FISA memo contains FOUR explosive revelations

You know, about another week of this, and everyone is going to be so turned off about the "MEMO!!!!!!!!!" that when it does see the light of day, it will already have been discounted as lies and propaganda by all the the most screwball RWNJ's.
Government corruption is out of control at all levels of government. Consider this, my state governor's salary is $172,000 yet my lowly county school superintendent's salary is...wait for it...a taxpayer raping $435,000 more than the president of the United States salary holy crap.
You know, about another week of this, and everyone is going to be so turned off about the "MEMO!!!!!!!!!" that when it does see the light of day, it will already have been discounted as lies and propaganda by all the the most screwball RWNJ's.

You won't be laughing when we arrest your corrupt swine and send them to prison.
You know, about another week of this, and everyone is going to be so turned off about the "MEMO!!!!!!!!!" that when it does see the light of day, it will already have been discounted as lies and propaganda by all the the most screwball RWNJ's.

too late, thats already the case.

the RW dopes have been slobbering about nothing since the birth certificate

theyve been putting dems in jail for over a decade -- but nobody ever goes to jail.

Government corruption is out of control at all levels of government. Consider this, my state governor's salary is $172,000 yet my lowly county school superintendent's salary is...wait for it...a taxpayer raping $435,000 more than the president of the United States salary holy crap.
And you are a voter in that county? Sit in on the school board meetings? If you really don't like that, time for you to be politically active, instead of bawling and whining on a message board in a thread about something not even related.
You know, about another week of this, and everyone is going to be so turned off about the "MEMO!!!!!!!!!" that when it does see the light of day, it will already have been discounted as lies and propaganda by all the the most screwball RWNJ's.

You won't be laughing when we arrest your corrupt swine and send them to prison.
See what I mean? LOL Time for either the release, or Nunnes to simply admit that he is intentionly obstructing justice.
the Nunnes memo BETTER make a BIG SPLASH or Trump will be laughed off Penna Av.

100-1 it doesnt.
Government corruption is out of control at all levels of government. Consider this, my state governor's salary is $172,000 yet my lowly county school superintendent's salary is...wait for it...a taxpayer raping $435,000 more than the president of the United States salary holy crap.
That sounds nuts to me too!!!

do you vote in local and state elections? who decides the school superintendent's salary cap, your legislators?
the Nunnes memo BETTER make a BIG SPLASH or Trump will be laughed off Penna Av.

100-1 it doesnt.
even if it made a splash, give it a day to a week, and Trump will say or do something off the wall that will sabotage it or to keep his Reality show watchers tuned in for tomorrow's show.... nothing but chaos and madness with that dude
Government corruption is out of control at all levels of government. Consider this, my state governor's salary is $172,000 yet my lowly county school superintendent's salary is...wait for it...a taxpayer raping $435,000 more than the president of the United States salary holy crap.
And you are a voter in that county? Sit in on the school board meetings? If you really don't like that, time for you to be politically active, instead of bawling and whining on a message board in a thread about something not even related.

Filthy liberal scum changed the law that used to protect taxpayers from their ridiculous tax increases and absurd salaries, shocker.
You know, about another week of this, and everyone is going to be so turned off about the "MEMO!!!!!!!!!" that when it does see the light of day, it will already have been discounted as lies and propaganda by all the the most screwball RWNJ's.

You won't be laughing when we arrest your corrupt swine and send them to prison.
See what I mean? LOL Time for either the release, or Nunnes to simply admit that he is intentionly obstructing justice.

Time to intern liberal traitors in a gulag.
The MSM is going to go into full meltdown in a few hours. The FISA Memo ultimately points to Barry Hussaine Obama being in on the corrupt conspiracy to weaponize the FBI and MSM to attack our democracy.
Government corruption is out of control at all levels of government. Consider this, my state governor's salary is $172,000 yet my lowly county school superintendent's salary is...wait for it...a taxpayer raping $435,000 more than the president of the United States salary holy crap.
That sounds nuts to me too!!!

do you vote in local and state elections? who decides the school superintendent's salary cap, your legislators?

Liberal filth got tired of taxpayers voting no to their never ending tax increases so they changed the law to game the system. Now they avoid putting tax increases on the ballot during normal elections when most people vote. Instead they hold special elections for tax increases, and if taxpayers still vote no, they just hold another election and another until they can catch enough people sleeping to get it passed.

These liberals LIE they claim to be for the poor and middle class, well what's happening in my county yes these liberal filth are getting rich on the backs of the poor and middle class. For my county which is mostly poor and middle class to have to pay some hack, some liberal shit nobody more than the goddamn president of the Unites States is paid that's just insane.
all Trump did for over a year is rail about putting Clinton in jail for mishandling classified intel - now the old derelict is doing nothing but mishandling classified intel.

his only consistency is total hypocrisy.


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