??Fiscally Conservative Democrat??

Darn! Hope Bfgrn comes back. :(

I will miss her copy/ paste and insults.
I brought him up.

Of course you did... Because it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Republicans have not been fiscally responsible, see what I did there? It was an honest and correct answer... Are you even capable of doing the same?

Hate to burst your bubble there Bfgrn. Reading comprehension...

Stick the banana up your ass. What makes you believe Republicans are fiscally responsible? They haven't been since before you were hatched. Republicans are fiscally IRresponsible.

Senate passes pay-go rule on party-line vote

By Michael O'Brien - 01/28/10 12:58 PM ET

The Senate voted along party lines on Thursday to adopt statutory pay-go rules in a party-lines vote.

60 Democratic senators voted to adopt the pay-go measure (short for "pay-as-you-go"), which would require that new spending measures be offset in the budget by other funds, typically raised through tax increases or cuts to spending.

Read more: Senate passes pay-go rule on party-line vote - The Hill

Guess they were for it before they were for it:

House Approves Democratic `Pay-Go' Spending-Control Measure
By Brian Faler and Jonathan D. Salant - January 5, 2007

House Approves Democratic `Pay-Go' Spending-Control Measure - Bloomberg

But I think this is my favorite:

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling
By J. Taylor Rushing - 02/13/10 07:00 AM ET

President Barack Obama on Saturday congratulated Congress for restoring a requirement that the federal government spend only what it can afford a day after authorizing $1.9 trillion more federal debt.

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Do you even read what you post? Are you aware that the House majority in 2007 was Democratic? Or that Republicans voted against it?




The Chart That Should Accompany All Discussions of the Debt Ceiling

Of course you did... Because it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Republicans have not been fiscally responsible, see what I did there? It was an honest and correct answer... Are you even capable of doing the same?

Hate to burst your bubble there Bfgrn. Reading comprehension...

Senate passes pay-go rule on party-line vote

By Michael O'Brien - 01/28/10 12:58 PM ET

The Senate voted along party lines on Thursday to adopt statutory pay-go rules in a party-lines vote.

60 Democratic senators voted to adopt the pay-go measure (short for "pay-as-you-go"), which would require that new spending measures be offset in the budget by other funds, typically raised through tax increases or cuts to spending.

Read more: Senate passes pay-go rule on party-line vote - The Hill

Guess they were for it before they were for it:

House Approves Democratic `Pay-Go' Spending-Control Measure
By Brian Faler and Jonathan D. Salant - January 5, 2007

House Approves Democratic `Pay-Go' Spending-Control Measure - Bloomberg

But I think this is my favorite:

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling
By J. Taylor Rushing - 02/13/10 07:00 AM ET

President Barack Obama on Saturday congratulated Congress for restoring a requirement that the federal government spend only what it can afford a day after authorizing $1.9 trillion more federal debt.

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Do you even read what you post? Are you aware that the House majority in 2007 was Democratic? Or that Republicans voted against it?




The Chart That Should Accompany All Discussions of the Debt Ceiling


did you really just post that picture that has like 2 years of Obama spending VS 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush, 8 of Clinton and 8 of Bush?

Update that chart and cry a widdle.

Holy fuck, I'll bet you don't believe in evolution either.

I love how the Bush tax cuts are all under Bush, despite Obama re-passing it despite his promise to sunset them...

I love how the wars are under Bush but missing under Obama, the guy who expanded Afghanistan and only got out of Iraq after the Iraq Government demanded we leave on the date BUSH set... Obama tried very very very hard to keep us there...

You're a liar, what's that like? Knowing you're full of shit and everyone knows it? What a gem you would be to debate in front of your friends and family... I'd eat you alive.

I still can't get over 2 years of Obama spending VS 8 of every other President... LOLOLOLz! well, not Bush senior. Fuck, I bet Obama beat Bush daddy, and Clinton by his 4th year... I'll bet Obama is giving Bush Jr a run for it and Obama is only on year 5.
Last edited:
Of course you did... Because it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Republicans have not been fiscally responsible, see what I did there? It was an honest and correct answer... Are you even capable of doing the same?

Hate to burst your bubble there Bfgrn. Reading comprehension...

Senate passes pay-go rule on party-line vote

By Michael O'Brien - 01/28/10 12:58 PM ET

The Senate voted along party lines on Thursday to adopt statutory pay-go rules in a party-lines vote.

