Fla. man kills wife, posts corpse pics to Facebook

I believe it was in Miami so that would make it Dade County. He also turned himself in.

The Facebook photo had no likes but did have shares. I guess a crazy person who would post a picture like that on Facebook is likely to have crazy friends who would share a picture of their friend's dead wife's body.
A lot of truly crazy people out there.

And you are one of those who love to spread the good news. Why even post shit like that? does it make you feel superior? Do you think posting disgusting degenerate filth makes you look caring?

Yes, lot's a crazy people, and lots of assholes with nothing better to do but continue to spread the cheer.
As to the thread subject, it's just another example of the vile subhuman culture we have become; more desire for dubious fame, than desire to be a decent productive citizen.

America is fucked and done. The culture of scumbaggery has won out. But hey, at least we can all fuck each other up the shitters and abort the parasites that grow when we choose someplace odd for intercourse, like a vagina.
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There is fucked up, super fucked up and then there is this. What a POS.

I agree. your community stinks so what are YOU doing ro change it?

My community? I don't live anywhere near there. Without more facts it's difficult to ascertain if this was a crime of passion or some bi polar dumb shit with a heater.
I am a black guy and everytime i hear about black crimes I hear...blacks need to clean up their communities.

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