Five Reasons Why Cats are Inferior to Dogs

LOL. That's pic is hilarious.

I'll vote for dogs anytime:)

So you like having hot dog turds in your hand every day? Or do you not have poop-n-scoop laws in Israel? (Which wouldn't surprise me, :D)

My dogs don't poop when we're out on a walk. They only poop at home in their own yard, which I clean up every day. I use a small bucket and a gardening trowel, no need to have hot dog turds in my hand.

What I really hate is cleaning my six cat boxes every fucking day.
For those of you saying cats are clean...that's actually bullshit. They walk in dirty cat boxes and then walk all over the house. I wouldn't call that clean.

Some dogs are smelly, I'll agree with that. But some aren't. Like my Dobermans. They don't stink. Neither do my minpins. But the Chinese sharpei...does.
A cat saved my life when I was an infant. I was born in Texas and the cat we had killed a scorpion in my crib. Since then I've always had at least one cat.

I don't like dogs, not much at all.

5 reasons I hate dogs:

1. They smell. I can smell a dog in a house the minute I step inside.
2. The big ones often drool, yuck!
3. They demand attention, you need to walk them, etc.
4. They bark.
5. They try to lick your face. Again, yuck!

5 great things about cats:

1. They are independent.
2. They hunt, it's cool to watch.
3. They are clean.
4. They go outside and entertain themselves.
5. They keep rodents away.
One of the places I lived in Apache Juntion/Phoenix, AZ had scorp's in it, and my cat killed a couple. I'd let him sleep on my bed because he'd see them if they ever climbed up on it. He woke me up twice in that bedroom before I finally moved out. Once he cornered a Scorpion by the dresser, and another time he was chasing an ultra fast moving spider called a Fox Scorpion. I got stung in that house too by a Scorpion that crawled up my chair and was crawling up my back. It stung my finger when I brushed it off. I got a little concerned and called the paramedics. At it turns out I must be one of the few that's immune to Scorpion stings. But the medics told me cats were the best defense anyone could have to scorpions because they also are immune to the sting, and will usually kill them.

The cat I have now came crawling out of the weeds late one night at a camp fire I was having. She was starved and smelled the hotdogs cooking. She was super tiny and young but ate two whole hotdogs. She still isn't very big, but another thing about cats, I filled her a new liter box with cat liter, she smelled it, jump in and took a leak. Dogs on the other hand shit and piss all over the house long before they're trained to shit and piss outside.

Another great reason to live in scorpions!
For those of you saying cats are clean...that's actually bullshit. They walk in dirty cat boxes and then walk all over the house. I wouldn't call that clean.

Some dogs are smelly, I'll agree with that. But some aren't. Like my Dobermans. They don't stink. Neither do my minpins. But the Chinese sharpei...does.

I imagine a Sharpei has a lot of the same problems as a Basset hound. Friends of mine have always had Bassets and the dogs always have skin infections and fungus and all kinds of nastiness because of all that extra skin and the wrinkles.
A cat saved my life when I was an infant. I was born in Texas and the cat we had killed a scorpion in my crib. Since then I've always had at least one cat.

I don't like dogs, not much at all.

5 reasons I hate dogs:

1. They smell. I can smell a dog in a house the minute I step inside.
2. The big ones often drool, yuck!
3. They demand attention, you need to walk them, etc.
4. They bark.
5. They try to lick your face. Again, yuck!

5 great things about cats:

1. They are independent.
2. They hunt, it's cool to watch.
3. They are clean.
4. They go outside and entertain themselves.
5. They keep rodents away.
One of the places I lived in Apache Juntion/Phoenix, AZ had scorp's in it, and my cat killed a couple. I'd let him sleep on my bed because he'd see them if they ever climbed up on it. He woke me up twice in that bedroom before I finally moved out. Once he cornered a Scorpion by the dresser, and another time he was chasing an ultra fast moving spider called a Fox Scorpion. I got stung in that house too by a Scorpion that crawled up my chair and was crawling up my back. It stung my finger when I brushed it off. I got a little concerned and called the paramedics. At it turns out I must be one of the few that's immune to Scorpion stings. But the medics told me cats were the best defense anyone could have to scorpions because they also are immune to the sting, and will usually kill them.

The cat I have now came crawling out of the weeds late one night at a camp fire I was having. She was starved and smelled the hotdogs cooking. She was super tiny and young but ate two whole hotdogs. She still isn't very big, but another thing about cats, I filled her a new liter box with cat liter, she smelled it, jump in and took a leak. Dogs on the other hand shit and piss all over the house long before they're trained to shit and piss outside.

I have been stung six times. Not to bad for adults, but kids can have issues. Cool that you had a scorpion guard cat. Wonder how many times he got it?
I watched him pawing at scorpions, obviously hitting the stinger, and he never flinched. He'd play with it and eventually kill it.
A dog actually knows its name and will come when called

So will my cat. :D

But I don't compare dogs to cats. It makes as much sense as comparing apples to oranges. All are wonderful in their own way and according to our own perceptions.
A dog actually knows its name and will come when called

So will my cat. :D

But I don't compare dogs to cats. It makes as much sense as comparing apples to oranges. All are wonderful in their own way and according to our own perceptions.

Agree on both counts. My cat knew his name and would come when called, at least sometimes, if he was in the mood. :cool:

And there is definitely, imo, no reason to compare dogs and cats, they are both wonderful in their own ways.
Dogs were originally allowed to hang around people in case the folks got hungry.
My dog never did this, nor humped anything nor dragged her ass on the carpet. :eusa_hand:

My two female Dobemans have never humped anything, dragged their ass on the carpet or drooled on the carpet. They are magnificent creatures, far outshining any cat I've ever owned. And I currently have seven cats, by the way.

The Chinese sharpei I rescued off the street drags her ass on the carpet and drools. Thankfully, she doesn't hump anything. I don't like her much, but like I said I rescued her off the street. No one else was bothering to help her. If I had to choose between her and my cats, though, I would pick any one of my cats over her. :(

Both my male minpin and my female minpin mix do hump things. They are both rescues, both fixed. They also drag their butts on the carpet occasionally, though not nearly as much as the sharpei. They do not drool.

So it depends on the dog.

None of my dogs puke as much as the cats do. Nor do they make a point of walking across my path when I'm coming down the stairs or rushing about doing chores. Nor do they jump on me in the middle of the night and give me an anxiety attack. Nor do they get up on the kitchen counters and the dining table.

: )

Want to know how to keep your cats from jumping up on the counters and dining table?

Get a squirt gun. Entertaining for you, and it teaches the cat to not jump on things in a very gentle manner, because the worst that happens to them is they get wet.

Trust me, it works, I've trained many a cat that way.

I tried that with worked...the opposite of how it should have. Maya loves water...she would badger me until I squirted her again. Maya is WEIRD.

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