FLIP-FLOP: Occasionally Cognizant~Against U.S. Involvement In Syria Before She Was For It

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
www.dailywire.com ^ | October 9th, 2019 | By Joseph Curl

Back in April, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined several other lawmakers to blast President Trump for keeping U.S. troops in Syria.

“The 2015 introduction of U.S. military forces into hostilities in Syria was never approved by Congress, in violation of the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution of 1973,” says the letter, signed by a bipartisan group of lawmakers, including Republican Sens. Mike Lee and Rand Paul and freshman Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar. “We believe that the stated intention of withdrawing our forces is appropriate, and we look forward to the orderly return of our service members from this theater of conflict.”

“It is long past time to rein in the use of force that goes beyond congressional authorization, and we look forward to pursuing this longstanding bipartisan objective with your Administration,” the letter reads. “Finally, we hope this will serve as a model for ending hostilities in the future — in particular, as you and your administration seek a political solution to our involvement in Afghanistan.”

So, fast forward to this week. The Trump Administration announces that American troops will begin a withdrawal from the Syrian border to make way for a Turkish incursion into the region.

Trump said Monday on Twitter: “The Kurds fought with us, but were paid massive amounts of money and equipment to do so. They have been fighting Turkey for decades. I held off this fight for almost three years, but it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous endless wars, many of them tribal, and bring our soldiers home.”

And he went further on Wednesday, retweeting a post about the “endless quagmires in the Middle East.” “Should have never been there in the first place!” Trump wrote.

But NOW, Ocasio-Cortez thinks America ought to stay in Syria.

“Trump’s sudden withdrawal from northern Syria & endorsement of Turkey’s actions could have catastrophic consequences & risks laying the ground for immense violence and suffering,” she wrote Tuesday in Twitter.

Trump’s sudden withdrawal from northern Syria & endorsement of Turkey’s actions could have catastrophic consequences & risks laying the ground for immense violence and suffering.

We can pursue a strategy to stop our endless wars without endangering the lives of innocent people. The Wall Street Journal on Twitter

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) October 8, 2019

That stance is completely opposite of her long-held position that the U.S. must pull out of Syria.

When she was running for Congress in 2018, she vowed to work to end U.S. involvement in not just Syria, but across the Middle East.

“Since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the United States has entangled itself in war and occupation throughout the Middle East and North Africa. As of 2018, we are currently involved in military action in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, and Somalia,” her campaign website says. “Hundreds of thousands of civilians in these countries have been killed either as collateral damage from American strikes or from the instability caused by U.S. interventions. Millions more have fled their broken countries, contributing to the global refugee crisis.”

America should not be in the business of destabilizing countries. While we may see ourselves as liberators, the world increasingly views us as occupiers and aggressors. Alexandria believes that we must end the “forever war” by bringing our troops home, and ending the air strikes that perpetuate the cycle of terrorism throughout the world.

She also wrote on Twitter in April 2018 that “A ‘mad king’ President, with majority disapproval of Americans, just decided to bomb a nation without the Constitutional requirement of Congressional approval.”

Here is the profound danger of what we just did in Syria:

A ‘mad king’ President, with majority disapproval of Americans, just decided to bomb a nation without the Constitutional requirement of Congressional approval.

Democrats who take war money passed the laws allowing that.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 14, 2018


An excellent example of the lefts HYPOCRISY AND LIES....BUT we already know this by all the lies the ABNORMALS spew in USMB!...ROYFLMFAO

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