Florida abortion rights amendment proposal looks likely to appear on ballot

On TV they are running nice family style commercials produced from Planned Parenthood. The images we had seen before the supreme court decision tell a different story of the places that perform abortions. To me we have around one million abortions a year and some of it is to laziness in prevention and there are repeat offenders. Taxpayers should have a right to have a say.
That’s because reproductive healthcare and family planning should be decided only by a woman, her doctor, and her family – not the state.

This issue clearly exposes the hypocrisy of the right and the fact that conservatives are not advocates of ‘small government.’
What scares me is not the people who want it banned but those who have problems with birth control and contraception. If they ever try and touch those that will backfire completely.
You need to lay off the koolaid, Alex.

Migrants bussed from the border is not just an immigration crisis. Think public health.​

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that immigration applicants with communicable diseases are inadmissible to the United States, but they can’t be stopped if they aren't routinely screened before entering the country, as is the case with undocumented migrants.
Migrants bussed from the border is not just an immigration crisis. Think public health.

If they're not routinely screened anymore, they sure as hell aren't being vetted.
How can they be vetted when US Border Patrol are so overwhelmed and just let them waltz into the interior?

Biden has a flat tire now, his future as POTUS fades each day. Hell, he can't find his way off of a stage without a tour guide most of the time. You could make Jill 'Acting President' instead of 'Care Giver in Chief'.

Sentenced to hard time at Mar-A-Lago would be the likely outcome if it ever got that far......or there's always 'Club Fed'....forget about Sing Sing.

You forget the Georgia charges. Georgia doesn’t have home arrest. We don’t have alternatives. If Convicted in Georgia, Trump will be sentenced to State Prison. There is no alternative. It is in the law as mandatory minimum.

Pardon is also not an option. The Governor can not pardon in Georgia until after you have served your sentence.

If Trump is convicted in Georgia he will be sentenced to at least ten years in State Prison.
“Florida abortion advocates got one step closer on Friday to putting access to the procedure on the state’s ballot in November, even as Republicans continue to try and block them.
This example of the democratic process brought to you by the USSC in v Dobbs.


Well it looks like they have the sigs needed. But the GOP is already looking to block this. Not by having a debate and winning the argument.
But by legal technicalities.
Even if they win I would not trust desantis to follow through on the peoples wishes. Maga doesnt respect democracy. Best of luck.
In your whole history of posting not one thing about helping women who want their baby.
I feel a preternatural chill when I read your stuff
Common sense says allow it with compromised restrictions. What's so dang hard about this. The voters will is always right.

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