whom no one owes anything. Whatever Crenshaw has to say, he can say properly on the House floor.

You sound like quite a misogynist. The Kotex remark is really cheap and sleazy.
Shapiro and Crenshaw don't seem to realize that members of Congress debate each other on the floor of the House or in committee.The proper response by AOC, a brand new member of Congress, to these two ignorant idiots is "bite me."
That’s the only response she could have. She’s a dope.

There is no reason for her, or any other member of Congress, to kowtow to somebody's attempt at a publicity stunt. The House and Senate are supposed to operate with decorum. I've been around DC for decades, and this kind of crap just isn't done.The republicans for at least a decade have not followed any procedures and courtesies that are traditional. There is no reason to sink to their level.
Are you insane? Ocassional Kotex IS a publicity stunt.
Today she ran around the halls of the Capitol looking for Mitch McConnell on some sort of 8th grade scavenger hunt.

I am not insane. Shapiro has no rank or any official status. He is just a right-wing twit to whom no one owes anything. Whatever Crenshaw has to say, he can say properly on the House floor.

You sound like quite a misogynist. The Kotex remark is really cheap and sleazy.
Mysoginist? Try nature.
Kotex is being propagated by corrupt democrat media so it’s in the realm of
media that she needs to be challenged. People need to see what they’ve been dealt and her ignorance needs equal exposure.
Shapiro and Crenshaw don't seem to realize that members of Congress debate each other on the floor of the House or in committee.The proper response by AOC, a brand new member of Congress, to these two ignorant idiots is "bite me."
That’s the only response she could have. She’s a dope.

There is no reason for her, or any other member of Congress, to kowtow to somebody's attempt at a publicity stunt. The House and Senate are supposed to operate with decorum. I've been around DC for decades, and this kind of crap just isn't done.The republicans for at least a decade have not followed any procedures and courtesies that are traditional. There is no reason to sink to their level.
Are you insane? Ocassional Kotex IS a publicity stunt.
Today she ran around the halls of the Capitol looking for Mitch McConnell on some sort of 8th grade scavenger hunt.

I am not insane. Shapiro has no rank or any official status. He is just a right-wing twit to whom no one owes anything. Whatever Crenshaw has to say, he can say properly on the House floor.

You sound like quite a misogynist. The Kotex remark is really cheap and sleazy.
Mysoginist? Try nature.
Kotex is being propagated by corrupt democrat media so it’s in the realm of
media that she needs to be challenged. People need to see what they’ve been dealt and her ignorance needs equal exposure.
Yes, misogynist. You do not have to refer to female biology just because you don't like someone for political reasons. So many ignorant republican men have been in Congress and such methods have not be used to "expose them." Look how long Daryl Issa lasted. Goehmert hasn't been so challenged. Then there's pigpence. The list is long of republican men who lack two brain cells to rub together.
That’s the only response she could have. She’s a dope.

There is no reason for her, or any other member of Congress, to kowtow to somebody's attempt at a publicity stunt. The House and Senate are supposed to operate with decorum. I've been around DC for decades, and this kind of crap just isn't done.The republicans for at least a decade have not followed any procedures and courtesies that are traditional. There is no reason to sink to their level.
Are you insane? Ocassional Kotex IS a publicity stunt.
Today she ran around the halls of the Capitol looking for Mitch McConnell on some sort of 8th grade scavenger hunt.

I am not insane. Shapiro has no rank or any official status. He is just a right-wing twit to whom no one owes anything. Whatever Crenshaw has to say, he can say properly on the House floor.

You sound like quite a misogynist. The Kotex remark is really cheap and sleazy.
Mysoginist? Try nature.
Kotex is being propagated by corrupt democrat media so it’s in the realm of
media that she needs to be challenged. People need to see what they’ve been dealt and her ignorance needs equal exposure.
Yes, misogynist. You do not have to refer to female biology just because you don't like someone for political reasons. So many ignorant republican men have been in Congress and such methods have not be used to "expose them." Look how long Daryl Issa lasted. Goehmert hasn't been so challenged. Then there's pigpence. The list is long of republican men who lack two brain cells to rub together.
Save your phony sanctimony for a pussified sucker, you sexist.
PMS is natural and feminine. Nothing mysoginistic about it.
You’re another lefty sexist bigot. Keep your bigotry to yourself and grow a spine.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Dan Crenshaw Says He Would Debate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This would be arguably one of the most WATCHED events of the year...