60 Democratic senators voted to adopt the pay-go measure (short for "pay-as-you-go"), which would require that new spending measures be offset in the budget by other funds, typically raised through tax increases or cuts to spending.

Read more: Senate passes pay-go rule on party-line vote - The Hill

Guess they were for it before they were for it:

House Approves Democratic `Pay-Go' Spending-Control Measure
By Brian Faler and Jonathan D. Salant - January 5, 2007

House Approves Democratic `Pay-Go' Spending-Control Measure - Bloomberg

But I think this is my favorite:

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling
By J. Taylor Rushing - 02/13/10 07:00 AM ET

President Barack Obama on Saturday congratulated Congress for restoring a requirement that the federal government spend only what it can afford a day after authorizing $1.9 trillion more federal debt.

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Do you even read what you post? Are you aware that the House majority in 2007 was Democratic? Or that Republicans voted against it?

Yes, duh!
That's why I posted it!

Has PAYGO ever been implemented? NO!

Graphs from blogs suck.
Fiscal convervatism plays out in two ways...

1. spend less

2. tax enough to PAY the current bills.

Clearly neither party is conservative fiscally.
Hate to burst your bubble there Bfgrn. Reading comprehension...

Guess they were for it before they were for it:

House Approves Democratic `Pay-Go' Spending-Control Measure
By Brian Faler and Jonathan D. Salant - January 5, 2007

House Approves Democratic `Pay-Go' Spending-Control Measure - Bloomberg

But I think this is my favorite:

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling
By J. Taylor Rushing - 02/13/10 07:00 AM ET

President Barack Obama on Saturday congratulated Congress for restoring a requirement that the federal government spend only what it can afford a day after authorizing $1.9 trillion more federal debt.

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Do you even read what you post? Are you aware that the House majority in 2007 was Democratic? Or that Republicans voted against it?

Yes, duh!
That's why I posted it!

Has PAYGO ever been implemented? NO!

Graphs from blogs suck.


But I think this is my favorite:

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling
By J. Taylor Rushing - 02/13/10 07:00 AM ET

Treating Alzheimer's
Hate to burst your bubble there Bfgrn. Reading comprehension...

Guess they were for it before they were for it:

House Approves Democratic `Pay-Go' Spending-Control Measure
By Brian Faler and Jonathan D. Salant - January 5, 2007

House Approves Democratic `Pay-Go' Spending-Control Measure - Bloomberg

But I think this is my favorite:

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling
By J. Taylor Rushing - 02/13/10 07:00 AM ET

President Barack Obama on Saturday congratulated Congress for restoring a requirement that the federal government spend only what it can afford a day after authorizing $1.9 trillion more federal debt.

Obama signs Pay-Go law but also raises federal debt ceiling - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Do you even read what you post? Are you aware that the House majority in 2007 was Democratic? Or that Republicans voted against it?




The Chart That Should Accompany All Discussions of the Debt Ceiling


did you really just post that picture that has like 2 years of Obama spending VS 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush, 8 of Clinton and 8 of Bush?

Update that chart and cry a widdle.

Holy fuck, I'll bet you don't believe in evolution either.

I love how the Bush tax cuts are all under Bush, despite Obama re-passing it despite his promise to sunset them...

I love how the wars are under Bush but missing under Obama, the guy who expanded Afghanistan and only got out of Iraq after the Iraq Government demanded we leave on the date BUSH set... Obama tried very very very hard to keep us there...

You're a liar, what's that like? Knowing you're full of shit and everyone knows it? What a gem you would be to debate in front of your friends and family... I'd eat you alive.

I still can't get over 2 years of Obama spending VS 8 of every other President... LOLOLOLz! well, not Bush senior. Fuck, I bet Obama beat Bush daddy, and Clinton by his 4th year... I'll bet Obama is giving Bush Jr a run for it and Obama is only on year 5.

Here is your word for the day: ANNUAL

Two Democrats. Kind of blows that whole conservative thing. But patron saint Ronny was able to accomplish in 5 years what it took 39 Presidents combined to achieve. $1 trillion dollars of debt.

of course Clinton was so bad he caused first Republican House in 40 years. Newt made him lie and say "the era of big government is over."
Obama was so bad he created the Tea Party that said "stop dead at $17 trillion you communist sob".

Now you know the real story

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