I would pay good money Crenshaw make mincemeat out of AOC. It'd be like Wm F. Buckley debating Fred Flintstone.
People should stop trying to debate shapiro. hes too quick, knowledgeable in law/faith/history/politics, and confident. But that doesnt mean hes right on everything. Debate is a different beast. It's just that few can gracefully or adequately rebut in the typical allotted time.

AOC should not debate him except mayhe in long term written form.
i would love to debate anybody. i would get turned on if i got owned...especially by someone handsome
Thanks for sharing that tidbit. Go tell ben that gender is a spectrum and get your fix.
Funny how Trump lovers don't complain when Ben Shapiro repeatedly backs out of debates with people over and over again..

Funny how trump lovers forget attacking this guy so much during the election that he left Brietbart; who also began attacking him...

Oh by the way, if you call Ben Shapiro a neo-con, that means you are being Anti-Semitic.

These facts don’t care about Ben Shapiro’s feelings
Dan Crenshaw Says He Would Debate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This would be arguably one of the most WATCHED events of the year...

I would pay good money Crenshaw make mincemeat out of AOC. It'd be like Wm F. Buckley debating Fred Flintstone.

Shapiro offered $10,000 to a charity of HER choice to debate. Guess when she's scared and believes all she has to do is support higher taxes, she saw no need to debate.

She would be a fool to debate even if she was literate.... Which I'm afraid she's not.
Her popularity is based on personal energy
not on prosaic strategem. She's actually right about the comparison of factual correctness versus moral uprightness. Most people could never get away with that statement.... for works.

Dan Crenshaw Says He Would Debate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This would be arguably one of the most WATCHED events of the year...

I would pay good money Crenshaw make mincemeat out of AOC. It'd be like Wm F. Buckley debating Fred Flintstone.

Shapiro offered $10,000 to a charity of HER choice to debate. Guess when she's scared and believes all she has to do is support higher taxes, she saw no need to debate.

She would be a fool to debate even if she was literate.... Which I'm afraid she's not.
Her popularity is based on personal energy
not on prosaic strategem. She's actually right about the comparison of factual correctness versus moral uprightness. Most people could never get away with that statement.... for works.

She's a fool whether she debates or not. Debating for her would be embarrassment on top of that.

Her popularity is based on those in her district thinking they deserve what she's promised to them.
We need to realize that these are desperate times for the Deplorables and they are really digging deep for a distraction as their ersatz world is crumbling around them. As the calls for Trump`s resignation or impeachment reach a new intensity, with the latest revelations of his orders to counsel to lie in his testimony to congress, the Trumpists seem to be oblivious to it all. Whining about AOC is all they have right now. If AOC gets caught robbing a bank or something today it won`t help orange Jesus one damn bit. Have at it children. You`re great entertainment. :)
Dan Crenshaw Says He Would Debate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

This would be arguably one of the most WATCHED events of the year...

I would pay good money Crenshaw make mincemeat out of AOC. It'd be like Wm F. Buckley debating Fred Flintstone.

Shapiro offered $10,000 to a charity of HER choice to debate. Guess when she's scared and believes all she has to do is support higher taxes, she saw no need to debate.

She would be a fool to debate even if she was literate.... Which I'm afraid she's not.
Her popularity is based on personal energy
not on prosaic strategem. She's actually right about the comparison of factual correctness versus moral uprightness. Most people could never get away with that statement.... for works.

She's a fool whether she debates or not. Debating for her would be embarrassment on top of that.

Her popularity is based on those in her district thinking they deserve what she's promised to them.

Hahah....yeah now all she has to do is ressurect Che.


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